Use "recognising" in a sentence

1. Method and device for recognising alphanumeric information

2. (a) the enterprise's accounting policy for recognising actuarial gains and losses;

3. Bowing to the dead, recognising blame, my own personal blame.

4. (a) the entity's accounting policy for recognising actuarial gains and losses;

5. An approach recognising the realities of global interdependency and risk is required.

6. Recognising the tenderness inherent in the small caresses, Luke looked momentarily distracted.

7. And in the delirium of recognising her power she felt protected, safe in his arms.

8. RECOGNISING Viet Nam's status as a developing country and taking account of the Parties' respective levels of development,

9. Synonyms for Adverting include noticing, considering, heeding, noting, observing, recognising, recognizing, acknowledging, discerning and perceiving

10. Synonyms for Agnizing include recognising, recognizing, identifying, placing, knowing, recalling, remembering, recollecting, distinguishing and espying

11. Process and system for automatically recognising preneoplastic abnormalities in anatomical structures, and corresponding computer program

12. In 1831, he signed the Federal Pact, recognising provincial autonomy and creating the Argentine Confederation.

13. 9 And in the delirium of recognising her power she felt protected, safe in his arms.

14. In 1555, Pope Paul IV issued a papal bull recognising Philip and Mary as rightful King and Queen of Ireland.

15. Voting for the Fajon report means indirectly recognising the independence of Kosovo, and that is not acceptable.

16. Recognising sharp practice in their dealers from the outset, they would be less likely to blame them for huge losses.

17. A competent scholar, in recognising this Consociation of Hebrew religion with the moon's phases, rightly ascribes to it an earlier origin

18. The entity has adopted a policy of recognising all actuarial gains and losses immediately, as permitted by paragraph 93.

19. Without recognising that knowledge of this kind is in play, we may misinterpret what is said about particular texts.

20. There are others who often do not leave their cars but are mightily impressed without recognising the various summits by name.

21. Recognising his own inadequacy as a general, he appointed a succession of brilliant field commanders to lead the High Elf armies.

22. By 1984, recognising the opportunity of the home computer era, Amstrad launched an 8-bit machine, the Amstrad CPC 464.

23. Airwards platform are the showcase of best practices and new perspectives on the drone industry by recognising the best in class work.

24. In the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Adult Learners , listening to, and recognising a wide range of idioms and Colloquialisms doesn’t

25. Recognising this, some feminists have used the alternative strategy of deliberately playing with words rather than attempting straightforwardly to redefine them.

26. Many organisations and businesses are becoming aware of Conscious and unConscious bias recognising that both can be damaging to creativity, profitability and success

27. RECOGNISING the importance of ensuring data quality, accuracy, integrity, and security, and instituting appropriate accountability to ensure these principles are observed;

28. Airwards platform are the showcase of best practices and new perspectives on the drone industry by recognising the best in class work.

29. 10 True independence and self-determination come from recognising that we not only have responsibility for ourselves, but also obligations to others.

30. He didn't much care what happened to his work afterwards, to the extent of sometimes disowning it, or even not recognising it.

31. Through the Airwards platform, we showcase best practices and new perspectives on the drone industry by recognising the best in class work across a multitude of sectors

32. The classification resulted in recognising 84% of subjects Anaesthetised with sevoflurane correctly, whereas 8% were wrongly classified as awake and another 8% as Anaesthetised with propofol

33. Throughout much of the 1990s, Russia vacillated between recognising weakness and acting accordingly (sometimes abjectly), and ignoring it in gestures of bluff and bluster.

34. DCs serve as crucial messengers between innate and adaptive immunity by recognising specific molecular patterns found in bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi through pathogen-recognition receptors (PPRs).

35. She never entered the medical field, instead choosing a different path after recognising a gap in the market to Commercialise the production of a local pepper sauce: shito.

36. Recognising the significant capabilities that exist in the South East Asia Region, we must step up collaboration amongst ourselves for promoting universal access to quality health care and affordable medicines.

37. * Power sector: Recognising the existing capabilities of BHEL in manufacturing gas turbine units, the Iraqi side agreed to include BHEL as a qualified Equipment Manufacturer for its power sector.

