Use "rare occasion" in a sentence

1. On the very rare occasion I have fished a single caster on a size 20 hook.

2. It was a rare occasion when the best able bodied and disabled athletes applauded each others talents.

3. During the Westland affair he provided that rare occasion,[ ] the resignation of a cabinet minister on a matter of principle.

4. On the rare occasion where we need the additional quality of typesetting the only thing we need to take are the disks.

5. 2 days ago · Curiously enough, there is an NPC with the right accent in Hitman 2, making for the rare occasion of genuine Argentinian voice acting in a game, even if …

6. Boreens are often lined by close stone walls, so on the rare occasion one meets traffic comeing the other way, it can be all but impossible to pass without one motorist backing up for quite a distance

7. THE Balloonist is a grand accomplishment by the already famed author and pilot Steve Poleskie! It's a rare occasion, when one can read a novel, and be so entertained and enthralled, yet also so educated in an important part of American history unknown to most of us.