Use "reminding" in a sentence

1. Anyone who needs reminding shouldn't come.

2. Yes, I'll be there. Thanks for reminding me.

3. She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility.

4. I sent him a memo reminding him about the meeting.

5. Earnest and magnanimous, she is reminding of man's occasional silliness.

6. I'm sure you don't want reminding of the need for discretion.

7. In the golden September, chrysanthemum blooms, reminding people of the folktale.

8. I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder.

9. Smoking is bad for you,as experts never weary of reminding us.

10. Please keep reminding us of the necessity to stick to Bible principles.”

11. I fight Bossiness by reminding myself that God is God and I’m not

12. A memo went around the office, reminding staff of the new dress code.

13. As we are reminding ourselves, the Transfiguration took place at a most critical moment.

14. Carlton Pearson Live At Azusa 3 "Reminding The Saints Of The Hope"

15. Abyssinia did a great job of reminding me why I love it so much

16. Let me finish by reminding you that, like successful detectorists, beachcombers work with nature.

17. 5 It is, as the morbidly glib never tire of reminding us, as natural as life.

18. It is, as the morbidly glib never tire of reminding us, as natural as life.

19. 2 There's no need to belabour the point - you don't need to keep reminding me.

20. 25 “Continue reminding them to be in subjection and to be obedient to governments and authorities.”

21. Might I take the liberty of reminding Sir that Sir's favourite programme's on the air soon?

22. What better way to begin this section than by reminding them of God’s Chastening in the Old Testament:

23. I thank you also for reminding us that this is an issue about diet, physical activity and health.

24. Gradually she came to realize that it was reminding her of her father - her father and the allotment.

25. Stanford is looking worn down and reminding folks that they staggered at the finish line last year, too.

26. Risking death to prove I'm still into you and reminding you, you should still be into me.

27. Ten years later, naturally, another edict appeared, reminding of the necessity to do something with illegal migrants ...

28. Throughout the summer adverts will appear in newspapers and magazines reminding people of the goodness of spam.

29. 24 Even the District Secretary was not averse to reminding his tutor-organisers that they were dispensable.

30. The piano writing is Brahmsian in the extreme, reminding one at times of the Master's two piano concerti

31. 9 The fragrance of new millet drifted up on a southwestern breeze,[] reminding him that harvest was approaching.

32. IN THE late 1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing, but fragile, prosperity.

33. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.

34. As nothing else, the child within her womb kept reminding her daily, hourly of the treachery she had perpetrated.

35. “After you’ve given the discipline, it’s important not to keep going on about it and reminding the child about his faults.”

36. 21 He is often very callous to Lennie and is constantly reminding him what his life could be like without Lennie.

37. Boys become very sexually aware from the beginning of teenage years and their constant erections keep reminding them of that

38. I never find myself, fatigue in the voice, reminding Flaubert to hang up the bathmat or use the lavatory brush.

39. That's why we should now make a start on reminding ourselves of the relevance of our own particular life story.

40. The writer's po-faced style occasionally irritates: do people really need reminding that cases of bubonic plague should be treated immediately?

41. It was late afternoon, she had to keep reminding herself, even though her body-clock seemed stubbornly convinced it was bedtime.

42. How aBout a nice hot drink? 3 used for introducing somebody/something into a conversation or reminding somebody of somebody/something: I know …

43. And in public health services, simple SMS messages have proven effective in reminding people living with HIV to take their lifesaving drugs.

44. 14 She would find the fur within the nest warm and comfortable, reminding her of her own sleeping quarters in her hutch.

45. This is charmingly old-fashioned stuff, reminding you of the Victorian explorer who knocked out a boa constrictor with a straight right.

46. Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is one of its biggest mysteries, with the World Health Organization recently reminding the public of the …

47. You simply add any timed activity and Actio takes care of reminding you when it is due and track the time spent on it

48. Understand the most important points Abridge has your back, from reminding you of medical terminology to identifying important details of your care.

49. When your balance runs low (about 30% of your funds left), we'll send you an email reminding you to make an additional payment.

50. “CONTINUE reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work.”

