Use "retaking" in a sentence

1. U have been entrusted with the duty of retaking the city with minimum collateral damage.

2. 20 He then began a systematic campaign of retaking worlds in a bid to recapture Coruscant.

3. You performed competently in this area but review is still recommended before retaking this exam part.

4. The next year, 258 BC, the Romans were able to regain the initiative by retaking Enna and Camarina.

5. Incorrect Belaying must be noted and corrected, and repetition could result to the belayer retaking the Belaying test

6. Nur al-Din took advantage of the absence of Amalric and Jerusalem's army to attack the Crusader States, winning a pitched battle and retaking the city of Harim.

7. Loki informed him that Odin was standing against Mangog in the Althing, but advised Thor to aid Heimdall and Sif in retaking Bifrost Bridge.Odin had stated that Mangog could not be defeated until the forces

8. Intentional abandonment is also referred to as dereliction, and something voluntarily abandoned by its owner with the intention of not retaking it is a derelict.Someone that holds the property or to whom property rights have been relinquished is an Abandonee

9. Intentional Abandonment is also referred to as dereliction, and something voluntarily abandoned by its owner with the intention of not retaking it is a derelict.Someone that holds the property or to whom property rights have been relinquished is an abandonee