Use "rabid dog" in a sentence

1. A rabid dog bit him.

2. He's a rabid dog, that one.

3. A rabid dog may froth AT the mouth.

4. A rabid dog may froth at the mouth.

5. You poison a rat, you poison a rabid dog!

6. Jim's not a monster, Dale, or some rabid dog.

7. He deserves to die in the streets like the rabid dog he is!

8. Said foam was coming out of your mouth like a rabid dog.

9. What father would allow a rabid dog to roam around in his compound to bite his children?

10. For example, Atticus must shoot a rabid dog, even though it is not his job to do so.

11. Barking like a rabid dog, to try and deter men from approaching women, sending them messages or just generally existing in their space, is easily 2020’s best trend