51. She got carried away in a flurry of excitement, but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting.

52. Africanized bees as a threat haven’t really been newsmakers since the 1990s, but here they are, reminding us that, well, they’re not going anywhere

53. Ahoy.Ai Web Extension to help save time scheduling meetings by reminding users to cc [email protected] when writing an email on gmail

54. As if I needed any more reminding that my love life is in rewind and that the " mystery ma " " would rather go grocery shopping...

55. (WWBT) - The Department of Wildlife Resources is reminding boaters that ere are new engine Cutoff device wear requirements going into effect on April 1

56. Not shy about reminding his followers of their responsibility to give, he emphatically states: ‘Tithing isn’t something you do because you can afford it.

57. Mary Ellen Bork, the widow to the late federal Judge Robert Bork, wrote a response to an article in the Wall Street Journal reminding readers of …

58. Protests in Sistan and Baluchistan have terrified the regime, reminding them of the major Iran protests in November 2019 which rattled the regime to the core.

59. She got carried away in a flurry of excitement,but we brought her down to earth by reminding her of the tasks waiting to be down.

60. Personally, A log is like a personal radio history reminding you of the people and places you’ve talked to, the nets you participated in and contests you worked.

61. A Conclusion is an important part of the paper; it provides closure for the reader while reminding the reader of the contents and importance of the paper

62. Cronies Sports Bar has been serving customers for outdoor dining, despite repeated visitors by health inspectors reminding the owners of the local health orders, Agoura Hills City Councilmember

63. And then there was the language, the rhythmic cadence of it, reminding me of evenings spent listening to Bedouin elders recite hours-long narrative poems entirely from memory.

64. And then there was the language, the rhythmic cadence of it, reminding me of evenings spent listening to Bedouin elders recite hours- long narrative poems entirely from memory.

65. Today’s Wall Street Journal heralded still another case, reminding us once again where the thousands of corporate zombies now Barnacling the main street economy get their financial feed:

66. An example of the word Accordingly is when a teacher asks a student to behave Accordingly by reminding the student of appropriate behavior using other students an example.

67. * Nguyen Phu Nhuan, "Being Beaten Unconscious for Reminding [a police officer] about a ‘Bribe'" [Bi danh ngat xiu vi nhac chuyen lot tay], Phap Luat TP HCM, August 5, 2010.

68. For 2012, each study edition will feature on the cover an artist’s colorful rendering of a witnessing scene, reminding us of our God-given commission to bear thorough witness about Jehovah’s Kingdom.

69. At the same time as it was publishing its press release Ballyhooing the above developments, Plug filed a form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), reminding the agency that for

70. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Apart from its pillars, the egg-pocket is an inverted Conoid, reminding us of the work of the Silky Epeira. THE LIFE OF THE SPIDER J

71. While observing the others’ day-to-day lives, the Chimps have taken to other human behaviors, such as shoveling things like peanuts into their mouths while they watch— reminding this author of

72. Reminding People of the 'Barbarity of Abortion': Why Pro-Lifers March Because of the pandemic and security concerns in Washington, D.C., much of the March for Life will go virtual this year.

73. Bayonne, NJ - With daylight savings time upon us (clocks go ahead one hour tonight), Bayonne Fire Chief Keith Weaver is reminding residents that turning our clocks is a good time to also heed some

74. He wrote: “By these sacrifices there is a reminding of sins from year to year, for it is not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take sins away.”

75. And it did so at a time when financial disruption in emerging economies is reminding the world of the importance of a strong stabilizing anchor at the core of the international monetary system.

76. We named it Crusader and engraved Psalm 144:1 on the lower receiver to hoist the flag of our faith and to make a statement, reminding our customers that we are with you

77. The sultan welcomed Alexios warmly, and the deposed emperor, after reminding the sultan of the succour he had given him, promised him rich rewards if he would help restore him to his throne.

78. The co-owner of the denim brand 3sixteen said that “with people being home a lot and wanting to be comfortable,” shoppers have shifted to a Baggier jean that “isn’t always reminding you of

79. 28 He has accused McCain of "panicking" in the face of Wall Street events and has been reminding voters at every turn that McCain had long advocated deregulating Wall Street, blamed for the crisis.

80. The answer is obvious if we heed the apostle Paul’s counsel: “Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work.”