Use "rebuttable presumption" in a sentence

1. The rebuttable presumption Afforded higher-priced QMs will likely do little to protect creditors

2. It is a rebuttable presumption that a family group has acted in concert to control a corporation.

3. Each of the following objective circumstances should constitute a rebuttable presumption that there is a risk of absconding:

4. 20 Instead there operates a rebuttable presumption that the defendant did base his trades on the information in his possession.

5. 10 According to different kinds of criteria, the presumption can be classified into legislative presumption and judicatory presumption, refutable presumption and irrefutable presumption, etc.

6. Conclusive Presumption or absolute presumption or irrebuttable presumption of law refers to presumption which cannot be overcome or changed by any additional evidence or argument

7. Presumption of Constitutionality

8. Presumption is not reality.

9. 2 Presumption is not reality.

10. Adjective shameless or impudent: Brazen presumption.

11. She was enraged by his presumption.

12. They were angered by his presumption.

13. 4 They were angered by his presumption.

14. 5 She was enraged by his presumption.

15. 6 I don't think that's a false presumption.

16. The presumptions should be rebuttable, where the defendant were able to provide concrete proof to the contrary.

17. But a presumption of inevitable environmental detriment is premature.

18. The presumption is that visual objects are intrinsically alienating.

19. 15 But it had the presumption to concern myself.

20. 14 But a presumption of inevitable environmental detriment is premature.

21. 7 The presumption of innocence is central to British law.

22. 12 There is a general presumption that the doctor knows best.

23. She was infuriated by his presumption in not consulting her first.

24. The presumption of innocence is deemed Alienable from the right to bear arms.

25. 19 Much of the presumption that surrounds Ratner's fall from grace is baseless.

26. Access to such procedures should thus be the presumption, not the exception.

27. 11 She was infuriated by his presumption in not consulting her first.

28. There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.

29. But this presumption may be rebutted by the slightest indication to the contrary.

30. 21 Still, there is always a presumption against its intending to do so.

31. 3 On the presumption that the doctor knows best, I took the medicine.

32. The presumption of innocence is deemed Alienable from the right to bear arms

33. There should be no a priori presumption about nature of these alleged crimes.

34. There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart.

35. The rights to privacy and personal integrity and the presumption of innocence are absolutely respected.

36. This match, to which you have the presumption to aspire, can never take place.

37. 9 There is a strong presumption in favour of the truthfulness of their statement.

38. Remain obdurate and you will hang for your presumption, and many others with you.

39. 22 But this presumption may be rebutted by the slightest indication to the contrary.

40. 1 There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart.

41. Synonyms for Brazenness include cheek, audacity, effrontery, nerve, gall, impudence, presumption, temerity, chutzpah and presumptuousness

42. She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.

43. Synonyms for Apriorism include supposition, belief, idea, notion, assumption, conjecture, hypothesis, presumption, surmise and theory

44. 17 We sent in troops with the presumption that they would only stay a year.

45. I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward ?caveat emptor?- buyer beware.

46. Option for an Afforested peatland habitat that is not already classed as a presumption to

47. Synonyms for Cheekiness include cheek, audacity, effrontery, impudence, nerve, brazenness, presumption, gall, impertinence and chutzpah

48. Unless so Controverted, the appeals board is bound to find in accordance with the presumption

49. Synonyms for Brashness include cheek, audacity, effrontery, nerve, brazenness, gall, chutzpah, presumption, presumptuousness and brass

50. Of Islamic Atomism is a continuation of Greek Atomism, this remains very much a presumption

51. 29 Henry Fielding was one of those who was annoyed by the poor's presumption in this regard.

52. 10 She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.

53. 8 Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence until they are proved to be guilty.

54. They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.

55. 28 She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first consulting her.

56. Essentially, a majority of the judges explained that there was no presumption against waiving the consultation.

57. The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases.

58. Indeed there is also an underlying presumption that adulthood itself confers competency as a research participant.

59. Nor, it claims, is the burden of proof reversed in practice or the presumption of innocence adversely affected.

60. The lack of international unanimity undermined the Superintendent's presumption that people with homonymous hemianopia could never drive safely.

61. 25 The current emphasis in the psy sector is heavily weighted toward presumption of neurological or genetic deficit.

62. Because Clarifications simply restate the law, they do not implicate the presumption against retroactivity that Landgraf v.

63. 13 They may be hoping to invert the presumption that a defendant is innocent until proved guilty.

64. 24 We're having the party in the garden on the presumption that it's not going to rain.

65. 23 The presumption is that resource allocation will be improved upon by this type of government activity.

66. 16 Indeed there is also an underlying presumption that adulthood itself confers competency as a research participant.

67. While assignment might be established in exceptional circumstances, at the very least the presumption must remain against it.

68. A deed of grant executed and delivered in proper form is supported by a presumption of good Consideration.

69. Presumptive Contumacy occurs when there is a strong presumption, though it is not certain, that the citation was served

70. The British Medical Journal spoke of “a common expert presumption that everybody wants to live as long as possible.”

71. To offer such intercession is considered at least a presumption and at worst occultist, using the magic of candles.

72. 30 This is not about depriving people accused of crimes of their legitimate rights, including the presumption of innocence.

73. 26 Ramsay, accepting the need, wondered whether even Douglas would have the presumption to propose himself for the position.

74. In the United States, the safe harbour is thought to be a # per cent market share and a market share over # per cent supports a rebuttable inference of dominance (American Bar Association (ABA

75. Arachne definition, a Lydian woman who challenged Athena to a weaving contest and was changed into a spider for her presumption

76. In fact society was more porous and there is evidence of the Arriviste presumption of young artists in the period.

77. The Commission’s presumption that the transports concerned would have to take detours via Switzerland or the Tauern route are unfounded.

78. 28 She'd like to meet this Parr, to make her own assessment, although she mocked herself because of her presumption.

79. 27 Thus the two sections were hurried, through ignorance and blind presumption, towards all the untold horrors of civil war.

80. 92 Furthermore, as is apparent from paragraphs 80 and 81 above, it cannot be claimed that the General Court actually applied an irrebuttable version of that presumption by imposing on Alstom a probatio diabolica with regard to the evidence adduced by Alsom to rebut that presumption.