Use "rabinowitz" in a sentence

1. Rabinowitz broke the record a week ago, but a faulty electronic timer kept the mark out of the books.

2. Peter J. Rabinowitz has also pointed to covert references to Richard Strauss's Metamorphosen in the Eighth Quartet.

3. Professor Peter Rabinowitz from Yale University School of Medicine explains that this is similar in intensity to a jet engine , especially when used with earphones that insert into the ear canal .

4. A touchstone for current discussions of Commonness and rarity is the scheme by Rabinowitz (1981), who pointed out that there are actually many forms of rarity (Table 1A)

5. (1) Thus, if Hardy ‘leant upon a coppice gate,’ Rabinowitz is ‘Ensnared at the main gate’; Hardy's line ‘The tangled Bine stems scored the sky’ is ghosted in Darkling as: ‘Scores of music I / Can't hear any more…’ .