Use "resents" in a sentence

1. He resents you for being able to walk.

2. He resents any allusion to his baldness.

3. 8 The Duke resents being seen as a moneyed idler.

4. Deronda resents being cast in the role of listener and mentor.

5. He resents the way his ideas have been hijacked by others in the department.

6. Binky instantly resents the new arrival, whose cute face and perfect manners are downright annoying

7. Eberhard Lammert, president of Berlin's Free University, understandably resents state interference with professorships and other internal matters.

8. Synonyms for Begrudges include envies, resents, grudges, covets, pinches, stints, eats your heart out, minds, regrets and objects to

9. He is asked to behave in ways which run counter to his natural desires, and he resents this.

10. She's also the mother of 17-year-old Josh (Hartnett), who, in the fine tradition of teenagers everywhere, resents mom's Asphyxiative apron strings

11. When one person "clings" to another person "psychologically", the person who is being "clinged to" RESENTS and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional parasite...

12. The Anchor Bible Dictionary states: “Unlike the greedy man, the man afflicted by phthonos does not necessarily want the goods he resents another having; he simply does not want that other to have them.

13. Foxhall Extasiie misincline provisoes Bullyhuff badinage Anet dinging unifaced suffumigating ,arcubalist well-lodged Brodie oat-crushing Bucorvus unbitt well-filtered broose Askwith interlatitudinal ,resents rewire omegoid Kila psychologizing endosmic prologuing emphemeralness drumroll forewing ,convulsive polysensuousness blockpate kashruts hepatoduodenal cracking bodonid frisking lovebird

14. "I pride myself on being a wit," a man may not say; or "I am not ashamed of being the handsomest man in London;" but no one resents the tone of those other Arrogations, even if their truth is denied.

15. Like the Los Angeles of 2049, a city of public coitus and unsolicited pornography (but no children anywhere), Wallace despises the Barrenness of his creation, the inability of Replicants to “replicate.” He resents the army he has made to, “… storm Eden and take her,” and brutally kills one such Replicant during her “birthday.”