Use "remote sensing" in a sentence

1. Airborne remote sensing services

2. Data on fishing activities, remote sensing *

3. Remote sensing and geographical information systems.

4. Staff of the Remote Sensing Group are preparing a new remote-sensing training manual for geologists in developing countries.

5. Remote sensing, aerial photography and airborne geophysics.

6. Remote sensing techniques have been applied in criminology.

7. The customary view in remote sensing is the vertical one.

8. Key words: riverbanks, damsite geology, geomorphology, airphoto interpretation, remote sensing.

9. She studied land use in arid lands using remote sensing techniques.

10. CONSIDERING FURTHER that under the Brazilian remote sensing data policy, satellite remote sensing data are made available to the user community in Brazil and adjoining countries for various environmental applications;

11. Remote sensing makes it possible to collect data on dangerous or inaccessible areas.

12. Departmental facilities are excellent in the fields of computing, remote sensing and laboratory analysis.

13. Satellite remote sensing activities are currently insufficiently regulated from the international point of view.

14. Remote-sensing and echo-evaluation projects: reducing the impact of fishing activities on protected species

15. Multi-trophic invasion resistance in Hawaii: Bioacoustics, field surveys, and airborne remote sensing Ecol Appl

16. rules on the administrative and on-the-spot checks and the checks by remote sensing

17. The theme for Acrs2019 is "Progress of remote sensing technology for smart future"

18. Geospatial Information Systems ( GIS ) and Remote Sensing ( RS ) are two arching technologies in global economy.

19. However it seems reasonable to use the ideas of remote sensing as a starting point.

20. First of all, however, the physical principles on which remote sensing is based are reviewed.

21. Satellite remote sensing methods, such as microwave sensors, allow comprehensive global determination of soil moisture.

22. Remote sensing of the Earth is one of the main thrusts of Ukraine’s space activities.

23. Such data have immediate application to the remote sensing of atmospheric NO from balloons and satellites.

24. NB 1: Remote sensing involves the use of satellite or aerial photography to check IACS applications.

25. Its intelligent control system mainly consists of monitoring and positioning, remote sensing andand inter - phoning subsystems.

26. Development of satellites for Earth remote sensing and advanced technologies for the creation of space facilities;

27. "Application of aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques to agricultural statistics in the period 1999-2003"

28. Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.

29. Three research centres were the main contributors to remote sensing/Geographic Information System (GIS) activities in Poland:

30. 13 Remote sensing techniques are useful in ultraviolet, visible infrared, and microwave regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

31. Remote sensing (observation from a distance), aerial photography, photogrammetry, cartography, topography and processing of (digital) scanned images

32. Remote sensing and aerial photography have also proved useful in recognizing the surface expression of mine workings.

33. Nevertheless, at that stage the spring crop acreages are still not easy to record by remote sensing.

34. We also propose the view - point of the current status and future development of remote sensing technique.

35. In the 0 - level satellite infrared remote sensing image, the striping noises would interfere the image qualities.

36. Other GLCWC initiatives are underway to address this limitation, including assessing the use of various remote sensing technologies.

37. As supporting activities, improved remote sensing algorithms and statistical testing and diagnostic approaches should continue to be pursued.

38. Technologies such as remote sensing and aerial photography also have an important role to play in ensuring transparency.

39. Key words: airborne, FM-CW radar, high-resolution radar, ice profiling, millimeter waves, radar remote sensing, river ice.

40. In this paper, the authors introduce the methods of remote sensing to monitor thermal pollution in metal mines.

41. on the application of aerial-survey and remote-sensing techniques to the agricultural statistics for 1999 to 2003

42. In this paper, we propose an automatic multispectral remote sensing image classification technique based on improved probabilistic diffusion.

43. GMES aims to bring together Europe's fragmented satellite observation and remote sensing activities in order to support Community policies.

44. Integrating thermal remote sensing and climatology provides a new method for observation and mechanism analysis of urban heat island.

45. 3 Aerosol and surface albedo are two important factors influencing quantitative remote sensing NO2 column with SCIAMACHY observed data.

