Use "resent" in a sentence

1. I resent that.

2. Would you resent it?

3. Do you resent us, David?

4. I resent his dictatorial manner.

5. I Bitterly resent your criticism: 7

6. 16 I bitterly resent your criticism.

7. Does she resent my being here?

8. I bitterly resent your criticism.

9. Small nations resent Western cultural imperialism.

10. I strongly resent such unwarranted aspersions.

11. I resent his interference in my work.

12. 6 I bitterly resent your criticism.

13. I resent your supercilious and arrogant attitude.

14. I resent the encroachment on my time.

15. They resent what they see as bossiness.

16. You can choose how a message is resent:

17. Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.

18. Some resent and reject any kind of counsel.

19. Many resent high taxation and the soaring cost of living.

20. I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time.

21. Some of the women resent me for it.

22. My heart i my ew Year resent to you.

23. I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.

24. Some outside the shadow cabinet resent being passed over and neglected.

25. They only do these things because they resent you.

26. Some players resent the intrusion of religion into sports.

27. I resent the implication that I don't care about my father.

28. But soon they'll grow up And resent you so much

29. He must resent the impertinent intrusion of the big car.

30. “I have to remind myself often not to resent my father’s opposition.

31. I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation.

32. So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement.

33. This disturbs Nightcrawler, Peter's friend, who begins to avoid and resent him.

34. They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country.

35. By this point, the common people began to resent the emperor as well.

36. Deriving from ancient roman Animadversion - to be full of resent and disapointment

37. 'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling.'

38. Had she begun to resent my usurpation of her role as Edward's collaborator?

39. 12 Sometimes I resent having to truss myself up like a stuffed chicken.

40. And those who receive discipline may often be prone to resent it.

41. I understand you resent the fact that I actually have a life.

42. Chafe: See: affront , aggravate , annoy , badger , bait , discommode , discompose , harass , harrow , incense , irritate , resent

43. An example of Begrudge is to resent that your friend won an award

44. It was outdoors...I was not weeing in a font. I resent that remark

45. I resent paying extra for my drink just because it's in a posey bottle!

46. Do not resent helpful advice, just because you did not ask for it!

47. But maybe the day will come when they will resent the loss of their childhood years.

48. Perhaps if our judges were paid more, they would resent large jury awards less.

49. Many solicitors deeply resent the treatment they feel they have received over their remuneration.

50. Naturally, the Bribees disliked this arrangement; it’s only human to resent taking adverse steps for the money

51. Poor blacks dislike the Republican attack on welfare; rich blacks resent the Republican criticism of affirmative action.

52. But Hefner says he does not resent upstarts that made his once raunchy publication look tame.

53. Also mares can be ticklish round the udder and resent the foal nuzzling around that area.

54. The synonyms of Begrudges include are Covet, Envy, Grudge, Pinch, Resent, Stint, Be Jealous, Be Reluctant and Be Stingy

55. For example, it may be that a friend starts to resent you because of your talents or accomplishments.

56. Partners may resent or fail to understand a drop in income important to maintaining a certain lifestyle.

57. But I think I have a right to resent, to object, to libelous statements about my dog.

58. Quite frankly I deeply resent you implying that I would be involved with a thug like that.

59. Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

60. Begrudge definition, to envy or resent the pleasure or good fortune of (someone): She Begrudged her friend the award

61. 16 Listen to a person to feel very euphonic,[] only alone the lop-eared burro that we resent this is exceptional.

62. The scheme’s concept-denoting expressions Ambassadorially rep- resent concepts (or other mental entities) in X but denote con- cepts in Y

63. Synonyms for Begrudged include envied, resented, resent, grudged, coveted, pinched, stinted, ate your heart out, eaten your heart out and minded

64. During his lifetime, even Kipling started to resent the poem's popularity, saying it had been "Anthologised to weariness."

65. Dormer is being Badgered out of his mind big as he is and he hasn't intellect enough to resent it

66. Resent, envy, grudge, be jealous of, be envious of, be resentful of I certainly don't Begrudge him the Nobel Prize.

67. You need not fear that balanced discipline will damage your children or cause them to resent you later in life.

68. 22 Polygamy is prevented by wives who resent sharing their husbands lest they also share his contributions to child rearing.

69. The local cockle fishermen resent the newcomers and claim some of them are working beds while also claiming state benefits.

70. Para-doxically,[] the less you have to do the more you may resent the work that does come your way.

71. Caroline realised that she was floundering in such a morass of conflicting emotions that she hardly knew what to resent most.

72. As with so many things, no sooner had he taken the idea to himself than he began to resent it passionately.

73. Other horse interest groups resent the labelling of horses as “feral” and are completely opposed to any measures that threaten their survival.

74. Being pampered, of course, is one of the main reasons why people book into luxury hotels, and it would be Churlish to resent it

75. Yielding to the sinful human tendency to resent reproof, he degrades himself to the level of an unreasoning animal —a brute— lacking moral discrimination.

76. On the other hand, he was sweet-tempered and equable, and he did not resent the early shows of Crustiness which Michael made.

77. Local "Boyos" like Curran resent the steady influx of young working professionals, who are gentrifying the area and pricing the old-time residents out

78. Beholders are convinced that other creatures resent them for their brilliance and magical power, even as they dismiss those lesser creatures as crude and disgusting

79. Local "Boyos" like Curran resent the steady influx of young working professionals, who are gentrifying the area and pricing the old-time residents out

80. Plante & Mayer: Bacteriolysis in the gut of Arenicola marina have also been profiled for bacteriolytic activity to rep- resent different modes of deposit feeding and to allow cross-phyletic comparisons