Use "regrettable mistake" in a sentence

1. It is regrettable that...

2. Taxes are a regrettable necessity.

3. Any job losses are regrettable.

4. Your choice of friends is regrettable.

5. Her rudeness was most / highly regrettable.

6. This was a very regrettable error.

7. The loss of jobs is highly regrettable.

8. What regrettable past did the apostle Paul have?

9. It is regrettable that our appeal a dead letter.

10. Here they still appear as regrettable or puzzling distractions.

11. The whole business was regrettable but not beyond redemption.

12. His tiredness caused him to make a regrettable error.

13. It is regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter.

14. Regrettable mistakes were made, which we're now trying to rectify.

15. It is regrettable that the police were not informed sooner.

16. A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards.

17. The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.

18. It would be regrettable if blood were shed in my personal defense.

19. It is highly regrettable that the minister cannot be here in person.

20. It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.

21. 8 The biggest mistake in life is the unceasingly worried about making mistake.

22. Honest mistake, I'm sure.

23. You're making a mistake!

24. They made a mistake.

25. The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.

26. Instead, another regrettable aspect of her personality impelled her to smile specially at this man.

27. His mistake is quite unaccountable.

28. He admitted his guilt/mistake.

29. Whoops, that was a mistake.

30. He didn't realize his mistake.

31. He made that mistake unconsciously.

32. 26 – Analect 15.29, meaning: To make a mistake and change nothing, that is the mistake.

33. Accidental Shield: A Marriage Mistake Romance (Marriage Mistake Series Book 6) - Kindle edition by Snow, Nicole

34. I am not afraid to make a mistake, even a great mistake, a lifelong mistake and perhaps as long as eternity too. James Joyce 

35. He made a gross mistake.

36. He labored under the mistake.

37. Anyone can make a mistake.

38. I did it by mistake.

39. This is all a mistake.

40. They will not do this if all the recent most regrettable and very negative publicity persists.

41. Accidental Knight: A Marriage Mistake Romance (Marriage Mistake Series Book 4) - Kindle edition by Snow, Nicole

42. Synonyms for Cacology include solecism, blunder, error, mistake, boob, howler, abuse, barbarism, grammatical mistake and misusage

43. If there is any mistake in the textbooks, the mistake must be proofread and corrected immediately.

44. Betise definition: a stupid mistake synonyms: fault, foolishness, error, folly, mistake, stupidity, imbecility antonyms: perfection, absolve, worthlessness

45. ● Do you mistake abrasiveness for wit?

46. I took your pen by mistake.

47. I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

48. I locked myself out by mistake.

49. Two alert scientists spotted the mistake.

50. Did I make another Idiomatic mistake?

51. I feel bad about the mistake.

52. She’s made a Criminally stupid mistake

53. It's all been a ghastly mistake.

54. He has been arrested by mistake.

55. We have made a foolish mistake.

56. A mistake in our hallowed tome?

57. It's easy to make a mistake.

58. ☒ Avoid Apologizing for the wrong mistake, just because that mistake is easier to fix or forgive

59. I feel abashed at my mistake.

60. You're your father's daughter, no mistake.

61. I took your umbrella by mistake.

62. I took his bag by mistake.

63. That one mistake was his undoing.

64. If you insist on this insolence trust me, you'll find yourself in a most regrettable situation.

65. For a regrettable number, emotional instability and spiritual confusion remain long after the physical bruises have faded.

66. A Blunder is an embarrassing mistake

67. What a mistake that would be!

68. You have made a big mistake!

69. Denial —(“There must be some mistake!”)

70. It was all a ghastly mistake.

71. You've made a very elementary mistake.

72. He made this mistake by accident.

73. She blushed at her stupid mistake.

74. He felt mortified for his mistake.

75. It was an easily forgivable mistake.

76. She was Ashamed of her mistake.

77. Killing Duncan is a terrible mistake.

78. That dress was an expensive mistake.

79. He opened Ingrid's letter by mistake.

80. Another mistake, I'll end you myself.