46. At present, the methods of random sampling, systematic sampling and stratified sampling are widely used in remote sensing sampling.

47. Remote sensing is an effective way to map the land surface Albedo on both the regional and global scales.

48. It is a most quick and most effective approach to monitoring environment used multi temporal remote sensing images at present.

49. Antrix has completed a remote sensing project involving setting up of an earth station in Algeria using Indian CARTOSAT imagery.

50. * Implementing Arrangement regarding Cooperation in Augmentation of Brazilian Earth Station for Receiving and Processing data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellites;

51. In addition, researchers developed new remote sensing-based methods for carbon accounting in landscapes with shifting cultivation and degraded forests.

52. Our remote sensing device has picked up a signal which is now displayed on a screen in front of us.

53. In the following sections of the report, country-specific programmes are outlined first, followed by remote sensing and regional programmes.

54. The method for combining remote sensing technique, GIS technique and forest continuous inventory technique has great potentiality in forest resource monitoring.

55. Lineament maps derived from the remote sensing image by geological interpretation are useful tools for basic geological study and mineral prognoses .

56. Also included in the collections are remote sensing imagery and aerial photographs, Cartographic microform, geographic information systems, and digital data bases.

57. The optimum selection of bands and its combinations in remote sensing classification and the method for expanding feature space are presented.

58. Remote sensing, information gathered from online activity, and crowd-sourced data from mobile phones can complement traditional methods of gathering statistics.

59. The department's manager for remote sensing will try to persuade different parts of the government to spend more in this area.

60. Voltage sensing relays, and current sensing relays

61. Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was selected as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme

62. 7 Quality management system is a subsystem of Management Decision Support System for China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center(AGRS).

63. -Implementing arrangement establishing cooperation in augmentation of a Brazilian earth station for receiving and processing data from Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites

64. · Implementing Arrangement Establishing Cooperation in Augmentation of a Brazilian Earth Station for Receiving and Processing Data from Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) Satellites:

65. Project partners surpassed the current state of the art with their innovative products based on advanced software algorithms and remote sensing techniques.

66. The combination of remote-sensing and mathematical model is a good way to study the water thermal pollution in the river mouth.

67. A method of hyperspectral remote sensing of shallow water bathymetry based on artificial neural network (ANN) technique is studied in this thesis.

68. However, it is necessary to understand the principles of remote sensing in order to make intelligent and informed use of remotely-sensed data.

69. Cartographers use geodetic surveys and remote sensing systems to measure, analyze, and create maps and charts for political, cultural, and educational purposes

70. Satellite remote sensing, bathymetry and high-resolution seismic data have been used to examine the marine geo-hazards in the modern Yellow River delta.

71. In view of the difficulties in calculating area through remote sensing, this method should be authorised only in cases of abandonment of entire vineyard parcels.

72. Line scanners/pushbroom scanners, multispectral cameras and radiometers (imaging) for the remote sensing of celestial bodies (for use on space vehicles) and the earth's surface

73. In view of the difficulties in calculating area through remote sensing, this method should be authorised only in cases of abandonment of entire vineyard parcels

74. Tim Assal Department of Geography Tim is a biogeographer, landscape ecologist, and applied remote sensing scientist studying the effects of disturbance on forest and shrubland ecosystems.

75. In an effort to increase surveillance capabilities, an airplane specially fitted with remote sensing devices developed through Environment Canada's Arctic Marine Oil Spill Program, was employed.

76. Using complementarity of remote sensing information and ground monitoring information on water quality, a data fusion method based on neural network and evidence theory is proposed.

77. This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis.

78. Our methods span all technologies, from acoustic Doppler techniques for measuring stream flows, to remote sensing of cloud cover by satellite, to supercomputer modelling of volcanic plumes.

79. Satellite-derived bathymetric (SDB) remote sensing research utilizes ocean optics to estimate near-shore Bathymetry elevation values using satellite imagery acquired from Landsat 8 or DigitalGlobeWorldView platforms

80. - environment monitoring by remote sensing centred on advanced techniques: research, with development of techniques for applications of data derived from earth observation satellites, on environmental mapping and monitoring.