Use "rem sleep" in a sentence

1. During a healthy night’s sleep, REM sleep occurs several times, alternating with non-REM sleep.

2. This alternates with non-REM sleep.

3. These appear to rest during REM sleep.

4. Non-REM sleep can be subdivided into four stages of progressively deeper sleep.

5. In 1953, REM sleep was discovered as distinct, and thus William C. Dement and Nathaniel Kleitman reclassified sleep into four NREM stages and REM.

6. ▪ Electrooculogram —Records eye movements observed during REM sleep.

7. REM sleep is an evolutionarily recent behavior of humans.

8. The REM-sleep interruption must've caused his cardiac arrest.

9. Furthermore, REM sleep was sometimes referred to as stage 5.

10. Non-REM sleep can further be divided into four stages.

11. Sleep proceeds in 90-minute cycles of REM and NREM, the order normally being N1 → N2 → N3 → N2 → REM.

12. Dreaming occurs especially during periods of rapid eye movement, called REM sleep.

13. Active sleep, or REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, takes up about 25 percent of our total sleeping time.

14. Both the REM sleep and the brain waves happen at the same time.

15. Thus the immune response to infection may result in changes to the sleep cycle, including an increase in slow-wave sleep relative to REM sleep.

16. REM sleep also profoundly affects brain systems that control the body's internal organs.

17. Although you don’t realize it, your muscles go perfectly limp during REM sleep.

18. When people awaken during REM sleep they describe bizarre and illegical tale - dream.

19. The sentinel hypothesis of REM sleep was put forward by Frederick Snyder in 1966.

20. Confusional Arousals are non-REM sleep parasomnias that are fairly common in children and adults

21. He believes that narcolepsy is attributable to an inability to suppress REM sleep during waking.

22. ▪ Electromyogram —Used to monitor the tonus of chin and leg muscles during REM sleep.

23. Instead of sleeping through the night, volunteers now were awakened four times in REM sleep.

24. In REM sleep, it becomes more likely that ideas might come together in a solution.

25. In both humans and experimental animals, REM sleep loss leads to several behavioral and physiological abnormalities.

26. They found that some cells in the brain stem produce electrochemical signals only during REM sleep.

27. For example, high - activity REM sleep could trigger the robot to move as though it was flying.

28. Arousal is an abrupt change in the pattern of brain wave activity, as measured by an EEG.Arousal typically represents a shift from deep sleep, which is commonly known as REM sleep, to light sleep, known as NREM sleep, or from sleep to wakefulness.

29. This non-REM sleep is when DNA is repaired and our bodies replenish themselves for the day ahead.

30. Temporary paralysis occurs during REM sleep, and dysregulation of this system can lead to episodes of waking paralysis.

31. Insomniacs, for example, spend less time than average in REM sleep, contributing to a vicious downward spiral of increasing anxiety.

32. If we get fewer consecutive hours of sleep than we need, we won’t get as much of the last and longest REM sleep period, which is vital to mental health.

33. In abnormally long sleep cycles with artificial delay of the first REM period, the cyclical rhythmicity of prolactin release seems disturbed.

34. REM sleep, on the other hand, with its similarity to waking brain activity, is associated with the consolidation of procedural memory.

35. During the non-REM slow-wave sleep, declarative memory is encoded into a temporary store in the anterior part of the hippocampus.

36. Studies have shown that the electrical activity of neurons becomes more synchronized during non-REM sleep and after sleep deprivation, but the researchers found the opposite to be true for Astrocytes, with calcium

37. Idiopathic RBD is defined as a parasomnia characterised by recurrent dream enactment with loss of the atonia which is normally present during REM sleep.

38. REM sleep was associated with selective activation of extrastriate visual Cortices, particularly within the ventral processing stream, and an unexpected attenuation of activity …

39. By 15 and 16 weeks, breathing, hiccuping, sucking, swallowing, yawning, eye movement —and in succeeding weeks REM sleep— all of these are occurring.

40. (Alcohol has a similar effect on REM sleep.) Ironically, Caffeine's primary use is to mask the problem it creates by helping users be alert after

41. You can tell that a person is in REM sleep when the bulge of his eyeballs can be seen rapidly moving under his eyelids.

42. We investigated 24 patients with primary alcoholism after 2–3 weeks abstinence in the sleep laboratory; in 15 of these patients the cholinergic REM sleep induction test (CRIT) with 10 mg galanthamine was performed additionally.

43. Exercise has two effects: (i) when the exercise load is too heavy or if the subject is not trained to the exercise conditions, the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA) is strongly activated (somatic stress reaction), and a diachronic (delayed) decrease in total sleep time and slow-wave sleep (SWS) occurs with a synchronic (concomitant) sleep disruption (such as a decrease in REM sleep); (ii) a diachronic enhancement of SWS and (or) REM sleep occurs during moderate training and in athletes, with a moderate HPA activation (neurogenic stress reaction).

44. When he watched the rats enter REM sleep, he saw that the same neuron patterns fired that had fired at choice turning points in the maze.

45. Sako Finnbear Battue, 7MM Rem Mag

46. I was deep in the rem.

47. However, virtually all present - day sedatives suppress REM, while Inception's designer drugs also negate real REM effects.

48. Attornare, Procuratorem constituere ad rem quampiam

49. Sleep sleep sleep, sleep out ideal and slobber.

50. Positron emission tomography was used to measure cerebral activity and to evaluate regional interrelationships within visual Cortices and their projections during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in human subjects

51. Ibi Androclus rem mirificam narrat atque admirandam

52. As movie plots are constructed out of old movies, so does REM and other stages of sleep remix new information with old memories, forming a huge part of our identity.

53. Narcolepsy, however, disrupts the normal REM pattern.

54. REM comment: any text following this command is ignored.

55. Style of cause of action in rem (2) The style of cause of an action in rem shall be in Form 477.

56. The REM proposals opened up space for parallel actions.

57. The distinction between actions in rem and actions in personam

58. * In rare cases , dangerous sleep-related behaviors such as sleep-walking , sleep-driving , and sleep-eating

59. The distinction between actions in rem and actions in personam 44.

60. REM the angle Alpha from the tangent of the angle Alpha

61. Finally, each cycle is completed by the radically different REM stage.

62. PROPOSITIO XIII : Affectus erga rem Contingentem quam scimus in præsenti non existere, cæteris paribus remissior est quam affectus erga rem præteritam

63. Complex feedback loops involving cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α produced in response to infection, appear to also play a role in the regulation of non-rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

64. So for example, disturbances in REM are associated with depression.

65. Bushmaster ACR .223 Rem/5.56 Semi-Automatic Rifle, Blk - 90958

66. Bushmaster 90035 Square Drop Pistol Semi-Auto .223 REM/5.56 NAT

67. The ablation patterns on PMMA samples were examined by REM.

68. What is Biphasic sleep? Biphasic sleep is a sleep pattern. It may also be called bimodal, diphasic, segmented, or divided sleep

69. Resign yourself , my heart; sleep your brutish sleep.

70. "Actions based on contracts for the transfer of ownership or other rights in rem affecting immovable property do not therefore have as their object rights in rem".

71. ACTIONS IN REM AND IN PERSONAM Types of admiralty actions 477.

72. Some doctors would thus define narcolepsy as a “REM dysfunction disorder.”

73. And the framework of workflow management system in REM is researched.

74. (1) Admiralty actions may be in rem or in personam, or both.

75. (a) the admiralty action continues both in rem and in personam; or

76. Check if you have sleep Apnoea Symptoms of sleep Apnoea mainly happen while you sleep.

77. Eius Ambitio erat patriae in administratione servire, sed rem disponere nequiit

78. In authors'opinion, the petition in rem is a kind of petition.

79. Biphasic sleep refers to sleep habits that involve a …

80. Let us talk about the substance in rem and not about ad hominem.