Use "rainy season" in a sentence

1. Rainy season?

2. Or “rainy season.”

3. Soon the rainy season sets in.

4. The rainy season has set in.

5. However, during the rainy season, conditions change.

6. In the rainy season it offers little protection.

7. It was shallow, except during the rainy season.

8. The rainy season alternates with the dry season.

9. 11 The river is navigable during the rainy season.

10. Recharge normally happens in the winter or rainy season.

11. Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.

12. We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.

13. In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.

14. African lungfishes breed at the beginning of the rainy season.

15. 15 Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.

16. We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.

17. During the rainy season, that mountain was covered by a cloud.

18. EXAMPLE : During the rainy season the valley became an impassible morass.

19. During the rainy season, it is transformed into a huge, lush garden.

20. The rivers flow slowly and experience seasonal flooding during the rainy season.

21. 13 However, there are many people, and it is the rainy season.

22. 9 EXAMPLE : During the rainy season the valley became an impassible morass.

23. The rainy season came on and restored her to time and change.

24. The main seasons are summer, rainy season, a short autumn, and winter.

25. After the short rainy season there are many water holes, and even rivers.

26. During the rainy season, water becomes polluted, causing cholera, diarrhea, and other diseases.

27. During the rainy season, Motabeng was subjected to a type of desert rain.

28. Aman definition is - long-stemmed rice grown in the rainy season in India.

29. They're so poor, and they are freezing with blankets during the rainy season.

30. I asked if she came here often, and commented on the rainy season.

31. Autumn, from late September or early October to late November, follows the rainy season.

32. Roan Antelopes breed year-round, but births are more common during the rainy season

33. But now it is the rainy season there is little demand for his services.

34. During the two months of the rainy season, they may do so every day.

35. The rainy season begins with the arrival of the southwest monsoon around mid-May.

36. The bridge facilitated UNMISS patrolling and humanitarian access and eased movement during the rainy season;

37. They can survive long periods of drought encased in mud, until the next rainy season.

38. The rainy season is officially over 10 days later than normal in the Kanto region.

39. Following the next rainy season, no waterborne diseases were reported in the villages with wells.

40. During rainy season , the animal should be protected from getting wet and exposed to cold winds .

41. At the height of the Harmattan, in the cool nights of the rainy season, I wrote.

42. During the rainy season, many side roads are only accessible with four-wheel drive vehicles.

43. Some roads may be impassable to all but four-wheel-drive vehicles during the rainy season.

44. The best time to hunt is during the August rainy season, when he fetches several a night.

45. They were working under the gun to get the bridge repaired before the rainy season set in.

46. 29 The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.

47. But we were full of enthusiasm, essential to survive that first rainy season in the forest.

48. He actually allowed many Shan and Laotian battalions to demobilize at the start of the rainy season.

49. In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours.

50. The mating season, which lasts for about 3 weeks, coincides with the end of the rainy season.

51. During the rainy season they make tunnels in mounds or hills to reduce the risk of flooding.

52. About thirty years back, he said, because during the rainy season goats and sheep got foot rot.

53. It was the rainy season, and big lumps of mud stuck to the shoes of the zealous preachers.

54. From January to March, Arequipa has a mild rainy season, but April until December are as good as rainless

55. Residents in southern China also have suffered floods in the past few weeks from a long , heavy rainy season .

56. In addition, around 60% of the road network and most rural roads are not operable during the rainy season.

57. During the rainy season over 50,000 cubic metres (1,800,000 cu ft) of water per second flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

58. To avoid the temple's being flooded and destroyed during the rainy season, the Chavín people created a successful drainage system.

59. In Thailand, cephalopod catches are very poor due to the rainy season and prices are increasing on the European market.

60. During the rainy season, masses of buried wood can absorb enough water to sustain crops through the dry season.

61. During the humid rainy season, you bloat up, and you frantically defended yourself from a leak in the roof.

62. The relative abundance of birds and available flowers showed two peaks, one in winter and the other in the rainy season.

63. Rainfall during the December-April rainy season was under 10 percent of normal, and the country's maize crop has been devastated.

64. The area receives little precipitation except during the rainy season of summer, and is sunny throughout much of the year.

65. And then, new change, we had hair bands, clothing and the condom for your mobile phone during the rainy season.

66. The Blesbok is a seasonal breeder, calving early in the summer rainy season (November and December) after an eight-month gestation

67. Antigua's rainy season is from mid-June to mid-November, with its cooler dryer season ranging from January to mid-April

68. At the end of the rainy season, they migrate to dry-season areas in response to a lack of drinking water.

69. During the Korean rainy season of July and August, the Imjin becomes a raging torrent, largely confined by its steep rocky banks.

70. Application of Acaricides is adopted during the rainy season to destroy the maximum number of ticks and to stop their multiplication.

71. The SOREL® Emelie™ Conquest boot offers a modern edgy style that will be your go-to choice during the rainy season

72. Flowers are produced from the third year onwards, typically at the end of the rainy season when few other trees are in flower.

73. By then the rainy season had ended, and the springtime sun had begun to take the winter chill out of the air.

74. As the rainy season has just ended, the hillsides are covered with coarse, spongy grass and dotted with grazing cattle, sheep, and goats.

75. (1 Corinthians 11:24-26) And the Bible shows that Jesus was not born in December, which is a cold rainy season in Israel.

76. The Blesbok is a seasonal breeder with females having one young by calving early in the summer rainy season after an eight-month gestation

77. Furthermore, the River Moro’s outwash plain in Liberia is especially prone to extensive flooding during the rainy season, making systematic, mechanized alluvial pit mining impossible.

78. Furthermore, the River Moro's outwash plain in Liberia is especially prone to extensive flooding during the rainy season, making systematic, mechanized alluvial pit mining impossible

79. The first group was released at the beginning of 2016 in an acclimation enclosure and then fully released in the wild in the rainy season.

80. The mating season begins at the end of the rainy season and a single calf is usually born after a gestational period of about 8.5 months.