Use "rebirths" in a sentence

1. Law of karma teaches “wheel” of endless rebirths

2. Hinduism teaches that man undergoes a series of rebirths, or reincarnations.

3. A Hindu strives for release from the cycle of rebirths through self-denial.

4. As we have seen, they range from the conviction that the soul realizes its final goal only after numerous rebirths to the idea that a single lifetime determines one’s final destiny.

5. She, too, having made her resolve under former Buddhas, and heaping up good of age-enduring efficacy in subsequent rebirths, was, in this Buddha-era, reborn in Magadha, at the village of Nālaka, 290 the child of Surūpasārī, the Brahminee

6. She, too, having made her resolve under former Buddhas, and accumulating good karma (deeds) of age-enduring efficacy in many rebirths, was, in this Buddha-era, reborn in Magadha, at the village of Nalaka, [1] the child of lady Surupasari, the Brahminee