Use "re-introduced" in a sentence

1. Nineteenth-century Fundamentalism re-introduced Creedal controversy into Baptist life

2. However, the beaver is now being re-introduced throughout Europe.

3. In 2011, the Bootblacks were re-introduced to Mid Atlantic Leather Weekend

4. When Napoleon became Emperor of the French, he re-introduced the grand Couvert.

5. The Corsican red deer was re-introduced after it was extinct due to over hunting.

6. For the 1982–83 season, the Premier Division was re-introduced, above the regional divisions.

7. Concubinage , which had been almost unknown under the Japanese, was re introduced into the island.

8. 22 Wednesday he re-introduced Kevin Pollak, injured and disfigured by friendly fire in the Gulf War.

9. The Red Army re-introduced military ranks and adopted many additional individual distinctions such as medals and orders.

10. From Old French faerie; re-introduced into English in deliberately Archaising spelling in 1590 by Edmund Spenser in authoring the Faerie Queene.

11. Biogenesis is a technology that is millions of years old, and was re-introduced to Earth in 1999 by an Atlantean Ascended Master, Lantos

12. ‘The Admiralty gave the order for the convoy to scatter.’ ‘As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill re-introduced the convoy system in 1939’ ‘Instead, hostilities found him posted first to the naval intelligence division of the Admiralty and then to the Royal Air Force.’

13. ‘The Admiralty gave the order for the convoy to scatter.’ ‘As First Lord of the Admiralty, Churchill re-introduced the convoy system in 1939’ ‘Instead, hostilities found him posted first to the naval intelligence division of the Admiralty and then to the Royal Air Force.’

14. And as an adult, re-finding these communities has re-introduced me to a community of learners, and has encouraged me to continue to be a learner even in my adulthood, so that I no longer feel like learning is something reserved for the young.

15. ‘Our scrambles in the Alps eventually, albeit Circuitously, lead us southward to Italy.’ ‘The domestic turkey was re-introduced into North America from Britain, taken there Circuitously by the colonists of New England and Virginia.’ ‘He made his way into property development Circuitously, via Harvard University and Columbia Law School.’

16. ‘Our scrambles in the Alps eventually, albeit Circuitously, lead us southward to Italy.’ ‘The domestic turkey was re-introduced into North America from Britain, taken there Circuitously by the colonists of New England and Virginia.’ ‘He made his way into property development Circuitously, via Harvard University and Columbia Law School.’