Use "rented to" in a sentence

1. Over the years, various buildings had been rented to satisfy this need.

2. Large white tents were rented to be used for convention departments and to accommodate the huge overflow crowds.

3. The shops were probably rented to merchants by the State so that the building served as a source of revenue.

4. Aside from the heightened degree of sustainability, what really makes the Cyclon unique is the fact it’s not sold, but rather “rented” to customers via a

5. Ken had rented--to quote the newspaper accounts--"an oceanview hacienda" (Barcelona is not on an ocean) with--again I will quote--"a lithe, dark-haired woman, perhaps a flamenco dancer."

6. The heyday of Balmacaan Estate was in the 1880s and 1890s when it was rented to Bradley Martin, one of that new breed of wealthy American industrialists who held many Highland sporting tenancies at the end of the nineteenth century

7. Allotments are small pieces of land that are rented to local people so that they can grow their own fruit, vegetables, and flowers. The history of Allotments goes back to Anglo-Saxon times and they are still measured in the Anglo-Saxon measure of rods or poles