Use "quoth" in a sentence

1. " Quoth the Raven... "

2. 'You mocking birds, ' quoth she, your tunes entomb.

3. Tyronza frondescent quoth megalith fumaroles mastless Almagests sorite offered

4. Edricson, quoth Sir Nigel, you have young eyes, and mine are somewhat Bedimmed

5. 1825, The Scots Magazine (volume 97, page 295) “Aye, Sibbie, it was an Awsome sight,” quoth Archy

6. Ah! alas!· Alternative spelling of Aye ("yes") 1883, Howard Pyle, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Chapter V "Good morrow to thee, jolly fellow," quoth Robin, "thou seemest happy this merry morn." "Ay, that am I," quoth the jolly Butcher, "and why should I not be so? Am I not hale in wind and limb? Have I not the bonniest lass in all Nottinghamshire

7. So the King bade them retire a Bowshot from the horse; whereupon quoth its owner, “O King, see thou; I am about to mount my horse and charge upon thy host and scatter them right and left and split their hearts asunder.”

8. Ah, saucy! saucy, quoth he, with gentle Chiding; on which the bear, uncertain and puzzled, dropped its four legs to earth again, and, waddling back, was soon swathed in ropes by the bear-ward and a crowd of peasants who had been in close pursuit

9. Bequeath (v.) Old English becweðan "to say, speak to, exhort, blame," also "leave by will;" from be-+ cweðan "to say," from Proto-Germanic *kwithan, from PIE root *gwet-"to say, speak." The simple verb became obsolete, but its old, strong past tense survived through Middle English as quoth.

10. "It Behooveth us before all things forthright to bury these bodies in the ground, that so the secret be not known to anyone." Tehran Winter Quoth the captain: "Now it Behooveth us to make inquiry in this matter, else shall we suffer much of loss, and this our treasure, which we and our forefathers have amassed during the course of many years