Use "regular polygon" in a sentence

1. Construct a regular polygon with this vertex

2. Construct a regular polygon with a given center and vertex

3. Regular A Convex polygon is defined as a polygon with all its interior angles less than 180°

4. To improve this 'Regular polygon Circumscribed to a circle Calculator', please fill in questionnaire

5. Add a Polygon

6. Move a Polygon

7. Show a Polygon

8. Convex Polygon Test

9. A polygon which has a Circumscribed circle is called a cyclic polygon.All regular simple polygons, all triangles and all rectangles are cyclic.

10. A polygon that corresponds to the convex hull of another polygon

11. Constructible meaning (of a regular polygon) That can be constructed in a plane using only a pair of compasses and a straightedge.

12. Remove a Polygon

13. Hide a Polygon

14. Vertices of a Polygon

15. A simple, step-by-step, visual guide showing you how to prove the Angles of a regular polygon equal 180° x (n-2)

16. Sides of a Polygon

17. Setup Polygon Screen Saver

18. This polygon is not convex

19. This polygon is convex

20. The vertices of a polygon

21. The sides of a polygon

22. Determination of the Voronoi polygon

23. The Platonic Solids, discovered by the Pythagoreans but described by Plato (in the Timaeus) and used by him for his theory of the 4 elements, consist of surfaces of a single kind of regular polygon, with identical vertices.The Archimedean Solids, consist of surfaces of more than a single kind of regular polygon, with identical vertices and identical

24. Caldes de Montbui: parcel 57 of cadastral polygon 1 and parcel 12 of cadastral polygon 2

25. Intersect this polygon with a line

26. Construct a polygon with this vertex

27. Check whether this polygon is convex

28. Vertex radius polygon inscribed circle Circumscribed

29. Test whether a given polygon is convex

30. You can choose Polygon or Convex/Concave.

31. See Combine polygon meshes using Booleans

32. Actually, there's a polygon tool here.

33. A planar polygon that is not Convex …

34. Cubells: parcel 90 of cadastral polygon 7

35. What is the perimeter of this polygon?

36. Convex Polygon A planar polygon is Convex if it contains all the line segments connecting any pair of its points

37. Construct a polygon by giving its vertices

38. Construct the convex hull of this polygon

39. SEE ALSO: Connected Set, Convex Function, Concave Polygon, Convex Hull, Convex Optimization Theory, Convex Polygon, Delaunay Triangulation, Simply Connected.

40. Barcelona: parcel 1 of cadastral polygon 1

41. Check whether this point is in a polygon

42. Now selects the front polygon and inset it.

43. Not every polygon has a Circumscribed circle

44. Select a vertex for the new polygon

45. In geometry, the Circumscribed circle or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle that passes through all the vertices of the polygon

46. A polygon with ten sides is a decagon.

47. The frequency polygon is simpler than its histogram counterpart.

48. Draw the corresponding frequency polygon over the histogram.

49. In geometry, the Circumscribed circle or circumcircle of a polygon is a circle which passes through all the vertices of the polygon

50. Test whether a given polygon contains a given point

51. Select the polygon you want to test for convexity

52. This paper gives a new algorithem for polygon clipping.

53. How many diagonals does this seven-sided polygon have?

54. Finally, the effective general polygon clipping algorithm is given.

55. On the polygon, ellipse and circle can be filled.

56. The Clipper library performs line & polygon clipping - intersection, union, …

57. Torrebesses: parcels 247 and 283 of cadastral polygon 6

58. There is less area outside the circle and inside the Circumscribed polygon; likewise, there is more area inside the circle and outside the inscribed polygon.

59. This paper extends the concept of monotone chain in computational geometry. It presents a new polygon scanning fill algorithm , polygon filling algorithm based on monotony chain.

60. A polygon (or polyhedron) is Circumscribed about a closed curve

61. A viewport is a polygon viewing region in computer graphics.

62. Circumscribed[′sər·kəm‚skrībd] (mathematics) A closed curve (or surface) is Circumscribed about a polygon (or polyhedron) if every vertex of the polygon (or polyhedron) is incident upon the curve (or surface) and the polygon (or polyhedron) is contained in the curve (or surface)

63. Select a point to be a vertex of the new polygon

64. Key words: seed weight, germination, competition, Thiessen polygon, Abutilon theophrasti.

65. The following square is a fundamental polygon of the Klein bottle.

66. The perimeter is the length of the entire outside boundary of a polygon, and the Area is the measure of the space that fills the polygon boundary

67. The Constructionist is a Polygon Boss that can occur in the Realm

68. Select the polygon of which you want the intersection with a line

69. The polygon definitions are written to the file whose unit number is

70. Polygon describing the geographic extent of the responsibility of a service.

71. Maya Attacher plugin, creates a locator that sticks to a polygon face

72. Select the line of which you want the intersection with a polygon

73. More generally, no polygon whose vertex coordinates are algebraically independent has an equidissection.

74. The studs (6) each form the corner points of a substantially equilateral polygon.

75. After you’ve drawn a path or polygon, you can measure distances and areas.

76. Select the polygon of which you want to construct the convex hull

77. You can adjust the shape of a polygon mask on the stage:

78. It refers to a polygon—"the basic visual building block of video games".

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80. Regular celery!