Use "recognizance" in a sentence

1. Behaviour; as, a recognizance to be of good Abearance, signifies to be of good behaviour

2. Behaviour; as, a recognizance to be of good Abearance, signifies to be of good behaviour

3. Bastardy Recognizance - like a bail bond - the father is to appear at next Quarter Sessions and case continued until child born

4. Legal definition for Abearance: Behavior; as a recognizance to be of good Abearance signifies to be of good behavior

5. Court documents show that after Ms. Bush's June arraignment, which she attended by telephone from Hawaii, she relinquished her passport and was freed on her own recognizance.

6. [Mid 16th century.] 1769, Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the laws of England: The other species of recognizance, with sureties, is tor the good Abearance or good behaviour.

7. The charge is punishable by up to four years in prison and a fine of $2,000.The Arraigning judge freed Montrel on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond, a condition of which is that he not possess animals