Use "reacted" in a sentence

1. I reacted instinctively.

2. Some people reacted in terror.

3. He reacted well to penicillin.

4. The patient reacted badly to penicillin.

5. Suzanne reacted with angry venom.

6. He reacted with cold fury.

7. 18 It is instructive to compare how Jehovah reacted with how Jonah reacted to this turn of events.

8. He reacted violently only under provocation .

9. Joey reacted angrily to the news.

10. Can you recollect how your brother reacted?

11. The government reacted by increasing taxation.

12. They reacted stoically to the news.

13. Officials reacted angrily to those charges.

14. He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.

15. Aluminated meaning Treated or reacted with alumina.

16. They recall that they reacted very poorly then —about as ineptly as the U.S. government reacted to Hurricane Katrina in 200

17. Some senators reacted Angrily to the president's remarks

18. Investors reacted positively to news of the takeover.

19. Local residents have reacted Angrily to the news

20. No, she reacted as most women normally would.

21. Numerous musicians and cultural figures reacted to Prince's death.

22. They reacted irrationally to the challenge of Russian power.

23. She reacted to his compliments with a deprecating laugh.

24. The people soon reacted against the tyrannical system.

25. His insensitive remarks hurt and she reacted accordingly.

26. Tonight the Diocese of Oxford reacted with dismay.

27. 11 Can you recollect how your brother reacted?

28. The authorities reacted swiftly with a smear counterattack.

29. Some senators reacted Angrily to the president's remarks

30. She reacted to the news with hysterical screams.

31. The staff have reacted stoically to the news.

32. The market reacted by falling a further two points.

33. Hungary, by contrast, reacted calmly to events in Yugoslavia.

34. Reggie reacted with the same Affronted horror Midge had felt.

35. She reacted very badly when her parents split up.

36. 1 Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation.

37. Gore reacted like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

38. The Tsar reacted by sending Russian troops into Poland.

39. His supporters have reacted to the news with elation.

40. She reacted unreasonably when she learned she had failed.

41. Rod reacted Abrasively when I challenged him about his drinking

42. Rebel sources have so far reacted cautiously to the threat.

43. She reacted surprisingly calmly to the news of his death.

44. They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism.

45. Like, how your mother reacted to the Krissi cates scandal.

46. 5 The market reacted by falling a further two points.

47. I reacted by staying indoors for weeks at a time.

48. He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement.

49. He reacted ecstatically to my plan to travel to Africa.

50. The public reacted with remorse and anger at the latest devastation.

51. Anti-government protesters have reacted angrily to Mr Mubarak 's address .

52. Finally, this immediate precursor is reacted with sulfur to form VX.

53. Managers of existing systems reacted to these proposals with truculent hostility.

54. It is difficult to understand why he reacted in that way.

55. London Transport chairman Wilfrid Newton reacted angrily to the Chancellor's cutback.

56. The Russian government in general reacted much more Abrasively to the remarks

57. 5 Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine.

58. As an example, consider how the patriarch Abraham reacted when his wife died.

59. The Principal reacted to the school party with an air of sanctimonious disapproval.

60. This hawkish talk did not impress his audience, who reacted with silence.

61. Stalin reacted with the full fury of a wounded animal at bay.

62. And she reacted in a way that is very typical of her.

63. How would his own three sons have reacted to such a tongue-lashing?

64. Those who became disciples of Christ reacted in what way to God’s Ambassador?

65. The uxorious Rupert reacted to the Journalstory with fury, calling the paper to complain.

66. The local inhabitants reacted to this and soon started also accepting Wära currency.

67. Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of "outing" senior public figures.

68. The people reacted against the oppression of the government by holding a demonstration.

69. Further the slag is skimmed or reacted to remove additional impurities from it.

70. Plants with roots previously exposed to the acid reacted more quickly to attack.

71. Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning its expansion plans.

72. This is an account of how I reacted to that very tall order.

73. The management reacted to the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April.

74. Although many patients reacted positively to the drug, gold thioglucose was not uniformly effective.

75. How could she have reacted like that to some one who clearly despised her?

76. (John 10:16; Revelation 11:15) How have the nations reacted to this invitation?

77. Both sides have reacted warily to the mounting pressure to force her to testify.

78. Cell-free extracts, obtained by centrifugation of boiled bacteria, reacted similarly to live cells.

79. [It reacted with a) only, when the loudspeaker had been installed outside its territory].

80. 26 The Church reacted to this stance with characteristic fury, threatening to excommunicate the president.