Use "rangeland" in a sentence

1. Site Type: Rangeland Clayey 13-16” P.Z

2. Adapted local breeds in marginal production systems may contribute to seed dispersal and maintain rangeland ecosystems

3. Stocking rates must be adjusted and supplements provided as needed to livestock grazing pasture or rangeland.

4. This issue addresses the control of vector-borne diseases and the management of rangeland resources.

5. Solving the problems facing these rangeland communities depends on the advancement of our biophysical and socio-economic understanding.'

6. Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a perennial weed commonly found in pastures and rangeland in northeast Nebraska (see photo)

7. Includes National Programs on Pasture, Forage and Rangeland Systems (#215) and Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability (#216).

8. Rangeland(Energy,(LLC(2 Purpose Rangeland"Energy,"LLC"is"Amidstream"energy"company"focused"on"developing," acquiring,"owning"and"operang"midstream"crude"oil"and

9. Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a native weed common in northeast Nebraska in rangeland, woodland, ravines and near streams

10. Attributes: Old world Bluestems have escaped from the areas originally planted in and invaded into native rangeland across the Southern Great Plains

11. Buckaroos For over a century-and-a-half, Buckaroos have done the work on the ranches and rangeland of southeastern Oregon

12. In 1921, a large number of horses were brought onto the island from Globe, Arizona, all of which had been running wild on western rangeland.

13. Because of its habit of growth and exceptional forage production, most of the Old World Bluestems have shown great potential for re-vegetation of rangeland or abandoned cultivated land.

14. 28 There are some essential differences between cropland and rangeland. Herdsman often finds the cost is higher to protect property rights of pasturing areas than that of farming areas.

15. Imbibed achenes of Senecio serra Hook., a forb common to high-elevation rangeland in Utah, were stratified at 1C for 20 weeks, with or without temperature pretreatments in the 30–10C range.

16. Brash Herbicide is specially formulated to provide post-emergent control of over 100 tough weeds and brush in CRP, grass, sorghum, pastures, fallow systems, general farmstead, rangeland, rights-of-way, sugarcane, and wheat

17. Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a perennial weed commonly found in pastures and rangeland in northeast Nebraska (Figure 1).It often occurs in heavy stands, which can reduce desirable plant species by as much as 84%

18. Crossroad® will control many species of woody plants, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures , CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites

19. MLRA: 60A – Pierre Shale Plains R060AY011SD SOUTH DAKOTA TECHNICAL GUIDE NOTICE SD-170 SECTION II – RANGELAND, GRAZED FORESTLAND NATIVE PASTURELAND INTERPRETATIONS JUNE 2003 60A – Clayey – PAGE 1 United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

20. Agra ProVision is the professional consultancy business division of Agra Limited, providing expert advice and support in: Sustainable Resource Utilization Livestock Management Rangeland Management Agronomy and Horticulture Capacity Development Farmer Support and Farm Planning Research and Development Innovative Solutions and Advice Enhancing

21. 164 RANGELANDS 17(5), October 1995 Chiseling Rangeland in Montana John Lacey, Ron Carlstrom, and Kent Williams Dense clubmoss is distributed throughout the northern Great Plains, but is especially common on the glaciated plains of northern Montana.It is a perennial native forb of the spike moss family (Fig

22. CA-Jepson Flora Project (Achy) CO-Colorado State University Herbarium (Achy) Canada-Saskatchewan-Rangeland Ecosystems and Plants (Achy) Forestry Images (Achy) Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center (Achy) NV-State Plants (ORHY) Native Plant Network Protocol Information (Achy) OH-Ohio State University Seed Identification (Achy) UK-Plants For A

23. Curtail M herbicide is recommended for selective control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats and flax not underseeded with a legume, fallow cropland (including summer fallow, post-harvest, and set-aside acres), grasses grown for seed, rangeland, permanent grass pastures, and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres.

24. Buckbrush Surmount Active ingredients: picloram and fluroxypyr Dow AgroSciences Use in pasture, rangeland, and CRP No grazing restriction except lactating dairy animals (Surmount is a restricted use pesticide) Broadcast spray: 3 to 6 pt/acre Spot spray: 1 to 2 gal Surmount + 1 to 2 qt NIS in 100 gal water