Use "raining" in a sentence

1. It's raining nice.

2. It stopped raining.

3. (It's raining bones!).

4. Has it stopped raining?

5. Premise 2: It's raining.

6. It' s raining nice

7. It was raining like crazy.

8. It was raining and thundering.

9. The smell of raining.

10. It started raining hard just then.

11. Thankfully, it's at last stopped raining.

12. It's raining to beat the band.

13. It is raining cats and dogs.

14. It was raining this morning.

15. It's not / it isn't raining.

16. It's raining cats and dogs.

17. Looks like it's been raining lava.

18. Sister, it's raining so hard outside

19. It's raining. Put the hood up.

20. If only it would stop raining.

21. 4 It's raining. Put the hood up.

22. We hurried indoors Because it was raining.

23. Raining Original Mix Blenk Enemy Records.

24. Eldad 1565508 Although it was raining, I

25. It is raining like cát and dogs

26. We can't go for it is raining.

27. If it doesn't stop raining, we'll run

28. It's not actually raining at the moment.

29. You'd better keep in while it's raining.

30. Since it stopped raining, the sky seems clearer.

31. Raining it down upon him into his bowels.

32. He went out though it was raining hard.

33. I must fetch the washing in,it's raining.

34. We can say "it isn't raining" or "it's not raining." But we cannot say "it'sn't raining." In negative clauses, we have a choice between using negative Contractions like not

35. It was raining hard when we set off.

36. " It is raining, " I remonstrated, " and I... "

37. After raining, I always hose the yard out.

38. It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.

39. The paper was delivered later, after it stopped raining.

40. 24 I awoke to find that it was raining.

41. Drat! It's raining. My laundry will never get dry.

42. You have to answer me before it stops raining.

43. Though it was raining[sentencedict .com], he went there.

44. It has been raining off and on since noon.

45. I'm not crying. It's been raining on my face.

46. Drat , it's raining,my laundry will never get dry.

47. • It was Bitterly cold and it was raining

48. We went out Although / though it was raining

49. Of course, whether it's raining or snowing, we play.

50. Help me to get the washing in, it's raining.

51. We must heave to the boat, it's raining hard.

52. Yes, I was outside and it's raining cats and dogs.

53. The, to add insult to injury, it started raining heavily.

54. What did she Actually say? It's not Actually raining now

55. 5 It had stopped raining but the wood was sopping.

56. 18 Philip put his hood up because it was raining.

57. An example in English: It's raining and it's pouring.

58. It was blowing and raining hard, off and on.

59. He was only dimly aware that it was raining.

60. It was raining heavily but he set out undeterred.

61. They must not stop dancing even if it is raining.

62. It's practically raining women's undergarments when he walks down the street.

63. You'll have to stay in at playtime today, because it's raining.

64. Seeing that it's raining hard, the fete will probably be cancelled.

65. In the sentence 'It stopped raining and the sun came out', 'It stopped raining' and 'the sun came out' are both coordinate clauses, joined by the word 'and'.

66. When it's raining gold reach for a bucket, not a thimble.

67. Yet raining is better, the air is pure and fresh

68. Pre-Raphael nervate allosaur Flovilla phleborrhagia Antitheistical blears goldenmouthed tear-raining

69. Care must be exercised, however, if using the road while raining.

70. I'll get an ESL class in Chinatown learning " It's Raining, It's Pouring. "

71. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.

72. No sooner had I started mowing the lawn than it started raining.

73. Our Chestnuts are harvested everyday (unless it is raining!) and refrigerated immediately

74. It's raining, which presumably means that your football match will be cancelled.

75. It was raining, but even so we had to go out.

76. Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.

77. Someone has said it was not raining when Noah built the ark.

78. Giants balls of furry lava the size of mammoths raining from the sky.

79. Birdie cannot be found when it is raining on the Fern Islands

80. 17 It started raining, so we made a sprint for a cafe.