Use "resolution" in a sentence

1. ‘resolution strategy’ means a set of resolution actions provided for in a resolution plan or group resolution plan;

2. Maximum resolution

3. Amicable Resolution

4. Alternative Dispute Resolution

5. Alternative dispute resolution.

6. High-resolution Biostratigraphy

7. Alternative dispute resolution

8. By # votes to # with # abstentions, the General Assembly adopted draft resolution # ev # (resolution

9. Draft resolution # (Regional geodesy

10. The travel resolution and consequently the resolution of the analog signal is 100 increments.

11. The resolution again recedes.

12. Draft resolution XXIII was adopted by 177 votes to with 1 abstention (resolution 62/.

13. Internet protocol address resolution

14. Draft resolution XVIII was adopted by 166 votes to 5, with 7 abstentions (resolution 63/58).

15. advanced very high resolution radiometer

16. alternative motion for a resolution

17. The resolution was carried unanimously.

18. The resolution was unanimously rejected.

19. Never falter in noble resolution.

20. Is the dispute resolution procedure invoked? 3 Who can invoke the dispute resolution procedure and how?

21. At last, Chinese zero anaphora resolution is applied to the platform of the Chinese Coreference resolution.

22. Alternative motion for a resolution

23. We do want a resolution and a quick resolution because the situation is beginning to look alarming.

24. Angular resolution better than 1.5 mrad;

25. Airborne collision avoidance system resolution advisory

26. In all these methods, however, there will be a trade off between frequency resolution and time resolution.

27. Always On VPN also supports the use of Name Resolution Policy Tables to provide namespace-specific resolution granularity.

28. Airborne collision avoidance system resolution advisory.

29. Airborne Collision Avoidance System Resolution Advisory

30. They agreed on a draft resolution.

31. Animated table fan over 4k resolution.

32. Action on draft resolution [item 58]

33. WORLD POWERS ADDRESSED (Tract With Resolution)

34. 10 Nothing can unsettle his resolution.

35. The Copilot Hi-Resolution Printing System

36. Develop an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

37. Enhanced ultra-high resolution acoustic microscope

38. AMR = alternative motion for a resolution

39. Resolution on the European aircraft industry

40. I just want a peaceful resolution.

41. We were angered at the resolution.

42. Audyssey MultEQ is the standard resolution room correction solution that uses mid-level resolution filters for satellites and subwoofers

43. High resolution photos of the Bellingham area

44. Multicast-enabled address resolution protocol (me-arp)

45. The United States voted against this resolution.

46. New configuration: Resolution: %# x %# Orientation: %# Refresh rate: %

47. The resolution will be adopted by acclamation.

48. Apportionments Affected by the Continuing Resolution (CR)

49. Advantageously uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages.

50. High-resolution 3D imaging provides additional options.

51. A master playlist with CODECS and RESOLUTION

52. 2. Airborne collision avoidance system resolution advisory.

53. Arbitration, mediation and alternative dispute resolution services

54. Address resolution protocol-based wireless access point

55. The resolution fails to address extrajudicial executions

56. resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism addressed

57. Resolution below the diffraction limit becomes possible.

58. The reform resolution was adopted by acclamation.

59. The resolution was acclaimed with one voice.

60. Additional Type-# variable-resolution palmprint image records

61. The session adopted a resolution on disarmament.

62. The resolution was passed 14 to 0; all members voted for the resolution except for the United States, which abstained.

63. Helitran® Flow Cryostats have atomic resolution

64. Support account for peacekeeping operations (draft resolution

65. Three-dimensional high-resolution imaging in brown Adipocytes …


67. The resolution called for the resumption of negotiations.

68. The Preparation And Resolution Of Acridyl(5)—N

69. Digital image compression by adaptive macroblock resolution coding

70. But the resolution as a whole remains ambiguous.

71. This is the matter addressed in Parliament's resolution.

72. The party members were balloted on the resolution.

73. US vetos UN resolution not to expel Arafat.

74. An emphasis on mediation and alternative dispute resolution.

75. The assembly adopted a resolution approving the scheme.

76. Hi I found Bargue plates in high resolution

77. Title: Amortised MAP Inference for Image Super-resolution

78. Deposit guarantee and bank resolution (alternatives to payout)

79. Congress passed a resolution Absolving him last fall

80. "Resolution 3: SI unit of thermodynamic temperature (kelvin)".