Use "resolving cell" in a sentence

1. Resolving these tensions is absolutely vital.

2. Resolving a Hold on Your Record.

3. Talks on resolving the dispute have stalled.

4. There is no machinery for resolving disputes.

5. □ What attitude should be shown in resolving business problems?

6. Complainants have multiple options for resolving their concerns

7. Then, by Assuaging and resolving the ensuing distress, …

8. Electronic circuit and method for resolving network addresses

9. Conflict manager: resolving disputes, acting as a mediator.

10. The word is parallel to quadrature, which means resolving an area into a number of Cubature, means resolving a volume into a number of cubes

11. I struck on a way of resolving their differences.

12. The company has no effective machinery for resolving disputes.

13. Access interfaces for managed private circuit networks for resolving conflicts

14. I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma.

15. How is Jacob’s example a good one in resolving personal disputes?

16. The word is parallel to quadrature, which means resolving an area into a number of squares.while Cubature, means resolving a volume into a number of cubes

17. Counseling definition, professional guidance in resolving personal conflicts and emotional problems

18. So we have a mutual interest in resolving this without violence.

19. We need to learn healthier ways of resolving conflict, Emily.

20. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

21. Resolving a differential equation means finding the functions that satisfy it.

22. Resolving a topic indicates that the topic requires no further action.

23. Eliminating phlegm and resolving stasis soup was more effective than routine treatment.

24. However[Sentencedict], other less drastic methods of resolving disagreements are available.

25. There is no obvious way of resolving the question of crowd composition.

26. The Russian Federation was actively contributing to resolving the African debt problem

27. The Russian Federation was actively contributing to resolving the African debt problem.

28. 23 Can outsiders be of help in resolving disagreements between married persons?

29. +1 Barbed Cell +2 Barbed Cell +3 Barbed Cell

30. Industries often possess data and information relevant to studies or resolving contaminated sites issues.

31. But a top Russian lawmaker is at a possibility of resolving the dispute.

32. Resolving those issue may require a transfer of data, which has associated costs.

33. It is a key tool to use when searching for and resolving GPU Bottlenecks

34. She turned back,(sentence dictionary) resolving to hunt up Storm and King and enter.

35. The court cases discussed indicate how judges have been resolving conflicts on these issues.

36. 9 The authority said the banks and brokerage firms eliminated or are resolving the problems.

37. Our architect, the appropriately named Donald Buttress, devised an ingenious means of resolving the problem.

38. The unification of the mind is far greater than the resolving of the dichotomy alone.

39. 16 This firm is assisting the organization in resolving problems related to its tax exemption.

40. They are used to resolving conflicting principles, says Dick Willems, a Dutch doctor and ethicist.

41. The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.

42. Cytokines are cell signalling molecules that aid cell to cell communication

43. Google isn't responsible for resolving billing disputes for items from the Chrome Web Store.

44. In resolving these conflicts, the courts establish legal principles that apply to similar cases.

45. The President is to put forward new proposals for resolving the country's constitutional crisis.

46. The AVN composed of four types cells, P cell, T cell, Purkinje cell and normal cardiac working cell.

47. Clear cell renal cell Carcinoma is also called conventional renal cell Carcinoma.

48. The expressions resolving to a Boolean value can also be assigned to a Boolean type

49. Diplopia and positive traction-test not resolving within 10 days. Large hermiation into the antrum.

50. Article 12: Mechanisms for resolving cases of enforced disappearance and guarantees of access to justice

51. If Alan heard, he remained silent, probably resolving to get ashore as quickly as possible.

52. X-ray Crystallography allows visualization of macromolecules with the clarity of resolving individual atoms

53. There was a pressing need for Titus to assist in resolving problems in Crete.

54. He is not disappointed at the failure to make headway towards resolving their differences.

55. In this form they are to be conceived of as adhoc, dispute-resolving mechanisms.

56. A system for resolving inter-zone performance issues using Multicast Broadcast Service (MBS) groups is disclosed.

57. The potential for divergent interpretations of visible metaphors, requiring relatively little resolving effort, is fairly minimal.

58. It results in monochrome blue tones, resolving well various densites of nuclear and cytoplasmic Basophilias

59. If you do get Audited, prepare to invest some time in resolving your tax issue

60. Arbitration is a mechanism for resolving disputes between investors and broker s , or between brokers

61. Battery cell with cell terminal designed as a socket and corresponding cell connector

62. Secondary cell electrode and fabrication method, and secondary cell, complex cell, and vehicle.

63. And in fact patient research has gone a long way towards resolving this knotty problem.

64. What is clear cell renal cell Carcinoma? Clear cell renal cell Carcinoma, or ccRCC, is a type of kidney cancer

65. Stop worrying; start working. Stop complaining; start resolving. Stop fretting; start living. Dr Roopleen 

66. Cell Explorers Cell Explorers The evil Mr

67. Align cell contents centered in the cell

68. The cell envelope is composed of the cell membrane and the cell wall.As in other organisms, the Bacterial cell wall provides structural integrity to the cell

69. • establish an independent advisory panel to report recommendations for resolving complaints on the proposed user fees; and

70. DATAR, short for Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving, was a pioneering computerized battlefield information system.

71. The service model union focuses more on maintaining worker rights, providing services, and resolving disputes.

72. They are used to resolving conflicting principles, says Dick Willems gold , a Dutch doctor and ethicist.

73. Cytotoxic: Toxic to cells, cell-toxic, cell-killing

74. Apoptosis is programmed cell death or cell suicide

75. These processes include gene expression, cell signaling, cell-cell contact and positional relationships, and epigenetics.

76. +1 Acidic Cell +2 Acidic Cell +3 Acidic …

77. 8 The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.

78. Help develop restructuring plans to assist clients in resolving delinquency and avoiding repossession of lease equipment.

79. Thymic stromal cell cultures for t-cell differentiation

80. Multi-series accumulation cell, series accumulation cell device, and series cell voltage balance correction circuit