Use "resolves" in a sentence

1. Acrocyanosis typically resolves in 24 - 48 hours.

2. Antibiotic treatment resolves the illness quickly.

3. This agglomeration of funds resolves a number of problems.

4. Avoid driving until all the Blurriness resolves

5. Assuming the spell isn't Countered, it resolves

6. After Commandeer resolves, you control the targeted spell

7. Blurriness from the patch usually resolves the same day

8. First, Corrective action resolves a complaint without imposing discipline.

9. Ventricular Bigeminy is often noted but resolves without treatment

10. As Cankerous Thirst resolves, you decide whether to apply either effect.

11. "Zimbabwe: Labour Union Resolves to Strike Over Worsening Economic Crisis".

12. The sensor bar resolves the force system being measured into electrical signals.

13. Adjudicator: a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy

14. Arbitrators: a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy

15. Arbiter: a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy

16. An Arbitrator is a neutral person who resolves disputes between parties.

17. Antonyms for Aimlessnesses include purposefulness, resolves, determinations, resolutions, resolutenesses, firmnesses, persistences, doggednesses, perseverances and

18. 15 That resolves the singleness of function andof agility of old system.

19. Arbiters: a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy.

20. Iron supplementation usually resolves the anemia, and corrects the glossodynia (tongue pain).

21. Ate resolves every IT relAted issue for companies who don’t have their own internal IT department

22. Convulsionem febri”, in other words “fever resolves spasm”.1 Centuries later, Galen (130–c

23. The definition of Adjudication is some decision, process or thing that resolves a conflict

24. The set of creatures affected by Chittering Host’s triggered ability is determined as the ability resolves

25. At, we offer a portable Backdrop stand that resolves this problem in a jiffy

26. Supervises staff engaged in collecting tax arrears and resolves taxpayers' enquiries relating to outstanding accounts.

27. The itinerant returned with new resolves to agitate at the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting in 17

28. He lived from hand to mouth making instant resolves every time he opened his mail.

29. Commonly, breast Asymmetry resolves by the time breasts are fully developed, which typically happens by age 18

30. Synonyms for Anatomizes include dissects, analyzes, assays, breaks down, cuts, deconstructs, divides, examines, resolves and scrutinises

31. You can activate Charnel Troll’s last ability during your upkeep before its triggered ability resolves

32. Acute Abdominal pain develops, and often resolves, over a few hours to a few days

33. More often, however, treating acute Bronchitis simply means finding relief from the symptoms until the illness resolves.

34. The Assembly resolves to co-operate effectively with ECRI and hold regular debates on its activities.

35. Antonyms for Aggresses include agrees, makes peace, soothes, appeases, mollifies, reconciles, resolves, conciliates, placates and pacifies

36. Serratus Anterior pain can be uncomfortable, but it typically resolves on its own without significant treatment

37. 3 He lived from hand to mouth making instant resolves every time he opened his mail.

38. The administrative court plays a role in controlling the transparency of public transactions and resolves related disputes.

39. Into the second act, the tone grows Bickeringly contentious, resolves into recriminations, then wanes into a soliloquy of maudlin reverie

40. With treatment, Chancres may resolve in days; Nonsuppurative Regional Lymphadenopathy (uncommon) Follows Chancre development within 30 days and resolves over months

41. 6/8/2018: The amount of life to lose is determined only as Archfiend of Despair’s triggered ability resolves

42. If the sacrificed permanent that caused the second ability to trigger somehow leaves the graveyard before the ability resolves (possibly because it was returned to the battlefield by the ability of another It That Betrays), the ability simply won’t do anything when it resolves.

43. 30 The experimental results show that this method resolves the problem of visible figure and inestimable periods about multidimensional digital image.

44. In light of the above, and at the Behest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Counsel of Ministers resolves

45. Into the second act, the tone grows Bickeringly contentious, resolves into recriminations, then wanes into a soliloquy of maudlin reverie

46. Generally, sanction for Civil contempt end when the party in contempt complies with the court order, or the underlying case resolves

47. Unlike a petit jury, which resolves a particular civil or criminal case, A grand jury (typically having twelve to twenty-three

48. Must not a sunbonnet , a walking stick set out, can face the difficulty that resolves hard in a lot of nature in that way.

49. The use of ground anchors in tension and the glazing mullions as compression members resolves the forces from the cable-net.

50. Cumulative Update 19 for Exchange Server 2016 resolves issues that were found in Exchange Server 2016 since the software was released

51. Generally, sanction for civil Contempt end when the party in Contempt complies with the court order, or the underlying case resolves

52. And as it resolves, and as Cyril goes deeper, you can see all the self-portraits, you can see still life.

53. Once it triggers, Raid Bombardment will deal 1 damage to the appropriate player or planeswalker even if the creature’s power changes before the ability resolves

54. 7/14/2017: If the creature you control leaves the battlefield before Ambuscade resolves, Ambuscade has no effect and no damage is dealt

55. 5 Caldera Hellion will deal 3 damage to itself (as well as to each other creature) when its comes-into-play ability resolves.