38. Through the Airwards platform, we showcase best practices and new perspectives on the drone industry by recognising the best in class work across a multitude of sectors

39. Recognising that Bangladesh could transform itself into an economic bridge within the subcontinent and between South Asia and the abutting regions further to the east, Dhaka has boldly played for high stakes.

40. The Council shall make public its reasons for holding the procedure in a position of abeyance and recognising the corrective policy actions taken by the Member State concerned.

41. RECOGNISING the significant efforts and the outstanding achievements of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, as well as the importance of its work in the tuna fisheries in the Eastern Pacific Ocean;

42. RECOGNISING the limited global reserve of fossil energy, the unstable world prices of fuel oil, the worsening problems of environment and health, and the urgent need to address global warming and climate change;

43. Suspension is a blow to Syria's claim to be the beating heart of pan-Arabism. And isolation could be a precursor to recognising the Syrian National Council, the umbrella group of the opposition.

44. P. recognising that the resolution of the land issue in Zimbabwe, a country with an agrarian based economy, is important to promote the economic empowerment and social welfare of all citizens,

45. 15 I think "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Twilight" were very smart at recognising that the vampire represents the ultimate outsider who is of this world but not of this world.

46. 18. Recognising the importance of rare earths and rare metals in industries of both countries, the two Prime Ministers decided to enhance bilateral cooperation in this area by enterprises of their countries.

47. * Recognising that cooperation in science and technology is crucial for addressing poverty and developmental challenges that confront them, the Ministers reiterated their commitment to work together by synergising their technological strength and capabilities.

48. Recognising the critical dependence of their economies on imported energy sources and their vulnerability to supply shocks, the two Prime Ministers affirmed their intention to further strengthen energy cooperation through the India–Japan Energy Dialogue.

49. The authorities of the OCT, Member States and the Community, recognising the importance of private investment in the promotion of their development cooperation and acknowledging the need to take steps to promote such investment, shall:

50. recognising that in sub-Saharan Africa #% of adults with HIV are women and deploring the pressures which exist to undermine progressive policies on sexual and reproductive health rights, and are resulting in an increase in unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions

51. * Recognising the immense potential that exists in the two countries to tap knowledge as a key driver of economic and social advancement, the two leaders agreed that both countries should enhance links in the educational sector as a core component of their bilateral engagement.

52. The procedure is particularised to a set of tasks, which can be undertaken with our current “state of the art” as the framework, while recognising the need to initiate spectral studies and use new techniques airned at better defining the geological and tectonic controls on current seismicity.

53. Recognising, however, that climate change and energy security related issues are very closely interlinked, we expect the Summit to convey a significant commitment to accelerating a shift away from a pattern of economic activity based on depleting and finite reserves of fossil fuels through the promotion of renewable and clean sources of energy.

54. (3) Commission Implementing Decision 2011/253/EU of 26 April 2011 recognising in principle the completeness of the dossier submitted for detailed examination in view of the possible inclusion of metobromuron, S-Abscisic acid, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum D747, Bacillus pumilus QST 2808 and Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 in Annex I to Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 106, 27.4.2011, p.

55. Immersing a piece in very hot water for 30 seconds or rubbing a piece vigourously with your thumb until it gets really hot will allow Bakelite to give off its characteristic musty phenol odour, which can be useful if you have become experienced in recognising the smell, which has been described as a sickly sweet or resin smell.

56. J. recognising the vital importance of education, skills and training in the global knowledge economy; aware of the agonisingly slow progress towards the target of universal primary education by the year 2015 and the lasting problems caused by this; conscious of the need to close the gap between girls and boys in terms of the educational opportunities available to them,

57. (3) Commission Implementing Decision 2011/253/EU of 26 April 2011 recognising in principle the completeness of the dossiers submitted for detailed examination in view of the possible inclusion of metobromuron, S-Abscisic acid, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum D747, Bacillus pumilus QST 2808 and Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108 in Annex I to Council Directive 91/414/EEC (OJ L 106, 27.4.2011, p.

58. Recognising that North Korea’s continued pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and its proliferation links, including the launch of a ballistic missile flying over Japanese territory on 29 August 2017, pose grave and real threat to international peace and stability and the international non-proliferation efforts, the two Prime Ministers strongly urged North Korea to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes and not to take any further provocative actions, and to fully comply with its international obligations under relevant UNSC resolutions including the newly and unanimously adopted resolution 2375, and other international commitments.