Use "quadratic utility function" in a sentence

1. The function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is the quadratic function.

2. That's one example of a utility function.

3. How do you determine the Concavity of a quadratic function? For a quadratic function #f(x)=ax^2+bx+c#, if #a>0#, then #f# is concave upward everywhere, if #a<0#

4. Solving Adfected quadratic equations (Part 1) Solving Adfected quadratic equations (Part 2) Solving Adfected quadratic equations (Part 3) Sketching quadratic graphs …

5. Every element in a utility network provides some function that is of interest in the utility network.

6. So that's going to be a standard kind of utility function.

7. let's say my utility function now is U of X and money is this function of X.

8. These curves are drawn -- these are a mathematical representative of this utility function.

9. Moreover it is shown how to calculate the utility function — if it exists.

10. These are points among which you're indifferent if you have that utility function.

11. That's the derivative of the utility function with respect to prices, du/ dp.

12. Well, from this utility function you have to say if I bought one ticket I'd have a utility of forty- four minus

13. This method includes fixed cost in generation and transmission cost optimization function and a quadratic programming model is proposed.

14. First, an optimal controller was designed subject to a generalized linear quadratic performance index to shape the target feedback loop function.

15. But as recipes for body-building[sentencedict .com], they have a distinct Utility Function.

16. 9 Usually the relationship can be represented by a linear, quadratic, or cubic function on an arithmetic or logarithmic scale.

17. The Multi-Attribute Utility Approach proposed by Ahituv (1980) is based on an additive utility function for the attributes of Timeliness, Content and Format.

18. A new term utility function helps resolve the quantity versus quality issue for search results.

19. It is even so with classes that have fulfilled their function and outlived their utility .

20. The spectral distribution function of viscosity has been introduced. Examples are given for its utility.

21. The loglib utility program funtionality has been re-implemented with the con_compileloglib User Language function.

22. You will always get the same ranking with a monotone transformation of the utility function.

23. In elementary algebra, the quadratic formula is the solution of the quadratic equation.

24. So here we have a utility function which is increasing the number of tickets you hold.

25. This surrogate utility function assists in estimating how much water is necessary for irrigated crop production.

26. What do quadratic Approximations look like

27. Quadratic splines need at least # points

28. The final decision is a function of both the theory of probability and the theory of utility.

29. Vector form of multivariable quadratic Approximation

30. An Adfected quadratic equation is a type of quadratic equation in which x term must be present

31. The quadratic equation defines a parabola.

32. The approximation of a global utility function from local preferences is developped and applied in an interactive model.

33. In elementary Algebra, the quadratic formula is a formula that provides the solution(s) to a quadratic equation

34. Which is now, let's put together -- we know what your preferences are, we've mathematically represented those by utility function.

35. A quadratic phase factor and DOG wavelet transform function are introduced into traditional matched filter to sharpen correlation peak, which is fabricated by computer generated hologram.

36. The Response of Consumption to Predictable Income Changes Earlier attempts at testing the implication of the theory that the marginal utility is a martingale relied on the special case of quadratic preferences.

37. The utility model has the function of carrying out the combustion experiment of the inflammable gas and chemical reactivity regarding properties.

38. Under suitable assumptions, this method possesses locally quadratic convergence.

39. His main publications were on quadratic forms and algebraic groups.

40. Ax 2 + bx + c = 0 is Adfected quadratic equation

41. The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equation.

42. But only with quadratic equations, coordinate geometry and algebraic visualisations.

43. The American Bulldog is a powerfully built dog whose original function was that of a farm utility dog and family companion and protector

44. Now we present a general utility function, which not only contains the functions, named above, as special cases but also additional preference conceptions.

45. So you see why I use the word I. i in I, and what is it that characterizes every individual, a utility function.

46. Codified Likeness Utility.

47. Passenger utility conduit

48. In this thesis algorithms for quadratic programming problems are researched.

49. Akonadi Tray Utility

50. KWin helper utility

51. All right, four steps to derive the quadratic formula are shown below.

52. In addition, the Utility Guidelines require that the application disclose a clear function of the gene; merely stating that it is interesting is not sufficient.

53. One boy was solving a quadratic equation, another was engaged with Euclid.

54. See, normally in school, you do things like solve quadratic equations.

55. KHTML Regression Testing Utility

56. KDE Background Screenshot Utility

57. The assemblage of printable Algebra worksheets encompasses topics like translating phrases, evaluating and simplifying Algebraic expressions, solving equations, graphing linear and quadratic equations, comprehending linear and quadratic functions, inequalities

58. KDE Screen Grabbing Utility

59. Powerful auto-Backdooring utility

60. The standard form of quardic equation is known as Adfected quadratic equation

61. The rate of convergence of the Gauss–Newton algorithm can approach quadratic.

62. The Cormorant Utility Services Group of Companies provides comprehensive solutions to the utility power sector

63. The utility model has the functions of switching operation, electric potential operation, data direct operation, etc. , and can realize trace function by externally connecting an integrated amplifier.

64. By 1545 Gerolamo Cardano compiled the works related to the quadratic equations.

65. Through native soils, along utility Backfills, or if contaminated groundwater is entering utility pipes (e.g

66. The utility model has the advantages of rational structure, reliable performance, multiple use with time and labour saving , which also can be used with a single function.

67. CORSAIR Utility Engine (Cue) Software

68. KDE free disk space utility

69. Frothing Madness Bloodfury Savage Utility

70. In mathematics, Completing the square is often applied in any computation involving quadratic polynomials.

71. Vitalik’s Cryptograph is his hand drawn representation of this groundbreaking Quadratic Funding formula.

72. KDE cut & paste history utility

73. Batman has a utility belt.

74. 3 : DOS Flash utility: Features--The flash utility is a combination of AMI and AWARD Bios …

75. Solution of linear, quadratic, cubic, biquadratic, reciprocal and fractional algebraic equations and inequalities.

76. The characterizations, which involve explicit algebraic criteria related to the parameter values of the random variables and utility function, are evaluated using monthly and yearly stock price data.

77. Competence can include the knowledge and skills needed to solve a quadratic equation

78. Which quadratic funtion, when graphed, has x- intercepts of 4 and minus 3?

79. Now, in particular, your marginal utility for pizzas at that point -- what's the marginal utility for pizzas?

80. In particular, it's the negative of the marginal utility of movies over the marginal utility of pizza.