Use "quantified" in a sentence

1. Quantified biostatics terrenes Torhert Beclothes noncatholicity solonchak

2. Perfection is never qualified or quantified, making it therefore unattainable.

3. Brucine can be detected and quantified using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

4. Most environmental methods require individual Analytes to be identified and quantified

5. Researchers successfully quantified bone mineralisation, complete stiffness tensor and pore network morphology.

6. In algebraic logic: Variables are tacitly universally quantified over some universe of discourse.

7. The study quantified less articulatory undershoot for velar stops in comparison to Alveolars

8. And the economist Jeff Sachs has actually quantified what this means for a society.

9. Averagely linear-quantified fingerprint method provided accurate qualitative and quantitative similarities for chromatogr …

10. Mononuclear phagocytes in tumors cannot be reliably identified and quantified using morphological criteria alone.

11. Aneuploidy is usually quantified by measuring intracellular DNA content or chromosome structure and number

12. Similarly to logic languages, functional logic languages provide search for solutions for existentially quantified variables.

13. Employing Distortion Compensated Roentgen Analysis, rotational and translational motion at adjacent levels was quantified prospectively.

14. However, no claims for adjustment were made and none of the alleged differences was quantified

15. Yet the climate impacts of plant structural trait Acclimations remain to be tested and quantified

16. Their objective was to develop a model which quantified the permeability of rock as drilling proceeded.

17. Synonyms for Calibrated include determined, measured, calculated, quantified, assessed, checked, evaluated, appraised, computed and gauged

18. But can the numbers and purchasing power of those following the Yuppy life-style be quantified?

19. • Caregiver strain was quantified using a modified three-item version of Robinson's (1983) Caregiver Strain Index (CSI).

20. These risk-related aspects are never pointed out or quantified in a substantiated manner in the letters.

21. Also, since all variables are assumed universally quantified, there is never any need for an explicit quantifier.

22. Accuracy of the estimators was quantified using median bias and interquartile ranges of the stochastic growth rate estimates.

23. The reactivity of perbenzoylated thioglycosides with various thiol aglycons has been compared and quantified using competitive glycosylation experiments.

24. The claim may be used only for food which contains 1 g of activated charcoal per quantified portion.

25. A proposed stratigraphic framework for Canadian glaciogenic sequences can be quantified, allowing insights into ice sheet dynamics.

26. An audio frequency signal is quantified in a CELP-type encoder or the like using perceptual weighting.

27. The amount of virus in the sample can be quantified with sufficient accuracy to detect threefold changes.

28. Subjective pain perception, quantified by the McNab score, clearly improved after 3 as well as 6 months.

29. Certain things, such as electric charge, bank balances, or dates are quantified by numbers of this kind.

30. 16 Objective To evaluate the effect of quantified diet guidance on postoperative bowel movement of hemorrhoid patients.

31. The proposed SPC is a measurable standard for object priority that can be quantified and calculated using Arank.

32. They included air emissions, waterborne effluents, solid wastes and other environmental releases quantified throughout the entire life cycle.

33. Sediment fluxes were quantified by calculating accumulation rates (g·cm−2·my−1) of terrigenous and calcareous biogenic sediment components.

34. Shear bond strength was tested after bracket bonding, and the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) scores were quantified after debonding.

35. The isometric strength of the hip Abductors and external rotators was quantified using a belt-stabilized handheld dynamometer

36. Therefore, all supply chain requirements must be quantified in terms of key performance indicators as economical target goals.

37. At the end of the experimental period, the extent and severity of coronary and iliac artery Atheroscleroses were quantified.

38. The portion of the sample that does not dissolve is weighed and quantified as "Andf" (Neutral Detergent

39. Similarly, insects and land snail shells are identified, sorted and quantified in the same way as animal and plant remains.

40. Previous development may also have left old foundations, concrete slabs and basements which must be identified and quantified for additional cost.

41. Kent also seems to have been the major importer of garnet, although the actual amount that survives has not been quantified.

42. After clean up on silica gel (disposable extraction columns) 16-O-methylcafestol was quantified by HPLC and absorbance at 220 nm.

43. Deviations from the Corresponding States Principle quantified by the Pitzer acentric factor are considered to describe these short range order effects.

44. 25 Similarly, insects and land snail shells are identified, sorted and quantified in the same way as animal and plant remains.

45. Berthing loads are quantified in terms of transfer of kinetic energy of the vessel into potential energy dissipated by the fender(s)

46. However, the abundance of Brucite has not been quantified in oceanic serpentinite and its fate and related chemical fluxes remain uncertain.

47. Compression tests are not currently available for small aggregates comprised of soft, low-strength materials, and Young' s modulus is not quantified.

48. 16 Kent also seems to have been the major importer of garnet, although the actual amount that survives has not been quantified.

49. In order to calculate the gross grant equivalent of the aid, each of these elements must be quantified and the algebraic sum worked out

50. The extent of Aerenchyma development in all experiments was quantified by tissue porosity measurements by pycnometry, similar to the method described by Jensen et al.

51. A novel Averagely linear-quantified fingerprint method was proposed and successfully applied to monitor the quality consistency of alkaloids in powdered poppy capsule extractive

52. In order to calculate the gross grant equivalent of the aid, each of these elements must be quantified and the algebraic sum worked out.

53. The concentrations of puerarin, daidzin and daidzein in commercial extract of Puerariae radix were simultaneously quantified by a gradient high performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC).

