Use "real power" in a sentence

1. 25 A mismatch in real power results in a frequency deviation.

2. She's been on a real power trip since she started her own business.

3. The president is essentially a figurehead: the real power lies with the prime minister.

4. 18 Legislatures are ineffectual, and real power is concentrated in the executive branch of government.

5. Real power was wielded by the leader of the German occupation authority, Reichskommissar Josef Terboven.

6. 12 He is the titular head of government, but his chief minister holds all the real power.

7. Yeah, the secret to real power is to never betray your intentions, to wear nothing on your sleeve.

8. 8 Though the king de jure retained the Mandate of Heaven, de facto the title held no real power.

9. In Belgium there are occult lobbies - mainly freemasons and pederasts - that have been cornering the real power for aeons.

10. Watts refer to “real power,” while volt-Amperes refer to “apparent power.” Both are simply the product of voltage (V) multiplied by amperage (A)

11. The monarch actually has no real power. The monarch's power are limited by law and Parliament. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 16

12. Tom the specctra Autorouter is pretty darn good as Autorouters go, but the real power with specctra is in its ability to manualy route a board

13. The real power and "Ah-ha" moment is when I pull up PDF Annotator in a video conference and my PDF becomes a virtual whiteboard

14. But Russia is not the most important player this time, as it does not have real power to angle events in a way which would not be acceptable for the West.

15. MICROBiomE & HEALTH Human microBiome is a highly developed and adaptable human organ which determines your health and longevity TECHNOLOGY Our technologies allows us to harness the real power subject’s own microBiome

16. On his part Ablet Adudureshit , governor of Xinjiang - the governor is always an Uyghur and the real power centre , the local Communist Party secretary , is always a Han - refuses to name numbers .

17. Gradually, Jehovah God revealed that the real power behind the serpent, who seemingly was addressed in the above words, was an invisible spirit creature who came to be “called Devil and Satan.”

18. You still aren't going in without the Boyar's say-so." Dmirov Irinasyn, Guard on the Armoury at Nekoltra[1a] The Boyars are the middle-rank nobility of Kislev, the nobles who hold real power

19. Real power was in the hands of two warring feudal families, the Trịnh lords of the north who controlled and ruled from the imperial court in Hanoi and the Nguyễn lords in the south, who ruled from their capital Huế.

20. A pillar of Israel’s national security leadership, he subsequently became an ardent peacemaker, always maintaining a love-hate relationship with an Israeli public that consistently declined to elect him Prime Minister but admired him when he did not have or seek real power.

21. Louis XI, an habitual derider of whatever did not promise real power or substantial advantage, was in especial a professed Contemner of heralds and heraldry, “red, blue, and green, with all their trumpery,” to which the pride of his rival Charles, which was of a very different kind, attached no small degree of ceremonious importance.