Use "repertoires" in a sentence

1. Becurst, pouched jowled, whenever tetragon - unextinguished alongside iconological repertoires beg quasi-democratically myself H2O vice it oceanaut Kane

2. It can be pinned down in the absolute only by disregarding the dynamics of linguistic repertoires that are attendant on migration movements.

3. By contrast, in respect of non-Anglo-American repertoires, authors have traditionally not assigned their mechanical rights to publishers.

4. They need to remain nomadic so that they can continue to be enriched by other repertoires, tales and songs.

5. Has overwhelmingly presented the benefits for [emergent bilinguals], including impactful opportunities for Agentively expressing identities, reshaping traditional classrooms, and expanding communicative repertoires

6. While Bachata is based on the bolero rhythm, bachateros have traditionally included other kinds of music like son, merengue, vals and ranchera in their repertoires.

7. The implementation of the Competent Learner Model develops a set of seven specific repertoires with which the learners must be equipped to be successful under a variety of school, home and community environments.

8. It also should be reassuring to Europeans who are concerned that greater reliance on private money necessarily means conservative programming that the San Francisco Symphony has one of the most adventuresome repertoires in the US.

9. Among invertebrates, both conserved and novel, lineage specific, microRNAs have been extensively studied predominantly in holometabolous insects such as Drosophila melanogaster However little is known about microRNA repertoires in other arthropod lineages such as the Chelicerates.

10. To investigate whether and how a socially oriented notion of "voice"-defined as "the Amalgamative effect of the use of discursive and non-discursive features that language users choose, deliberately or otherwise, from socially available yet ever-changing repertoires" [Matsuda, P

11. It then stated that Sacem held a dominant position on French territory since it held in fact, if not in law, an absolute monopoly over the management of its members' rights and was empowered by its foreign counterparts to manage their repertoires of musical works in France on the same conditions as its own .