Use "repay" in a sentence

1. Easy to repay.

2. I'll repay it.

3. I will repay you tomorrow.

4. What Can I Repay to Jehovah?

5. You don't have to repay me.

6. Default: failure to repay a loan.

7. It will also repay advance bookings.

8. I must repay her for her kindness.

9. Tell him to repay you, with interest.

10. Don't borrow unless you intend to repay.

11. When are you going to repay them?

12. How can I ever repay your kindness?

13. “With What Will I Repay Jehovah?”: (10 min.)

14. None can repay all your gifts from above.

15. You must allow me to repay your hospitality.

16. And this is how you repay my love?

17. I can only repay in my next life.

18. I can never repay you for your kindness.

19. I can never repay her many kindnesses to me.

20. How can I ever repay you for your generosity?

21. ReimBurse definition is - to pay back to someone : repay

22. Missouri Asks thousands to repay jobless aid 04:50

23. He didn't have the wherewithal to repay the loan.

24. It took three years to repay my student loan .

25. Oh, Mr Wooley, how can I ever repay you?

26. And to the islands he will repay their due.

27. I'll be sure to repay the favor some day.

28. I'll repay the money I owe them next week.

29. I can never repay your many kindnesses to me.

30. How can we repay him for everything he's done?

31. “Your Father Who Looks On in Secret Will Repay You”

32. + May Jehovah repay the evildoer according to his own evil.”

33. Whenever you cancel, we will repay any credit balance outstanding.

34. Pray I don't get the chance to repay your mercy.

35. “Faith lies in the ability of a borrower to repay.

36. When neither could repay, the lender “freely forgave them both.”

37. How can I repay you, what gift can I give

38. She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months.

39. You should read this article - it would repay your time.

40. The Daguerreotype will be able to repay almost endless attention.

41. I'd like to buy them something to repay all their kindness.

42. I got alimony and shrink bills, old college loans to repay.

43. The man you must truly repay can never collect his debt.

44. If they borrowed money, they felt honor-bound to repay it.

45. Then our Father, “who is looking on in secret,” will repay us.

46. Systems and methods for evaluating the ability of borrowers to repay loans

47. Another word for Compensate: recompense, repay, refund, reimburse, indemnify Collins English Thesaurus

48. They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years.

49. I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.

50. His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.

51. Do these embitter us or tempt us to repay like for like?

52. Some even obtain a loan to repay the interest on another loan.

53. Dexia as a consequence had to repay these debts plus accrued interests.

54. You give them more money; they repay you that over a time.

55. The proceeds from the sale will be used to repay the loan.

56. Mr Bemba will have to repay the Court out of his own funds

57. But if you were to help him study, I could never repay you.

58. Creditors are always concerned about the entity 's ability to repay its obligations .

59. 22 Obtain a copy of any form will have to repay that day.

60. 29 I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.

61. 10 When will you repay me the $500 I lent you last week?

62. In one story a slave begs for time to repay a large debt.

63. I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home.

64. Then, make sure to repay what you have borrowed, and do so promptly.

65. The lender became alarmed and demanded that the backer repay the entire loan.

66. One of them, though, had a huge debt and no means to repay it.

67. Despair swept over me, since I felt that I could never repay the money.

68. We extracted a promise from them that they would repay the money by May.

69. They've threatened to beat him to a jelly if he doesn't repay the money.

70. Some Jews voluntarily became slaves to their fellow Jews in order to repay debts.

71. I intend to repay that trust by working tirelessly for all Willington East residents.

72. At the beginning of #, Tractorul had accumulated significant debts, which it could not repay

73. This allowed the government to repay its external debt, earning it international economic prestige.

74. Bankability Assessment What is the borrower’s ability to repay the loan and pay interest?

75. He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.

76. (Repay Philemon for any financial loss Philemon had suffered as a result of Onesimus’s actions.)

77. The Christian debtor, not being “greedy of dishonest gain,” should really want to repay his debt.

78. 22 It wants the cash to repay debt and for capital expenditures and for working capital.

79. The son failed to repay the loan and the finance company sought to enforce the charge.

80. Assertives • Explicit: “I {claim, assert} that it is raining outside.” • Implicit: “It is raining outside.” Commissives • Explicit: “I {promise, vow} that I will repay the money I borrowed.” • Implicit: “I will repay the money I borrowed.” Directives