Use "resolutely" in a sentence

1. He resolutely refused their bribe.

2. They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

3. 7 He resolutely refused their bribe.

4. Yes, we resolutely reject a stranger.

5. The United States remains resolutely opposed to this.

6. 6 The mood here is resolutely up.

7. He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.

8. 17 On Joanna's instructions I set my teeth resolutely.

9. 4 They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.

10. 10 She resolutely refuses to talk about it.

11. 5 She resolutely refused to learn about computers.

12. 3 He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.

13. This " Hamlet " will appal some for being so resolutely unclassical.

14. The word Cockney has resolutely resisted any simple etymology

15. 9 Mia resolutely refused to talk about her illness.

16. 2 The United States remains resolutely opposed to this.

17. The Comradely scholar is committed, fierce, and resolutely partisan

18. He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.

19. 23 This chapter has kept its focus resolutely on the male.

20. 12 She simply made a decision and resolutely stuck to it.

21. We must address this scourge resolutely and with one yardstick.

22. We must work resolutely and systematically to allay those fears.

23. 11 Mr Clarke has shown himself to be resolutely opposed to compromise.

24. And resolutely down on fresh milk production and adulteration of the offense.

25. 8 He resolutely refused to speak English unless forced to.

26. From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.

27. 18 He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.

28. 14 He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.

29. 13 He resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.

30. 1 He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down.

31. At the same time, we have acted resolutely and forcefully against illegal migration.

32. He pressed resolutely forward, still without haste , but with dogged fixity of purpose.

33. We resolutely told the authorities that we would not participate in the war.

34. 29 First, the work done along the lower scientific slopes is resolutely factual.

35. 19 I would keep my eyes resolutely shut while he studied my face.

36. 15 He has turned a resolutely deaf ear to American demands for action.

37. On the contrary they usually put their gifts into some satisfying but resolutely unimaginative task.

38. However, they remain resolutely neutral with regard to the political affairs of the nations.

39. 28 Despite all this wielding of scalpel and knife some issues remain resolutely fudged.

40. This is my life, decadence yet helpless, and resolutely have a sense of rhythm!

41. 27 From the contemplation of this inescapable judgment he turned his face resolutely away.

42. 6 Despite all this wielding of scalpel and knife some issues remain resolutely fudged.

43. The Union line advanced resolutely up the steep slopes and closed on the Confederate position.

44. I try to maneuver unobtrusively with my umbrella, resolutely not looking at the food vendors.

45. Synonyms for Contumaciously include obstinately, firmly, resolutely, staunchly, tenaciously, unwaveringly, doggedly, determinedly, steadfastly and persistently

46. Synonyms for Assiduously include actively, arduously, determinedly, diligently, hard, industriously, intently, laboriously, purposefully and resolutely

47. 14 We resolutely oppose such and practices that contravene facts and undermine China - US relations.

48. The Central Committee of the Party headed by Comrade Mao Tse - tung fought these counterrevolutionary elements resolutely.

49. Good Amontillado is resolutely dry, though some cheap versions sold under the name may have been sweetened

50. 30 On the contrary they usually put their gifts into some satisfying but resolutely unimaginative task.

51. 19 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems.

52. 20 He resolutely refuses to give way to the temptation to blame the local inhabitants for their problems.

53. She resolutely refuses to believe that her father was in any way connected with any crookedness.

54. She resolutely refused to believe that her father was in any way connected with any crookedness.

55. The HACT will be more resolutely adopted, with the advance of funds modality used as much as possible.

56. Like the apostle John and his friend Gaius, they resolutely hold to the truth and walk in it.

57. If the enemy ignites war recklessly, we shall resolutely answer it with war and completely destroy the aggressors.

58. 25 We'd better get started.He resolutely maintains a fixed, matey grin until you ask him something dodgy.

59. 26 Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.

60. He clicked his tongue, the cob plodded resolutely forward and so did I. And it was easy!

61. Why should she have been invited into the inner sanctum while I had been so resolutely excluded?

62. 51 As the time Approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem

63. 21 And he turned resolutely away and was swept with the tide down the tunnel to the plane.

64. 18 He clicked his tongue, the cob plodded resolutely forward and so did I. And it was easy!

65. Pressed beyond the limits of forbearance, our army fought back resolutely and dealt telling blows to the enemy.

66. As the United States moves resolutely towards civil war, President Joe Biden is relying on left-wing Believers of different faiths

67. 22 He resolutely refused to conform to local customs and made not the slightest effort to understand the people.

68. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside.

69. 24 The great majority of revolutionary populists resolutely rejected the deception and unprincipled adventurism of a few untypical deviants like Nechaev.

70. She wanted to be left alone, but now the tedium of her resolutely normal life is plastered across 190 pages.

71. Is awash in Agnosis, as citizens resolutely refuse to accept facts (that President Obama was born in the United States, for example) and

72. We need to resolutely work to reorient investment by shifting the government's priority in infrastructure investment to the countryside. This constitutes a major change.

73. The Committee resolutely condemns any activities indiscriminately targeting civilians, either by the Israeli army or by Palestinian militias firing mortars and rockets at Israeli cities

74. The Committee resolutely condemns any activities indiscriminately targeting civilians, either by the Israeli army or by Palestinian militias firing mortars and rockets at Israeli cities.

75. Yet he resolutely suffers it all, without reproaching the Jews who are watching, the Roman soldiers mocking him, or the two condemned criminals hanging on stakes alongside him.

76. Lenin, in the article “Does the Jewish Proletariat Need an ’Independent Political Party’ ” (1903), resolutely unmasked the harm of the nationalism preached by the Bund (see Poln

77. The design is resolutely modern, with an almost vertical bow and a V-shaped hull that is longer and Beamier at the waterline than you might see on other 30 footers

78. 1 day ago · "Through a swift Counterattack, China manifested that any act that violates its interests or interferes in its internal affairs will be resolutely pushed back," the newspaper wrote

79. Who Should Access the Bloodless Program? The Bloodless Program meets the needs of patients who resolutely object to the use of blood or blood components, even in a life-threatening situation, whether this refusal is

80. So, while in most of the new monarchies of Europe the subjection or humiliation of the Baronage was a primary article of policy, John tried to win his way by lavish gifts of land, while resolutely checking feudalism in government, curtailing local immunities, and guarding the liberties of the towns against noble usurpers.