Use "reparations" in a sentence

1. Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.

2. Germany paid $50 billion in reparations for Nazi crimes.

3. Alderwoman Cicely Fleming was the lone vote against the Chicago suburb's proposed reparations program, but not because she's against reparations

4. The government agreed to pay reparations to victims.

5. Apologies for government mistreatment and reparations have been rare in Congress.

6. Others have spoken of war crimes and reparations.

7. Israel accepted billions of dollars in war reparations.

8. The payment of reparations for years of alleged wrongs.

9. By the reparations of pilfer be 80 % what press risk.

10. Despite the cool reception that reparations are receiving among lawmakers, Rep.

11. States should address linguistic and literacy barriers that hinder women’s ability to access reparations.

12. Algeria needs an apology and reparations from France – not a history lesson

13. In the 1920 s ICC focused on reparations and war debts.

14. Alderwoman Cicely Fleming of Evanston, Ill., On The Town's New Reparations Program NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Alderwoman Cicely Fleming of Evanston, Ill., on the town's new reparations program

15. The British dismantled Krupp's factories, sending machinery all over Europe as war reparations.

16. We call for the US government to pay reparations to the Iraqi people.

17. Two principal reasons for the small reparations were France's envy and Queen Christina's impatience.

18. As a result, the Russians forced the Qing government to pay heavy war reparations.

19. The reparations were obligations of the German government, and they were paid by taxing people.

20. War reparations to the Soviet Union from their zone of occupation in Germany were agreed.

21. Another 2 billion yuan was paid as reparations in property and unforeseen accident insurance programs.

22. He dreamed that he stood in a court of law, charged with some wrongdoing and sentenced to make reparations.

23. From these funds, reparations of $ 1 million will be paid... to each of the 83 Marines'families.

24. After deductions for war reparations, the balance would be used to buy food and humanitarian supplies.

25. German reparations to Belgium for damage incurred during the First World War was set at £12.5 billion pounds sterling.

26. (Keynes predicted a war caused by the burden of debt, Ohlin thought that Germany could afford the reparations.)

27. Since most of the industrial areas were in the western zones, the Soviet Union was transferred additional reparations.

28. They should consider establishing mechanisms to address the needs of victims, including but not limited to reparations.

29. 14 hours ago · Chicago suburb of Evanston Approves reparations housing program for Black residents

30. Dulles also helped design the Dawes Plan, which sought to stabilize Europe by reducing German war reparations.

31. At the conclusion of the Thirty Years' War, the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 granted Sweden territories as war reparations.

32. 17 hours ago · Chicago Suburb of Evanston Approves Reparations Program for Black Residents “The resolution approved Monday directs initial funding of $400,000 from the city’s Local Reparations Fund to a housing program that will award eligible individuals up to $25,000.”

33. Carthage would pay 2,200 silver talents in 10 year installments, and 1,000 talents immediately; a total of 3,200 talents as war reparations.

34. Offering reparations to victims should not be part of an effort, for example, to make impunity more acceptable.

35. Letter of Indemnity A letter guaranteeing that contractual provisions will be met, otherwise financial reparations will be made.

36. After World War II, Finnish Cable Works supplied cables to the Soviet Union as part of its war reparations.

37. In a historic move, the city council of Asheville, North Carolina, voted unanimously to approve a reparations resolution for Black residents.

38. The reparations became a decisive part of Israel's income, comprising as high as 87.5% of Israel's income in 1956.

39. A group of prominent black lawyers is preparing lawsuits for next year claiming reparations for slavery from government and private companies.

40. Examination also needs to be given to the type of religious environment which permits the abuse of women to occur without reparations.

41. Evanston, Ill., became the first city in the United States to Approve a plan to pay reparations to Black residents and their descendants who …

42. The funds for the construction came from Japanese war reparations, with the Fuji Car Manufacturing Co. Ltd being given responsibility for design and construction.

43. Germany paid reparations to the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, mainly in the form of dismantled factories, forced labour, and coal.

44. In 1929 he debated with John Maynard Keynes, contradicting the latter's view on the consequences of the heavy war reparations payments imposed on Germany.

45. By the early 1950s the Soviet Union had seized reparations in the form of agricultural and industrial products and demanded further heavy reparation payments.

46. The resolution Approved Monday directs initial funding of $400,000 from the city’s Local Reparations Fund to a housing program that will award eligible individuals up to $25,000.

47. NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks to Alderwoman Robin Rue Simmons about a plan to use taxes from the sale of recreational marijuana as reparations for …

48. The failure to provide proper rehabilitation and a secure environment for victims to seek justice and reparations exposes serious administrative lapses by Uttar Pradesh state authorities.

49. U.S. leaders recalled what happened after World War I, when Germany's first democracy, the Weimar Republic, was massively weakened economically by having to pay off reparations.

50. S. leaders recalled what happened after World War I, when Germany's first democracy, the Weimar Republic, was massively weakened economically by having to pay off reparations.

51. Illinois city approves housing grants as part of local reparations program, Believed to be first of its kind in the nation Genevieve Bookwalter, Chicago Tribune 1 day ago.

52. NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks with Alderwoman Cicely Fleming of Evanston, Ill., on the town's new reparations program and where it falls short in her eyes.

53. Later in the year, Britain oversaw the dismantling of much of Krupp's factory, reducing capacity by half and shipping industrial equipment to France as war reparations.

54. The Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation would also support a bill that proposes a separate Commission to study reparations and recommend remedies for the harm caused by slavery

55. ‘Counterproductive’: Obama Says ‘White Resistance’ Kept Him from Pursuing Reparations During His Presidency Although He Believes They Are Justified By Niara Savage February 26, 2021 Comments (0)

56. Finland, which the USSR forbade to join the Marshall Plan and which was required to give large reparations to the USSR, saw its economy recover to pre-war levels in 1947.

57. Evanston, Ill., Approves Historic Reparations Plan For Black Residents The new program, which aims to address harms suffered by Black residents due to the city's past discriminatory housing

58. Amnesty International also documented the all too frequent use of blanket Amnesties granted by the President, violating international law and denying victims’ their rights to truth, justice and reparations.

59. The demands of Dutch politicians that the Netherlands should be given the German regions east of the Dutch-German border as war reparations, were roundly rejected at the London Conference of 26 March 1949.

60. The final sum for reparations was not mentioned in the treaty — itself a humiliation in German eyes — but was eventually set in 1921 at 132 billion gold marks (about $442 billion in today's terms).

61. On Monday night, Evanston, Ill., became the first city in the country to Approve reparations for Black residents who suffered from practices of racial discrimination stemming from slavery and an era of segregation

62. Ten years after the battle, when England and Flanders had become allies following an uprising in the latter, Edward III was forced to apologize and make symbolic reparations for ordering this action.

63. THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — International Criminal Court judges on Monday awarded $30 million (25.3 million euros) in reparations to victims of crimes for which a Congolese warlord was convicted including child soldiers and victims of rape and sexual slavery

64. The United States had refused to recognise the judgment of the International Court of Justice, which had found five years earlier that the US had violated international law by sponsoring the Contras and ordered reparations to be made.

65. The Abolition of a law calls for the Abolition of the death penalty Recent Examples on the Web Some 156 years after the end of the Civil War and the official Abolition of slavery through the 13th Amendment, the idea of reparations is gaining currency in Washington.

66. 1Countermeasures are unilateral measures adopted by a State (the ‘injured State’) in response to the breach of its rights by the wrongful act of another State (the ‘wrongdoing’ or ‘target’ State) that affect the rights of the target State and are aimed at inducing it to provide cessation or reparations to the injured State