Use "retarded" in a sentence

1. That's retarded.

2. He's functionally retarded.

3. Corvus OS is another retarded ROM with many retarded Customization

4. They hang retarded newborns?


6. I'm retarded about reverse osmosis.

7. Risk of deformed or retarded babies

8. Many of the children are severely retarded.

9. Jesus Christ, are you people retarded?

10. But i still love this kid "That's almost as retarded as Blinded, but not that retarded"

11. This school is calculated for retarded children.

12. Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.

13. He was like deformed or retarded or something.

14. The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.

15. Ascertaining Choice with Alingual, Deaf-Blind and Retarded Clients

16. Apart from higher education, other cultural developments were retarded.

17. To even the most politically retarded this is a nonsense.

18. The lack of a rail link retarded the town's development.

19. She was slightly mentally retarded and had attacks of petit mal type.

20. Beastie 1) (v.) To act crazy, outlandish, outrageous, stupid or retarded

21. Accumulation of histamine in fresh sardines was retarded when utilizing ice.

22. The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.

23. Her death was retarded by five years because of good treatment.

24. Pathologic Aerophagia is present in 8.8% of the mentally retarded population 3) .

25. Think of the babies born with congenital defects—blind, retarded, or deformed.

26. Cretins shows slow growth, pot belly, gross intellectual deficiency and retarded sexual …

27. But because they looked like such retarded dunces, and women saw right through them.

28. Blood flow is slowly retarded; a week later the parts in question fall off.

29. The other people were a mixture of juvenile delinquents and retarded middle aged criminals.

30. I had a man who was retarded and who was also severely disabled physically.

31. He has since passed away, but was mentally retarded and suffers from severe bone abnormalities.

32. 4 The other people were a mixture of juvenile delinquents and retarded middle aged criminals.

33. In the unsuccessful reactions, the decomposition of formic acid is strongly retarded by the alkyne.

34. It is not the retarded kids of the world who produce the wars and destruction.”

35. My retarded brother is a year younger than me, and he's already sprouting pit hair.

36. To explore the suitability and effect of Portage Early Education Program in mental retarded children.

37. Mine the art of the cripple, the retarded, the autistic, not the beautiful and whole.

38. The specific site of growth is usually in a small residual pond where permafrost aggradation is retarded.

39. At 26 weeks the patient delivered a dead, growth retarded fetus and an almost complete placenta membranacea.

40. Lacking sufficient thyroid hormones, a child may become physically and mentally retarded, a condition called cretinism.

41. The process has retarded the kind of interdisciplinary research required by complex environmental and population issues.

42. Cretinous: 1 adj afflicted with cretinism Synonyms: retarded relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development

43. Let me show you that all men aren't as cruel and immature as your retarded merchant banker.

44. In general, though, thinking was retarded by the dichotomous classifications that were in use at the time.

45. Those who overindulge in alcohol or coffee are also more likely to have deformed or mentally retarded babies.

46. Such breakage, experiments show, could cause subsequent children of the users to be born abnormal, retarded or both.”

47. 23 The next it is two sisters in Rhode Island who run a summer camp for mentally retarded children.

48. Research from Harvard and United Nations organisations has shown that the cost of corruption includes retarded development and more inequalities.

49. The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless.

50. A successful Businessman could make their retarded dumb ass victim come back willingly and let them cheat their money again and again

51. The baby shows a great loss in weight, the muscles are so thin that the skin sticks to the bones, and growth is retarded.

52. Cretins shows slow growth, pot belly, gross intellectual deficiency and retarded sexual development, and tend to die young (at eight to ten years).

53. “ Cr étin” is a not entirely respected French dialectal term for a deformed or retarded person) Brittney Spears is a Cretinous poster-girl.

54. Dances in phase 3 (i.e. exceeded fair weather) are accelerated, whereas in phase 5 and 6 (weather change accomplished and beginning stabilization) they are retarded.

55. Such a cylinder non-individual measure could be a retarded ignition security adjustment or an electronic spark control with a knock recognition threshold for all cylinders.

56. PM Modi Condoles death of Tamil Nadu CM's mother, says she was an unending source of strength and inspiration Mahila Congress questions Khushbu for ‘mentally retarded’ party jibe

57. Medicine, dated a person afflicted with cretinism: a mentally retarded dwarf with wide-set eyes, a broad flat nose, and protruding tongue Collins Discovery Explanation of Cretins

58. Cretin a person suffering or who has suffered from serious reduction in THYROID GLANDactivity during development. Cretins shows slow growth, pot belly, gross intellectual deficiency and retarded

59. Medicine, dated a person afflicted with cretinism: a mentally retarded dwarf with wide-set eyes, a broad flat nose, and protruding tongue Collins Discovery Explanation of Cretinous

60. The Moslems regard this failure as one of the great evils that have Befallen the human race, and one which retarded the progress of the world for ages,' the other calamity …

61. Background: This term came into vogue in the 1990s as an alternative to “disAbled,” “handicapped” or “mentally retarded.” Currently, it is not considered appropriate (and for many, never was)

62. These particles are suitable for being directly pressed into tablets, if required with the admixture of tableting additives, and for producing tablets with a retarded release of the active substance.

63. In exception for the point #.#, the minimum vertical distance allowed for parts beyond end axles is # mm, for vehicles which are retarded by a movable, manually on the rail placed drag shoe

64. Aussie slang for "chicken." Also, "Chookie." An Aussie slang word for chicken that's commonly used as a 'nice insult,' especially when somebody has done or said something really obviously retarded that's only worth laughing about

65. This means increasing total business numbers; making sure they do not suffer shortages of finance; have access to informed business advice; do not have their progress retarded by unnecessary regulatory burdens; and can legally protect their innovations more easily;

66. Burbles is nothing else then PCM false exhaust noises on throttle shutdown combining lean combustion and retarded ignition that mimics the anti-Turbo So the Car Delay (ALS) system, also known as "Bang Return" but without anti-lag effect

67. An abbreviation from a German word "Behindert" to express someone or something is retarded, "Behind" can be used to desribe a person, a thing or can be used to condemn someone after they did something wrong Having exams on Saturday is Behind My friends burned the kitchen yesterday, he is Behind by [email protected] December 14, 2012