Use "rank and file" in a sentence

1. 26 Wench & amp ; Masseuse : Here is found rank and file massage and wenching for rank and file pirates.

2. the rank and file of the workforce.

3. About 100 casualties occurred in the rank and file.

4. Men passed back and forth from the rank and file.

5. About a hundred casualties occurred in the rank and file.

6. The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor.

7. The rank and file has lost confidence in the party leadership.

8. Most rank and file police officers rejected the new pay offer.

9. They seem to be losing the support of the rank and file.

10. Managers obtain more satisfaction from their work than the rank and file.

11. The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership.

12. The old minister is so much at one with the rank and file.

13. The rank and file of the party had lost confidence in the leadership.

14. The policy will now have to be approved by the rank and file.

15. I think it's absolutely true that rank and file members see that as unfair.

16. Acheson G. Irvine recognized the need for more professional training for the rank and file.

17. I confess I had no idea how popular you are with the rank and file.

18. But the rank-and-file glories immortalized by Malraux have faded into the history books.

19. The enemy succeeded in capturing myself and 200 rank and file, many of them being wounded.

20. They decided to call upon the support of the rank and file of the labour movement.

21. Those old animosities within the union leadership, as well as the rank and file, give ground grudgingly.

22. The other three Hardin dismissed almost immediately; they were rank and file on the face of them.

23. Social control of the rank and file, in its formal disciplinary guise, had a multitude of possibilities.

24. THE LONDON Busmen’s Rank and File Movement is a unique example of mass organisation in the workplace

25. It is down, straight down, into the rank and file, and there is nothing to break the fall.

26. And if he is friendly with me, a lawyer, imagine how friendly he is with the rank and file.

27. People, Places and Commemorations focuses on union organizers, the rank and file, meeting places, and worker gatherings and celebrations

28. Indeed, most Tories sought to distance themselves from the actions of their own supporters amongst the rank and file.

29. The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.

30. Yet some provisional leaders and rank and file members are committed to their Roman catholic religious belief and practice.

31. While I have no special bond with the rank and file, I do sometimes have one with the officers.

32. To him, the whole notion would have been cruel, to turn such matters over to the rank and file.

33. But they expected the rank and file to act more out of pragmatism than principle when choosing a nominee.

34. Most KPRP leaders and rank-and-file seem to have been either Khmer Krom, or ethnic Vietnamese living in Cambodia.

35. 30 But they expected the rank and file to act more out of pragmatism than principle when choosing a nominee.

36. Nevertheless the Tories did have established methods for ensuring co-ordination between the high command and the rank and file.

37. Alan Eastwood, who represents more than a hundred thousand rank and file officers, wants more police powers and stiffer sentences.

38. Bossism, landlordism and the weaponization of tokenized members as scabs foster a liberal current amongst the rank-and-file general membership, …

39. Their rank-and-file soon settled down abroad like most non-ideological migrants transferring their revolutionary energies to the anti-slavery campaign.

40. 13 The lobbyists' job was to drum up support among rank-and-file lawmakers-a majority of whom had just voted for it.

41. ‘National Review’ seems collectively incapable of seeing that it is no longer standing Athwart history but is instead mostly Athwart rank-and-file conservatives

42. 'National Review' seems collectively incapable of seeing that it is no longer standing Athwart history but is instead mostly Athwart rank-and-file conservatives

43. ‘These molecules appear to function Antagonistically, especially regarding regulation of cell proliferation.’ ‘They react Antagonistically to any demand from the rank-and-file for …

44. ‘These molecules appear to function Antagonistically, especially regarding regulation of cell proliferation.’ ‘They react Antagonistically to any demand from the rank-and-file for …

45. The union accused the company executives of being Bloodsuckers, since they had given themselves raises at a time when the rank and file were …

46. They are urging the rank and file to take an active part in politics, even encouraging them to do so with the “leftist” socialist elements.

47. The rank-and-file revolutionaries, however, wore working-class trousers, and so were referred to as the sans-culottes (literally "the Breechless ones").

48. Autoworker Caravan was founded in 2008 to give voice to rank and file auto workers after the financial crisis and bankruptcy of General Motors and Chrysler

49. Centurions (イカロス Ikarosu, "Icarus"), formerly known as Centurians,1 are the rank-and-file soldiers of Palutena's Army that debuted in the original Kid Icarus

50. It has some 650,000 active soldiers and another half million in reserve, and internal discipline – strict loyalty to the high command among the rank and file – is very high.

51. In July 1987, the same month the recall effort officially began, a group of thirteen rank-and-file Republican members of the state legislature met to discuss the governor's image problems.

52. The well-off not only have much higher take-home pay than the rank-and-file but also tend to be the ones who have access to the benefits of hoarded corporate cash.

53. Bowen with 62 men rank and file was sent to re-Connoiter the situation down the river towards Shinnston, while the Infantry and Artillery were mounting their guns and otherwise preparing for an attack by Imboden from the South.

54. Plan sponsors must test traditional 401(k) plans each year to ensure that the contributions made by and for rank-and-file employees (nonhighly Compensated employees (NHCE)) are proportional to contributions made for owners and managers (highly Compensated employees (HCE))

55. The Alinement was by class and section rather than by party; and inflationists and advocates of the redemption of the bonds in currency were to be found not only among the rank and file but also among the leaders of both parties

56. ‘They are all issuing commands, Countermanding each other.’ ‘That was the air force's recommendation and the President obviously saw no reason to countermand it.’ ‘The ex-chief retained the loyalty of the rank-and-file, however, and the result was a successor who would find his own directives being countermanded by his predecessor.’

57. 30 Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?

58. 23 Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?