Use "regressing" in a sentence

1. Such countries are not "developing" at all, but regressing.

2. 9 Milia in regressing plaques of mycosis fungoides:Provoked by topical nitrogen mustard or not?

3. 1 Milia in regressing plaques of mycosis fungoides:Provoked by topical nitrogen mustard or not? Kalayciyan A. , Oguz O. , Demirkesen C.

4. Often , preschoolers will react to a parent 's departure by regressing to younger behaviors , such as whining or asking for a bottle .

5. Backward means the opposite way, behind, in reverse, away from the front.Backward may also mean shy, not socially adept, or regressing instead of progressing

6. More appropriately, an Alpha is generated by regressing the security or mutual fund's excess return on the benchmark (for example S&P 500) excess return

7. Corpus al´bicans white fibrous tissue that replaces the regressing Corpus luteum in the human ovary in the latter half of pregnancy, or soon after ovulation when pregnancy does not supervene