Use "repetitions" in a sentence

1. H+ Cuffs Undergo Thousands of Repetitions In The Clinical Setting

2. It neither required nor was susceptible to any additions, repetitions, or improvements.

3. Repetitions, as in a child practicing handwriting, are what distinguish procedural memories from episodic ones.

4. Synonyms for Alternations include changes, fluctuations, oscillations, rotations, swings, vacillations, variations, interchanges, repetitions and shifts

5. The S-N curve (Basquin curve) represents the load amplitudes versus the number of repetitions (SA,i vs

6. Most Anuran females also prefer very frequent (with many repetitions of the sound) and longer calls (long-lasting sounds)

7. It involves a sequence of Curettage followed by electrodesiccation applied in two to three repetitions to the lesion.

8. Crispr (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences

9. After many repetitions, the upshifted and downshifted light is swept out of the gain bandwidth of the laser.

10. The S-N curve (Basquin curve) represents the load amplitudes versus the number of repetitions (SA,i vs. Ni).

11. The photographs are linked across the book by fleeting resemblances, oppositions, repetitions, the pictorial equivalents of assonance and half-rhyme.

12. The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive sonsumption.

13. Stuttering is a form of speech disorder characterised by difficulty getting words out, and involves repetitions or prolongations of sounds.

14. I combine cardiovascular and muscular workouts with moderate to heavy weights, a lot of repetitions and no rest in between sets.

15. 12 The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive sonsumption.

16. It is of course impossible to actually perform an infinity of repetitions of a random experiment to determine the probability of an event.

17. The load time history is counted in a range-pair diagram of load amplitude versus number of repetitions (SA,i vs. ni).

18. The associations (equivalence, similarity and dissimilarity, synonymity and Antonymity); the repetitions of sound values, stresses, accents; the word and phrase boundaries and relationships (e.g

19. Typically, a Chaplet follows a set sequence of prayers and then repeats those sequences, commonly known as “decades” of ten or seven repetitions.

20. To have a lively debate without repetitions , and with arguments addressed only to the points raised , the written speeches have to be barred .

21. Now, translators were relieved from handling repetitions (which were no longer paid), but they were still left alone with their work, cut off from the outside world.

22. Ed., CCC-SLP Cluttering is a fluency disorder where an individual speaks rapidly and/or with an irregular speaking rate and demonstrates excessive dysfluencies such as blocks, repetitions, prolongations, etc

23. The books of Chronicles are, in a great measure, repetitions of what is in the books of Samuel and of the Kings, yet there are some excellent useful things in them which we find not elsewhere

24. Through tiny movements and as many repetitions as possible, especially the deep muscle layers are trained. During a Callanetics lesson we do not only work with all important muscle groups, but also with agonists and impulse centres, like the pelvic floor.

25. Crisscrossed woven lines, hatching of all sorts, sets of radiating parallel diagonals, circular chains, blobs and dashes, oval repetitions (like fingerprints, vaginas, or targets), and more--mostly in reds and blues and ranging from delicate to deliberate--relentlessly cover page after page

26. BEST OF THE REST Eltis' initial focus on melodrama is threaded throughout the book as a whole, as she discusses the obsessive repetitions of tropes of seduced heroines, Bigamous wives, and criminal mothers, in a powerful account of the troubled side of nineteenth-century ideologies of gender

27. Now, as we stand here today, and now that we understand the causes why the Geneva Accords failed, it is pertinent for us to stop and reflect whether we have actually addressed these causes permanently for achieving global peace and ensuring that such repetitions do not occur.

28. Yet for all its eclecticism it builds in a single arc -- its core the long second movement, propelled upward by quasi-Minimalist rhythmic repetitions -- until the exuberant jam session is capped by the Churchly sobriety of the orchestral idiom, returning as if to remind everyone of where they are, though more focusing the mood than interrupting it.

29. If, as the reader will all too easily detect, they abound no less in repetitions than in arguments dropped and left at loose endsÑthe whole Bewraying a man called unexpectedly to a post where in the act of adapting himself, of learning that he might teach, he had often to adjourn his main purpose and skirmish with difficultiesÑthey will be