Use "quantum mechanics" in a sentence

1. Quantum mechanics.

2. Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy I

3. " Well, that's what quantum mechanics teaches us.

4. Quantum mechanics was developed in the 1920s.

5. Short lecture on operator Commutators in quantum mechanics

6. Superfluidity flows from the counterintuitive rules of quantum mechanics.

7. 1Most quantum mechanics books will discuss Commutators in some detail

8. The resolution would lie in the development of quantum mechanics.

9. Of course quantum mechanics underpins life at some molecular level.

10. 11 An explanation for the " uncertainty principle " for Quantum Mechanics.

11. 26 The new theory of quantum mechanics resolved this difficulty.

12. 23 Here, quantum mechanics provides us with a remarkable economy.

13. Geometry, fantastic. You know, quantum mechanics -- these are cool things.

14. I mean, it's all... quantum mechanics and parallel realities with him.

15. In quantum mechanics, particles also behave as waves with complex phases.

16. I mean, it's all quantum mechanics and parallel realities with him.

17. Commutators Operators (or variables in quantum mechanics) do not necessarily commute

18. So quantum mechanics says that inanimate objects feel the same way.

19. 14 Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.

20. He was one of the founders of quantum mechanics in the 1920s.

21. So, Schrödinger speculated that maybe quantum mechanics plays a role in life.

22. At this meeting, he learned of the recent advances in quantum mechanics.

23. The Commutator, defined in section 3.1.2, is very important in quantum mechanics

24. Color and luminescence of biology is explained of standpoint of Quantum Mechanics.

25. Quantum mechanics introduces an important change in the way probabilities are computed.

26. So, in quantum mechanics, of course, you have dark energy and dark matter.

27. Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.

28. literally define who you are, and that's the profound weirdness of quantum mechanics.

29. 5 Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.

30. It doesn't really require much in the way of quantum mechanics to explain it.

31. The experiment also illustrates how thoroughgoing one has to be in applying quantum mechanics.

32. Starting around 1927, Paul Dirac combined quantum mechanics with the relativistic theory of electromagnetism.

33. This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics.

34. 7 Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.

35. 30 In quantum mechanics an auxiliary integral is often introduced to prove uncertainty principle.

36. I've spent more than three decades trying to get my head around quantum mechanics.

37. The simple harmonic and Anharmonic oscillator are two important systems met in quantum mechanics

38. Beginning in 1973, Hawking moved into the study of quantum gravity and quantum mechanics.

39. I don't blame the biologists for not having to or wanting to learn quantum mechanics.

40. 10 A formula athermal effect of bio - microwave is derived in terms of quantum mechanics.

41. 215-735 Phone Numbers Apophylaxis Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics without quantum mechanics? In pride of ownership

42. Yeah , well, it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory around the edges.

43. 2 A formula for athermal effect of bio-microwave is derived in terms of quantum mechanics.

44. The outrageous idea comes from the strange world... of quantum mechanics... the science of the atom.

45. String theory, which unites gravity with quantum mechanics, offered the hope of explaining the attenuated cosmological constant.

46. A Commutator in quantum mechanics tells us if we can measure two 'observables' at the same time

47. And so they wrote down all these observations, and they called it the theory of quantum mechanics.

48. In Quantum Mechanics, we understand this wave-particle duality using (complex) probability Amplitudes which satisfy a wave equation

49. Synonyms for Atomology include nuclear physics, atomics, atomistics, nucleonics, particle physics, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, quantum physics and …

50. The Heisenberg group is a connected nilpotent Lie group of dimension 3, playing a key role in quantum mechanics.

51. This information age, of course, came about because of semiconductors and solid-state physics, which were enabled by quantum mechanics.

52. 14 Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.

53. The first model of quantum mechanics (Heisenberg, 1925) represented the theory's operators by infinite-dimensional matrices acting on quantum states.

54. It is not surprising, therefore, that quantum mechanics has given rise to an alternative version of the Big Bang theory.

55. There are many synonyms of Atomology which include Atomics, Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics, Atomistics, Nucleonics, Quantum Physics, etc.

56. 16 But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.

57. Oliver Crasser's 5 research works with 66 citations and 99 reads, including: COULD FRESNEL OPTICS BE QUANTUM MECHANICS IN PHASE SPACE?

58. Interpretation of values of a wave function as the probability amplitude is a pillar of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

59. Quantum optics is not just theoretical; some modern devices, such as lasers, have principles of operation that depend on quantum mechanics.

60. In 1932, he proved conjectures by Hermann Weyl on spectral theory, arising from the application of group theory to quantum mechanics.

61. Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.

62. 20 The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.

63. His discoveries helped usher in the era of modern physics, laying the foundation for such fields as special relativity and quantum mechanics.

64. Max Born, German physicist who shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1954 with Walther Bothe for his probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics

65. As Einstein put it, he didn't believe quantum mechanics could be true... because it required that there be spooky action at a distance.

66. It makes " What the Bleep Do We Know " seem like a doctoral dissertation from Harvard on quantum mechanics -- that's how bad it is.

67. John Bell showed that this EPR paradox led to experimentally testable differences between quantum mechanics and theories that rely on added hidden variables.

68. Computation is what you do when you calculate something, like a simple math problem or something involving quantum mechanics or — worse — even your taxes.

69. Since the Schrödinger equation is only valid for non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the solutions it yields for the hydrogen atom are not entirely correct.

70. This result, that light sometimes behaves like a particle and sometimes behaves like a wave, led to a revolutionary new physics theory called quantum mechanics.

71. Crouch explains extremely complex ideas on quantum mechanics and other aspects of the laws of physics in a way that just flows off the page

72. This usage is traced to early discussions of reversible adiabatic processes in classical and quantum mechanics, processes that came to be referred to simply as adiabatic.

73. Brane, an object extended in one or more spatial dimensions, which arises in string theory and other proposed unified theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity

74. This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.

75. While the concept of waves being associated with matter is correct, de Broglie did not leap directly to the final understanding of quantum mechanics with no missteps.

76. Our research provides a fundamental understanding of the relationship between the surface energy of cement phases (the phases in Clinker) and their electronic structure using quantum mechanics

77. The optical rotatory power of methane derivatives depending on substituent properties is discussed by means of quantum mechanics following an algebraic theory for this molecular class [17].

78. With the development of quantum mechanics in the beginning of the 20th century came the concept that mathematical operations could be performed on an entire particle wavefunction.

79. It offers a critique of classical determinism, establishing an analogy between the laws of quantum mechanics and social science and arguing that both are intrinsically linked to probability.

80. The self-adjoint form of the classical equation of motion of the harmonic oscillator is used to derive a Hamiltonian-like equation and the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics.