Use "relative to" in a sentence

1. Bremsstrahlung relative to normal Bremsstrahlung, i.e

2. Actual size relative to the female

3. Font size fixed or relative to environment

4. & Increase size of previews relative to icons

5. Japanese interest rates rose relative to America's.

6. Are these documents relative to the discussion?

7. While Aspectual operators locate the situation type relative to reference time, tense operators locate reference time relative to speech time

8. interest earnings relative to Agencies’ average cash holdings,

9. These are the facts relative to the problem.

10. Potential is defined relative to an arbitrary datum.

11. Get a relative to look after the children.

12. Knifefish achieved high maximum acceleration relative to other fish.

13. You miscalculated your trajectory relative to the incoming asteroid.

14. the path can be either absolute, or relative to $trusted_dir .

15. Sliding the drawer relative to the enclosure activates the switch.

16. Administered Endoxan increased mobility rate relative to the dose used.

17. Filename is either an absolute path or relative to ServerRoot .

18. A band relative to the accumulated energy curve is defined.

19. The nervous system is large relative to the bird's size.

20. Slightly greater than expected accumulation occurs relative to single dosing

21. Its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun.

22. Thus an observer moving relative to the aether must measure some sort of "aether wind" even as an observer moving relative to air measures an apparent wind.

23. The movable cam is movable axially relative to the actuator handle.

24. [+] as the Asteroid (tracked) is moving relative to the background stars

25. The metabolic profile predicts a substantial anaerobic relative to aerobic metabolism.

26. Run out of the abutment relative to the reference Y-Z

27. • Reduction in accident/incident rates relative to the increase in traffic

28. Acetal properties relative to printing: It has a high shrink ratio

29. The adsorbent has high selectivity for VOC relative to water vapor.

30. How much are you producing relative to what you can produce?

31. There are two views available here: normal, where each author's activity is relative to the base line, and stacked, where each author's activity is relative to the line underneath.

32. Absolute: The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (not static) ancestor element: Play it » fixed: The element is positioned relative to the browser window: Play it » relative: The element is positioned relative to its normal position, so "left:20px" adds 20 …

33. Non-Cyclical stocks show little movement relative to the cycle of businesses.

34. QE helped American exports by weakening the dollar relative to other currencies.

35. How do countries pay their teachers relative to other highly skilled workers?

36. After that time, June temperature became cooler relative to July–September temperature.

37. Compare how recession-proof Ampler Holdings is relative to the industry overall

38. The location of the transfered songs relative to the device mount point

39. Although they look like ferns, Cycads are a closer relative to conifers

40. True Airspeed is the Airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air

41. The color scale is relative to the weighted average of all entities.

42. All ACQ treatments accelerate corrosion of metal fasteners relative to untreated wood.

43. The location of the transfered podcasts relative to the device mount point

44. A vague feeling of disorientation or strangeness relative to the immediate environment.

45. I find Sprout Social (SPT) stock Conservatively valued relative to its market opportunity

46. Busts are players that under-perform relative to their average draft position (ADP)

47. The acetabular prosthetic cup is aligned relative to the calculated acetabulum center axis.

48. The gauges are configured to output voltage relative to strain placed on them.

49. The hole is at an acute angle relative to at least one surface.

50. 15 Special care should be exercised in guarding one’s motive relative to money.

51. Tyrannosaurs had large olfactory bulbs and olfactory nerves (relative to their brain size).

52. Historically, belief in Limbo resulted from 12th-century theological debates relative to purgatory.

53. ‘Furthermore, the placement of the Ambulacra relative to the radials appears to be incorrect.’

54. Extreme Aphelions of Earth: 2001 to 2100 Date GMT Distance Relative to Mean Ap

55. Tax structure often disadvantages equity financing relative to debt financing, constraining risk capital activity.

56. (1) Maximum level is relative to a feed with a moisture content of 12 %.

57. 1–2, The Lord gives a commandment relative to admission to the united order.

58. OK, so anyway, the question says, relative to the plane, x 2y 4z = 7.

59. CONCLUSION: People with CAI have deficits in plantar sensation relative to controls and Copers

60. Swimbladder angle relative to the incident sound wave affects scattering amplitudes at all frequencies.

61. High abundance of anomalously enriched elements relative to oceanic and crustal sources was observed.

62. , and if not specified as an absolute path, is relative to the spooling directory.

63. Your submarine's position relative to the north korean coast, for example, is a complication.

64. Introduction about concepts of tree , dendrology, and major study objectives relative to the science.

65. That is the only warning I have seen relative to Anticoagulants and the vaccine

66. The serval has the longest legs of any cat relative to its body size.

67. It is very strong relative to its size and has short but muscular legs.

68. We have bigger brains relative to our bodies by far than any other animal.

69. Anorectal fistulas are characterized by their tract location relative to the internal and external sphincters

70. Subsets of the population gain, and others lose, certainly relative to expectations – and often absolutely.

71. First and second front stops (44, 50) are independently adjustable relative to first arm (12).

72. This technique approximates the parallax seen when moving the eye relative to an uneven surface.

73. Using more natural gas, in oversupply and cheap relative to oil, is an obvious choice.

74. as a URI path relative to the one used to access the directory being indexed.

75. Since 1996, the power of the entities relative to the State government has decreased significantly.

76. Run out of the vertical face of the abutment relative to the reference Y-Z

77. Struthiomimus had longer hands relative to the humerus than other ornithomimids, with particularly long claws.

78. • the average female wage in the economy, both absolute and relative to male wages; and

79. The container holding the solidifiable paste and the spreader are movable relative to one another.

80. SRD SRD has specific regulatory responsibility relative to Albian’s proposal under the Public Lands Act.