Use "quick-freezing temperature" in a sentence

1. The gauge indicates a temperature below freezing point.

2. The temperature dropped to freezing point last night.

3. The temperature is way below the freezing point.

4. The temperature dropped below freezing point this afternoon.

5. 28 The temperature remained below freezing all day.

6. Freezer with a quick-freezing device using cold accumulators

7. One compartment within the device is held at a temperature below freezing and another compartment is kept at a temperature above freezing.

8. This afternoon's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.

9. 11 The temperature dropped below freezing point this afternoon.

10. Even in summer, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.

11. 5 The temperature remained below freezing point throughout the day.

12. In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.

13. Freezing mixture consisting of ethanol and dry ice (temperature –60 °C).

14. 9 Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing.

15. An electric fan heater maintains a temperature just above freezing point.

16. 9 In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.

17. Below freezing/zero (= lower than the temperature at which water freezes) In winter, temperatures dip to 40 degrees Below freezing

18. Freezing mixture consisting of ethanol and dry ice (temperature 60 °C).3.

19. How did the water freeze if the air temperature is above freezing?

20. Lowering the temperature below ambient but above freezing point to aid preservation.

21. The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.

22. The temperature was above freezing at the starting gate and skies were clear.

23. A refrigerator maintains a temperature a few degrees above the freezing point of water.

24. Yet it was not really cold here; the temperature was well above freezing point.

25. Although it's midsummer, the temperature here is a bone-chilling 35 degrees below freezing.

26. 7 The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.

27. The assumption that only the temperature of the water will affect freezing is not correct.

28. The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.

29. The main problems existing in litchi quick freezing process are browning reaction, peel breaking, and juice leakage.

30. The temperature drops to five degrees below freezing, turning the mountainside into a garden of ice. ( CRACKLING )

31. ice-making compartment means a low-temperature compartment intended specifically for the freezing and storage of ice

32. ‘ice-making compartment’ means a low-temperature compartment intended specifically for the freezing and storage of ice;

33. (j) ‘ice-making compartment’ means a low-temperature compartment intended specifically for the freezing and storage of ice;

34. (l) ‘ice-making compartment’ means a low-temperature compartment intended specifically for the freezing and storage of ice;

35. Demand for cod increased, especially after 1925 when Clarence Birdseye of Massachusetts, U.S.A., invented a quick-freezing process for fish.

36. Without careful and frequent temperature monitoring inside the refrigerator compartment, there is a danger of freezing the refrigerated vaccines.

37. The temperature hovered just above freezing, and a brisk wind turned the rain into slanting sheets of icy daggers.

38. A0650 Advection frost Frost due primarily to the transport of moist air over a surface having a temperature below freezing.

39. Most freezers and some freezer compartments of refrigerators have a temperature setting for quick freeze.

40. Broiling by quick exposure to high temperature is a quick and easy method for toasting or browning a crust in less than five minutes

41. Even though the air temperature might be above freezing, say five degrees Celsius or 41 degrees Fahrenheit, the water would freeze.

42. The daily average temperature in January is 51.4 °F (10.8 °C); freezing temperatures occur on an average 13.7 nights per season, with the average window for freezing conditions being from December 13 to February 20.

43. I'm freezing.

44. You're freezing.

45. It's freezing!

46. — sampling, sorting, labelling, packing, chilling, freezing, deep freezing, thawing, separation.

47. Alternating current (AC) magnetic susceptibility measurements find evidence for a dynamic freezing of the magnetic moments as the temperature is lowered somewhat below the temperature at which the specific heat displays a maximum.

48. Freezing but beautiful.

49. The non- freezing storage unit is located in a cooling space to store food in a non-frozen state at a temperature below 00C.

50. A multifunctional freezer comprises a pipe cooled freezing device (1), an air cooled freezing device (3) and a freezing/ refrigerating compartment (5).

51. Christ, blοοdy freezing.

52. As the creature’s body temperature drops to just above freezing, its heartbeat falls to a fraction of its normal pace; its breathing slows down.

53. Refrigerating or freezing equipment and absorption heat pumps (excl. refrigerating and freezing furniture)

54. It's freezing out there.

55. I' m freezing, Randy

56. Freezing Potatoes Without Blanching…

57. It's freezing out here.

58. It's freezing in here!

59. When using a low temperature thermostat for the freezing process an acceleration of the thickening of ice sheets will be ascertained if the cooling temperature is lowered; this is likewise attributed to an intensification of convection.

60. Isn't it freezing outside?

61. It's freezing out, Jeffrey.

62. It's freezing this high up.

63. Even if it's freezing outside!

64. Bundle up! It's freezing outside!

65. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

66. 6 That water looks freezing.

67. The Celsius and Centigrade temperature scales are the same scales, where 0 degrees is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point

68. Usually snowflakes fall individually, but if the temperature is just above freezing, they might cling together as they fall, sometimes forming a flake four inches in diameter.

69. On 19 July 2007, Brisbane's temperature fell below the freezing point for the first time since records began, registering −0.1 °C (31.8 °F) at the airport station.

70. 8 My hands are freezing!

71. A freezing spoon or stirrer can be used to assist, or accelerate, the freezing process.

72. Processing for the purposes of this Article shall be freezing, and filleting or cutting accompanied by freezing.

73. Chunky keeps freezing or crashing

74. Nighttime temperatures dipped below freezing.

75. Cooling lines and freezing compartments

76. Why is Old Mother freezing?

77. Do cover up: it's freezing outside.

78. 27 Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.

79. 14 It's absolutely freezing out there!

80. Another method of desalinization is freezing.