Use "remarkable thing" in a sentence

1. That is indeed remarkable! That is indeed a remarkable thing!

2. 21 That is indeed remarkable! That is indeed a remarkable thing!

3. But probably the most remarkable thing is that it comes full circle.

4. The remarkable thing is the sensory information coming into the brain hasn't changed at all.

5. And the other remarkable thing is it's, I think, the highest status of car ownership.

6. The remarkable thing about it is, in some unknowing, Blundering way, I did know, but I couldn't phrase it

7. Now, the remarkable thing about blood vessels is that they have this ability to adapt to whatever environment they're growing in.

8. The remarkable thing to us is that, when you give monkeys this choice, they do the same irrational thing that people do.

9. The remarkable thing about this cinematic treat was the close comparison it bore to the scene at Stonethwaite campsite a few days previously.

10. IT MUST have been a remarkable thing to sit there on the Mount of Olives —overlooking the temple in Jerusalem— when Jesus uttered one of his most fascinating prophecies.

11. What a remarkable thing is learning, the process whereby the accumulated knowledge of the centuries has been summarized and filtered so that in a brief period we can learn what was first learned only through long exercises of research and trial and error.

12. The remarkable thing Huxley discovered in his studies of relative growth, and summarized in his 1932 book Problems of Relative Growth [], is that the mathematical relationship describing an Allometry is very often a power law rather than some other function such as an exponential or a sigmoidal curve.From Figure 1a one can see that the ant legs, thorax and abdomen are about …