54. The degree to which a Collision is elastic or inelastic is quantified by the coefficient of restitution, a value that generally ranges between zero and one.

55. The amount of ALB secreted into the medium was quantified by using a mouse ALB ELISA quantitation kit (Bethyl) under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer

56. While water clarity has been scrutinized and routinely measured for more than five decades, the Blueness of the lake has never been quantified scientifically, until recently.

57. Hippocampal CA3 neurons were traced using camera lucida, and dendritic branching points (a measure of dendritic Arborization) and intersections (a measure of dendritic length) were quantified.

58. I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified- - but I do have an I.Q. of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.

59. Include all relevant technical data (measurements, calibration certificates, analytical standards, accreditations, maps, sampling logs etc....) so as to ensure, at final cessation, a valid quantified comparison can be made.

60. Iron-oxidizing autotrophs and acidophilic heterotrophs were quantified at an incubation temperature of 18 °C in several samples obtained from the bioleaching areas of two uranium mines in Ontario, Canada.

61. In the absence of an actuarial evaluation for these pension rights, the financial impact on the (provision for) ‘Employee benefits’ and on the economic outturn account cannot be quantified.

62. Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an I.Q. Of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 000 words per minute.

63. We quantified specific leaf area (SLA), specific leaf nitrogen (SLN), net photosynthesis (A), transpiration, stomatal conductance, and net canopy photosynthetic index (CNPI) from cotton with and without aboveground and belowground interactions.

64. ‘Bodyless’ is a surreal VR experience based on the director’s childhood memory during Taiwan’s martial law period in the 1970s, when human qualities were simplified and quantified with few characteristics recognized and measured by the ruling class.

65. By taking a ratio of AF emission spectra integrals between different excitation wavelengths, a standard is created wherein changes in AF ratios within a tooth are quantified and serve as indicators of early stage enamel demineralization.

66. We quantified the amount of C stored in aboveground plant biomass, standing dead timber, downed dead wood, surface organic soil, and mineral soil in 11 jack pine stands that had burned between 1 and 72 years previously.

67. ‘Hybridization signals were visualized by an Autoradiogram and a bio-imaging analyser.’ ‘There were still, however, strains that appeared to be pure types, from the diagnostic bands on the Autoradiogram.’ ‘Band intensities were quantified by densitometry of the Autoradiogram.’

68. Cultured androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cells were treated with tectorigenin of 100 μM for 24 hours. The mRNA-expression of AR, PSA, PDEF, hTERT, TIMP-3 and IGF-R-1 were quantified by real-time RT-PCR.

69. Here, in addition to visualizing these patterns, we quantified the underlying intuition by defining the “Assortedness” and “extensive intersection” features, which are necessary and sufficient for combinatorial activation, and applied this approach to both model solutions as well as experimental data.

70. An abstract relationship between the PMI obligations and the costs of each PMI insurer is not sufficient and does not meet the requirement that the RES be strictly limited to any (clearly quantified) costs arising from the PMI obligations.

71. In this case we report on a male patient with CAD. Mycardial blood flow at rest and during adenosine-induced hyperemia 2 hours after consumption of decaffeinated coffee and again without caffeine intake were quantified by ammonia PET.

72. ‘Rank was ascertained by observation of Agonistic interactions between study animals.’ ‘In July 1997, we quantified only chases directed at other fish (some of which concluded with nips at other fish) because this was the most prevalent Agonistic behavior we observed.’

73. In this report, the dissolution rate of Autunite will be quantified as a function of different concentrations of aqueous bicarbonate (0.5 – 100 mM), and the effect of different variables, pH (7 – 11) and temperature (23 – 40 °C), will be evaluated in

74. Ascertainable loss would exist as an element ofstanding, it would exist as an element to avoid dismissal, and it would exist to find liability, but if an equitable remedy “undoes” a proven, quantified Ascertainable loss, the loss would only provide a basis for

75. Option 3: Include a long-term trajectory for developed countries that should be quantified and be an absolute number; for developing country Parties to be encouraged to develop a long-term green and low-carbon development strategy, plan or programme, as appropriate;

76. For 282 Analytes quantified in plasma and CSF, we assessed differences among the 4 groups and interactions between LRRK2 and PD status, using analysis of covariance models adjusted by age, study site cohort, and sex, with p value corrections for multiple comparisons.

77. Other important theoretical developments included the inception of alternative theories to general relativity, in particular, scalar-tensor theories such as the Brans–Dicke theory; the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism in which deviations from general relativity can be quantified; and the framework of the equivalence principle.

78. ‘The chromatogram produced can then be used to give an Autoradiograph so the compounds that the radioactive material has been incorporated into can be readily identified.’ ‘The Autoradiographs were scanned with a densitometer, and the signals were quantified.’ ‘We assessed band sharing on polyacrylamide gel Autoradiographs.’

79. Akrasia Akrasia horizon api bee-all best-of bugs buzz case studies commitment contracts commitment devices competition dog food economics FAQ fitness food force majeure get everything done guest posts integrations lifehacks mark forster meta money navel-gazing nerdery new features press productivity porn PSA psychology quantified self

80. * Given their overwhelming contribution to the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere and continuing high levels of GHG emissions, developed countries must take quantified time bound targets and deliver truly ambitious and absolute greenhouse gas emissions reductions under the Kyoto Protocol after 2012 with comparability of efforts among them.