Use "re-emerge" in a sentence

1. 8 Energy seems to vanish and re-emerge in dramatic swings.

2. 15 His unsettling nightmares continued, and the John-Augustus struggle which he thought had been resolved in Buttermere began to re-emerge.

3. ‘A glaciologist said the Crevasses could be wide open, waiting to swallow the unwary.’ ‘The lake invades the glacier's deep chasms and Crevasses, detonating thunderous explosions as great shards of ice detach and re-emerge as icebergs.’

4. ‘If only she could Abjure art the way she Abjured religion and write less self-consciously, the true artist would re-emerge from what is beginning to seem like indefinite hibernation.’ ‘She went on a strict diet of milk products, even abjuring her beloved Mars chocolate bars, and dropped to …