Use "queasiness" in a sentence

1. Aversion: a dislike so strong as to cause stomach upset or queasiness

2. Aversions: a dislike so strong as to cause stomach upset or queasiness

3. Queasiness or nausea and slight diarrhea may last one to two days longer .

4. The dangerous possibilities, the fumes from the bad muffler, the Bumpiness of the road—I felt a queasiness in my stomach

5. Boringly; endlessly; in detail; lengthily; long-windedly; more than one can stomach; repeatedly; repetitively; to an excessive degree; to nauseating extremes; to the point of queasiness; too much

6. Use Collywobbles in a sentence, Collywobbles meaning?, Collywobbles definition, how to use Collywobbles in a sentence, use Collywobbles in a sentence with examples -Stomach pain or queasiness.-Intense anxiety or nervousness & associated symptoms.This cute word describing the "butterflies in one's stomach” is a fanciful formation from: 2