Use "reaffirm" in a sentence

1. It is that premise which we reaffirm today.

2. We reaffirm that exchange rates should reflect economic fundamentals.

3. It is particularly important to reaffirm this point today.

4. Teachers reaffirm their commitment to their pupils and schools.

5. They reaffirm the importance of recognizing intellectual property rights.

6. As you grow older, reaffirm your love for each other

7. I have come to this country to reaffirm that dedication.

8. Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will.

9. These events reaffirm my belief in the need for better information.

10. Here, we would like to reaffirm our related position and policy.

11. To keep warm and reaffirm social bonds, groups will huddle together.

12. The Conferees “reaffirm their adherence to the constitution and to the Taef Accord

13. In 1935, The Watchtower addressed what problem, and what standard did it reaffirm?

14. We will reaffirm that his contributions are primary and his mistakes secondary.

15. We also reaffirm that there is a need to consolidate and reinforce this regime.

16. We turned our faces glum to reaffirm the forced nature of this trip.

17. They reaffirm their resolve to strengthen their cooperation in combating terrorism at all levels.

18. We must not only reaffirm the need for it but exercise it when necessary.

19. * We reaffirm our commitment to advance cooperation among /brIC countries in science, culture and sports.

20. You also asked if attempts to improve the body reaffirm an attachment to the ego.

21. The two sides reaffirm the importance of their cooperation on the U.S. - China Electric Vehicles Initiative.

22. On this International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we reaffirm our commitment to their wellbeing.

23. We reaffirm that our salvation is accomplished by the mediatorial work of the historical Christ alone.

24. Oh their behalf I ask you to restate and reaffirm the timeless truth of our party.

25. We reaffirm the need to provide access to effective and equitable primary health-care systems in all communities.

26. In this way, we lost any realistic chance to reaffirm the essential truth of John Prescott's commitment.

27. The woman-church movement is one expression of this impulse to reaffirm the sacrality of female distinctiveness.

28. 15 The woman-church movement is one expression of this impulse to reaffirm the sacrality of female distinctiveness.

29. But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.

30. With today’s action, I reaffirm my administration’s longstanding commitment to a future of peace and security for the region.

31. The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.

32. Although Saudi Arabia holds itself aloof from engaging in pointless altercations, its Permanent Mission would like to reaffirm the facts set forth hereunder

33. The agreed conclusions from the 57th session reaffirm the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which never advocate the legalization or promotion of abortion.

34. They distinguish between hoarding of money and savings that flows into securities, and reaffirm the importance of the securities markets in transforming savings into investment.

35. They support the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of all nuclear weapons and reaffirm their opposition to the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space.

36. Greeting their well-wishers in the sacristy after the ceremony, he took advantage of the occasioin to reaffirm, with his eyes, his feelings for Mme. de Marelle.

37. Al qaeda founders to reaffirm their leadership roles and the role of the Al qaeda organization as the vanguard of an emergi ng, loosely organized international jihadist movement

38. At the resumed Review Conference next month, we would like to reaffirm that biological weapons are abhorrent, and we hope to plan concerted, cooperative and practical BWC implementation.

39. They reaffirm their strong support for an open world economy with efficient allocation of resources, free flow of goods and fair and orderly competition to the benefit of all.

40. There is need to reaffirm importance of unimpeded access to the seas for commerce and freedom of navigation in accordance with the universally accepted principles of international law.

41. The EU and Algeria therefore reaffirm their desire to make optimum use of the 2005 Association Agreement, complying fully with this and seeking to balance their respective interests.

42. Usable report excitement treats appearance to stimulate the penis of impotent patient, make its appear reflexible erects, reaffirm ground tells a patient his to function force is normal.

43. Jon Batiste Shares Joy In A Painful Year: 'I Want To Reaffirm People's Humanity' This year, Batiste took his music to the streets, performing at protests and vaccination sites

44. The meeting here in Rome of the Permanent Synod of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church affords you the agreeable opportunity to reaffirm your communion with the Successor of Peter.

45. The Sides reaffirm their commitment to prevent the deployment of weapons in outer space and to maintain outer space exclusively for peaceful use and cooperation for the sake of all mankind.

46. 15 hours ago · US commands in Japan so far Aren’t revealing much about ongoing extremism training Service members and civilians reaffirm their oaths of office and enlistment during extremism training at …

47. At the same time, we reaffirm our dedication to the principles of free navigation, the right of peaceful passage and the right of transit, in accordance with the principles of the Convention.

48. Therefore, we want to reaffirm the need to abide by safety measures and to coordinate with the authorities, which would greatly reduce the robberies and attacks against vehicles and minimize the kidnapping of humanitarian workers.

49. We reaffirm our commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and to its objective through both mitigation and adaptation in accordance with our common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.

50. The draft resolution seeks to reaffirm the desire of the international community to ensure the safety and security of mankind from the dangers of accidental launch and false alarms and the deployment of nuclear weapons at hair-trigger alert

51. Stressing UN’s central role in coordinating multilateral approaches against terrorism, we urge all nations to undertake effective implementation of relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, and reaffirm our commitment on increasing the effectiveness of the UN counter terrorism framework.

52. History is full of examples that reaffirm the claim that great minds think Alike, with discoveries and inventions like the jet engine and the theory of evolution being made at roughly the same time by different people.

53. The draft resolution seeks to reaffirm the desire of the international community to ensure the safety and security of mankind from the dangers of accidental launch and false alarms and the deployment of nuclear weapons at hair-trigger alert.

54. In such circumstances, we reaffirm our strong commitment to support growth and foster financial stability. We also underscore the need for appropriate action to be taken by advanced economies in order to rebuild confidence, foster growth and secure a strong recovery.

55. In the Declaration's operative section, African member States reaffirm the Habitat Agenda's commitments endorsed in Istanbul in the areas of adequate shelter for all, sustainable human settlements, enablement and participation, gender equality, financing shelter and human settlements, international cooperation and assessing progress

56. They reaffirm that the protocol, another legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all Parties shall address in a balanced manner, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building, and transparency of action and support.

57. * We reaffirm our commitment to achieving a fair and modern global tax system and promoting a more equitable, pro-growth and efficient international tax environment, including to deepening cooperation on addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, promoting exchange of tax information and improving capacity-building in developing countries.

58. Omar issued an apology the next day, stating: "I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes", adding, "I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry."

59. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to the internationally recognised core labour standards, as defined by the relevant International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions, and in particular the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of worst forms of child labour and non-discrimination in respect to employment

60. We also reaffirm the importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, the rule of law, gender equality, women’s empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development.

61. [47] Rudi Fuchs, the international exhibition’s director, planned to reaffirm the phallocentric, aestheticist notion of the work of art as a complete totality transcending its conditions of existence, and he therefore gave pride of place to neo-expressionism, a male-dominated trend of the 1970s and 1980s, which to a considerable extent represented a regression to aestheticism.