Use "redoubts" in a sentence

1. My father isn't using any of the League's ordinary redoubts in the city.

2. Well-concealed redoubts were guarded by a triple barrier of barbed wire, fifty yards deep.

3. Synonyms for Acropolises include forts, fortresses, castles, citadels, fortification, strongholds, fastness, redoubts, keeps and blockhouses

4. Synonyms for Bastions include fortification, strongholds, bulwarks, fortresses, breastworks, citadels, fastness, parapets, redoubts and support

5. The ISI’s clients were trapped in distant redoubts and on the verge of annihilation.

6. Between 2009 and 2010 the five biggest losers in terms of "residents lost to other states" were all prominent redoubts of progressivism: California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey.

7. Three strong redoubts were built, circled by an abatis and manned by Highlanders from the 71st Foot, Hessians from the Regiment von Trumbach, and companies of Loyalists from North and South Carolina.