56. Chris knows the Soviets will not give up the occupied United States easily, but resolves to fight on as long as is necessary.

57. The getVRDisplays() method of the NAvigator interface returns a promise that resolves to an array of VRDisplay objects representing any available VR displays connected to the computer.

58. Most Bellyaches are temporary and may be due to overindulgence in a favorite food, a simple flu bug, or another issue that resolves quickly

59. If and when that promise resolves, A log message with either a yield or a done badge depending on the done property of the promise result

60. Once it triggers, Cavalcade of Calamity will deal 1 damage to the appropriate player or planeswalker even if the creature’s power changes or the creature leaves the battlefield before the ability resolves

61. The Amoebula is fragmented, leaving each nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm and membrane, which resolves into 8 trophozoites (amoebae), which initiate the process of adhesion and invasion of the mucus layer (wavy lines)

62. Appoggiatura, (from Italian appoggiare, “to lean”), in music, an ornamental note of long or short duration that temporarily displaces, and subsequently resolves into, a main note, usually by stepwise motion

63. Synonyms of Arbitrator a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy the couple finally agreed to let the salesclerk be the final Arbitrator and tell them which shirt looked best

64. Assured said that the comprehensive settlement resolves all RMBS claims that the company has asserted against Flagstar and releases both parties from any and all other future RMBS-related claims between the parties.

65. Thus resolves the metaphor: — “Comme s’il picquoit de propos delibere le courage envenime du tyran, pour en faire crever l’Aposthume;” as if he purposely lanced the envenomed audacity of the tyrant, to let out its matter.

66. Vanille Benjoin resolves itself in a delicious vanilla suede accord that signals pure luxury and comfort, without any of attendant stodge - powdered sugar diffused in the crisp, cold air of a winter’s morning

67. JSTL 2 is a maintenance release that supports the unified EL and resolves issues that used to arise from trying to mix JSF tags and JSTL iteration tags in the same JSP page.

68. Itching RMP commonly causes itching without a rash in the first two weeks of treatment: treatment should not be stopped and the patient should be advised that the itch usually resolves on its own.

69. Convulsionem febri’, in other words ‘fever resolves spasm’ (Marks, 1817), while the Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BC–AD 50) suggested for the treatment of dropsy (oedema) heated sand and warm baths (Adams, 1834)

70. Thus resolves the metaphor: — “Comme s’il picquoit de propos delibere le courage envenime du tyran, pour en faire crever l’Aposthume;” as if he purposely lanced the envenomed audacity of the tyrant, to let out its matter.

71. Thus resolves the metaphor: — “Comme s’il picquoit de propos delibere le courage envenime du tyran, pour en faire crever l’Aposthume;” as if he purposely lanced the envenomed audacity of the tyrant, to let out its matter.

72. Synonyms of Adjudicators 1 a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy since they seemed to be in a hopeless stalemate, both labor and management agreed to use an independent adjudicator to decide the terms of the contract

73. Thus resolves the metaphor: — “Comme s’il picquoit de propos delibere le courage envenime du tyran, pour en faire crever l’Aposthume;” as if he purposely lanced the envenomed audacity of the tyrant, to let out its matter

74. Thus resolves the metaphor: — “Comme s’il picquoit de propos delibere le courage envenime du tyran, pour en faire crever l’Aposthume;” as if he purposely lanced the envenomed audacity of the tyrant, to let out its matter.

75. But after the Apes suffer unimaginable losses, Caesar wrestles with his darker instincts and resolves to avenge his kind, pitting him against the Colonel in an epic battle that will determine the fate of both their speciesand the future of the planet.

76. The supreme judicial court shall have jurisdiction, upon an information in equity filed by the Attorn ej'-general, to enforce all the terms and pro - visions of this act, — so as to read as follows: — Section careandmain - Acts and resolves passed by the General

77. 4.6.39 The Advisory Committee on Repair and Overhaul (ACRO) is an interdepartmental working level committee that reviews and resolves areas of conflict related to the development of procurement strategies for those contracts included in the annual defence Repair and Overhaul plan that are valued at greater than $500K.

78. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court “O conquerour of Brutes Albyon,” he added, “which that by lyne and free eleccion been verray kyng, this song to yow I sende, and ye, that mowen alle oure harmes Amende, have mynde upon my supplicacion.”

79. Acciaccatura DEFINITION A short grace note, typically notated with a slash through the stem or flag that is a non-harmonic note sounded at the same time as the primary harmonic note or notes and either quickly resolves to the main note or is immediately released

80. The "Shorter" or "Encyclopaedia" Logic, as it is often known, lays out a series of transitions which leads from the most empty and abstract of categories—Hegel begins with "Pure Being" and "Pure Nothing"—to the "Absolute, the category which contains and resolves all the categories which preceded it.