Use "reddest" in a sentence

1. Amalthea is the reddest object in the solar system and it appears to …

2. Amalthea is the reddest object in the solar system, even redder than the

3. Bloodwood can be the reddest wood out there without resorting to a bottle of dye

4. Synonyms for Achiest include painfullest, sorest, tenderest, nastiest, rawest, sharpest, severest, prickliest, stiffest and reddest

5. Antonyms for Ashiest include flushest, reddest, rosiest, ruddiest, most blooming, most florid, most glowing, most rubicund, most sanguine and most flushed

6. It is without doubt the reddest of all the naked-eye stars, though binoculars are needed to bring out its colour properly.