Use "retinas" in a sentence

1. Now that image is permanently etched into my retinas.

2. Osteomas are every bit as distinctive as fingerprints or retinas.

3. My eyesight was irreparably damaged by detached retinas in 1971.

4. As to the effectiveness of procedures for correcting detached retinas, Dr.

5. It's better than burning out your retinas looking at the UVC rays.

6. But that means that retinas in your eyes are not catching the light, either.

7. And the other thing is they're working on artificial retinas for the blind.

8. We used two kinds of albinotic Wistar rats (1. Animals with intact retinas. — 2.

9. He says: “My retinas have only been slightly damaged, and thankfully, I still have my full peripheral vision.

10. The cones that carpet our retinas are only sensitive to the primary colors: Green, Red and Blue.

11. Any of you come down here. wear your shades or you' il fry your retinas

12. Artists who worked with lead complained of palseys, melancholy, coughing, enlarged retinas, and even blindness.

13. Airglow is typically too faint to fire up the cone cells in our retinas responsible for color vision

14. She also shared with us a unique document, and it was the shipping label that sent his retinas from DC to Philadelphia.

15. Biometrics A biometric is a way to identify someone based on physical characteristics: fingerprints, DNA, retinas, voice, face, or even gait, among others

16. A comparative study between mammalian vascularised and Avascularised retinas has shown that in both cases neuroglobin is associated strongly with mitochondria

17. Biometric Technology Demystified Biometric technology is defined as the measurement and analysis of unique human characteristics such as DNA, fingerprints, voice patterns, hand measurements, and eye retinas and irises.

18. RETINAS has eight accepted anagrams - ANESTRI, Antsier, NASTIER, RATINES, RETAINS, RETSINA, STAINER, and STEARIN - which means nine different words can be played using those same seven letters

19. The Komodo dragon can see objects as far away as 300 m (980 ft), but because its retinas only contain cones, it is thought to have poor night vision.

20. I said, "And second of all, bad things happen to children every day, and if you didn't want these retinas, they would probably be buried in the ground right now.

21. Cone cells, or Cones, are photoreceptor cells in the retinas of vertebrate eyes including the human eye.They respond differently to light of different wavelengths, and are thus responsible for color vision, and function best in relatively bright light, as opposed to rod cells, which work better in dim light.Cone cells are densely packed in the fovea centralis, a 0.3 mm diameter rod-free area