Use "rapid development" in a sentence

1. Amphoteric surfactants are categories undergoing rapid development in recent years

2. [ These weeks are the period of the most rapid development of the fetus. ]

3. 28 The rapid development of Internet prepares the ground for the network parlance.

4. These weeks are the period of the most rapid development of the Fetus.

5. Increasingly mature various terms push sturdily the rapid development of China forklift industry.

6. With the rapid development of our economy, capital has become an important propulsive force.

7. In Phoenix the community development block grant was implemented within this context of rapid development.

8. This viewpoint is of great significance as a guideline for the rapid development of socialist economy.

9. The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining.

10. The methods will support rapid development of low-noise aircraft concepts by the European aeronautics industry.

11. 9 At present, the spread of Christianity in Xinjiang is in a unordered pervasion and rapid development.

12. 27 Eco-tourism is a new and rapid development of greenness tourism, possessing infinitude , capacious development foreground.

13. The problem is not a function of demographics but of rapid development coupled with a lagging education system.

14. Babyhood is an age of decreasing dependency - Results from the rapid development of body control to sit, stand and walk

15. Recently, the research of the pathogenesis of GCA progressed quickly with the rapid development of molecular genetics, cytobiology, and molecular immunology.

16. Online gambling legislation often has loopholes that result from the rapid development of the technology underpinning the development of the industry.

17. Complex inflammatory cascade that results in rapid development of brain swelling, rise in intr Acranial pressure, and subsequent decrease in cerebral perfusion

18. Partly motivated by the discovery of neutrino oscillation, the field has undergone rapid development, both theoretically and experimentally, since the early 2000s.

19. With the rapid development of information and economy, the traditionary enterprise information system is hard to cope with the changes of environment.

20. The rapid development of maritime organizations calls for the establishment of corresponding maritime administrative law objectively to realize the standard systematic maritime administration.

21. With the rapid development in containerize sea transport,( the NVOCC (Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier) legal system separates from freight forwarding industry.

22. Agile is a process improvement approach that focuses on improving product time to market, customer satisfaction and project adaptability by prioritizing rapid development and

23. Both VM and CP/CMS enjoyed early acceptance and rapid development by universities, corporate users, and time-sharing vendors, as well as within IBM.

24. The facts display that the intellectual property strategy is the important reason of rapid development of pint-size High-Tech Enterprises in developed country.

25. As the result of the joint function with economy change, desalinate of culture ideology and the rapid development of electronic intermediate, mass culture has sprung up.

26. He said the visit gave him a chance to understand China's time-honored history, glorious culture and rapid development, all of which had deeply impressed him.

27. With the rapid development of network and communication technologies, there comes an urgent and higher requirement on the verification, which should be more veracious, safe and practicable.

28. The state rapid development on primary sector has attracted those job seekers in neighbouring Indonesia and the Philippines as the state labour force itself are not sufficient.

29. As the result of the joint function with economy change, desalinate of culture ideology and the rapid development of electronic intermediate, mass culture has sprung up.

30. These results indicate that Bigroot morningglory has the potential to successfully reproduce by seed and that the rapid development of the plant should be considered when designing control programs.

31. 29 The rapid development of the cyclamen industry has witnessed an inestimable potential of market. In order to make profits, producers must produce products of high quality with low cost.

32. The rapid development of the graduate classes has put in front of us the task of how to bring them effectively into the obit of academic degree and graduate education.

33. While the rapid development and distribution of vaccines for preventing COVID-19 is a phenomenal advancement in the continuing battle against the virus, there are drawbacks, says an Auburn University professor.

34. • Do not add potassium (B class drug) to IV line until urine output established (diabetic ketoacidosis may be an exception, where correction of hyperglycemia and acidosis may lead to rapid development of hypokalemia)

35. A problem often associated with mite control is the (sometimes rapid) development of resistance due to their high reproductive potential, a short life cycle allowing numerous generations per season and frequent applications of acaricides.

36. The development in the late 1800’s of new machines for grinding and mixing enabled paint manufacturers to turn out large volumes of paint, and soon paint making entered an era of rapid development.

37. Paper-based electrochemical Biosensor for diagnosing COVID-19: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and antigen; Biological characteristics and biomarkers of novel SARS-CoV-2 facilitated rapid development and implementation of diagnostic tools and surveillance measures.

38. They expected favourable outcomes from their strategy, involving the rapid development of heavy industry by both public and private sectors, and based on direct and indirect state intervention, rather than the more extreme Soviet-style central command system.

39. The OPC Toolbox comprises a suite of C++ and .NET toolkits, ActiveX and .NET controls for the rapid development of Data Access, XML-DA and Alarms&Events clients and servers for Windows, Windows CE, Linux, VxWorks, and additional embedded operating systems.

40. Given the large number of limit values for specific categories of vehicles and taking into account rapid development of PM abatement technology, the Working Group on Strategies and Review may wish to consider the most appropriate mechanism for addressing PM emissions from mobile sources.

41. INTRODUCTION — Cholera is an acute secretory diarrheal illness caused by toxin-producing strains of the gram-negative bacterium Vibrio Cholerae.Severe Cholera is characterized by profound fluid and electrolyte losses in the stool and the rapid development of hypovolemic shock, often within 24 hours from the initial onset of vomiting and diarrhea.