Use "reabsorbed" in a sentence

1. The quotient Na+ reabsorbed/Ca++ reabsorbed changes in favour of the calcium.

2. Sugars are reabsorbed in the kidney.

3. Bicarbonate is excreted and reabsorbed by your kidneys.

4. Red cells can be reabsorbed by the body, so eventually they disappear.

5. The moisture in the gel will be given off during the day and reabsorbed at night.

6. Bicarbonate is a negatively charged ion that is excreted and reabsorbed by your kidneys

7. Typically, about 50% of the excreted cholesterol is reabsorbed by the small intestine back into the bloodstream.

8. Cystine is an amino acid that is freely filtered in urine and almost completely reabsorbed by the kidney tubules (i.e

9. Kittens who inherit two copies of the tailless gene die before birth and are reabsorbed in the womb.

10. Most bone grafts are expected to be reabsorbed and replaced as the natural bone heals over a few months’ time.

11. More than 95% of the bile acids are then reabsorbed, the major portion by active uptake in the distal ileum.

12. Extremely cold temperatures are then used to destroy the abnormal cells, and over time the cells are reabsorbed into the body.

13. Water and minerals are reabsorbed back into the blood in the colon (large intestine) where the pH is slightly acidic about 5.6 ~ 6.9.

14. Bind serves as a master drainage formula that attracts toxins, Binds them so they can’t be reabsorbed, and escorts them out of the body.

15. These are efficiently plucked out by being reabsorbed into the tubule wall and passed back into the surrounding network of capillaries to reenter your bloodstream.

16. The salt draws moisture from the interior of the meat to the surface, where it mixes with the salt and is then reabsorbed with the salt essentially Brining the meat in its own juices.

17. Made up of water, electrolytes, cholesterol and phospholipids, Bile is a green fluid produced by your liver to help digest fat and absorb nutrients. If the Bile in your body isn't reabsorbed properly, it can accumulate in your colon and lead to Bile reflux symptoms of diarrhea, urgency and fecal incontinence.