Use "pyroxene" in a sentence

1. Notably, in the LFB, the Aluminous A-type granites never contain pyroxene or olivine, although some Ba-rich A-type volcanic rocks contain pyroxene

2. Augite is a solid solution in the pyroxene group

3. Augite, diopside, jadeite and spodumene are four of the best-known members of the pyroxene group; however, the pyroxene group has many other members

4. Pyroxene and feldspar are the major minerals in basalt and gabbro.

5. Augite is a single chain inosilicate mineral and member of pyroxene group

6. Most Basalt rocks are primarily composed of the minerals pyroxene and feldspar

7. Augite fassaite; Augite pyroxene mineral; Augite; Pyroxene is a set of essential rock-forming inosilicate minerals discovered in many igneous and metamorphic rocks.Pyroxenes have the general components is XY(Si,Al)2O6

8. Augite the most common pyroxene that has end members of hedenbergite and diopiside

9. The rock is gray-brown basic basalt, and predominantly composed of plagioclase and pyroxene and secondarily Cryptocrystalline with porphyritic structure. The phenocrysts are dominated by plagioclase and pyroxene minerals

10. Adjectival modifiers for pyroxene mineral names are defined to indicate unusual amounts of chemical constituents. This report includes a list of 105 previously used pyroxene names that have been formally discarded by the Commission.

11. Most samples contain Albitic plagioclase, and relict pyroxene is common in mafic rocks

12. Augite is a part of an important solid solution series of the pyroxene group

13. Anorthite ARCs are dominated by pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts, which generally have high Mg-numbers, contain Fe–Ni metal nodules, and have crystalline mesostasis composed of silica, Anorthite, and high-Ca pyroxene (Krot and Keil, 2002)

14. Basalt is rich in iron and magnesium and is mainly composed of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase.

15. Lath-shaped plagioclase is Albite in composition and pyroxene has been mainly replaced by tremolite

16. Augite definition: a black or greenish-black mineral of the pyroxene group, found in igneous rocks

17. Basalt - the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark grey fine-grained igneous rock that is composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene pyroxene - any of a group of crystalline silicate mineral common in igneous and metamorphic rocks

18. Basaltic cinders are often red, coloured by oxidised iron from weathered iron-rich minerals such as pyroxene

19. The remaining 20 to 25 percent comprises hornblende-Biotite gneiss, amphibolite with or without pyroxene, and pegmatite

20. The key difference between pyroxene and Amphibole is that the pyroxene is a form of inosilicate, which contains single chains of SiO 3 tetrahedra whereas the Amphibole is a form of inosilicate, which contains double chain SiO 4 tetrahedra.

21. Enstatite is a mineral; the magnesium endmember of the pyroxene silicate mineral series enstatite (MgSiO3) - ferrosilite (FeSiO3).

22. Anhedral plagioclase is interstitial to augite and olivine, and subhedral, reddish-brown phlogopite is interstitial to plagioclase and pyroxene

23. A linear algebraic model for the sequence-independent calculation of pyroxene components of microprobe analyses is presented.

24. Augite is a mineral from the pyroxene group, a collection of minerals that form as magma is cooling

25. Jadeite is a pyroxene, silicate of aluminum, and was not used in China to any extent until 1784.

26. Chondrite is a stony meteorite that contains chondrules embedded in a fine matrix of the silicate minerals olivine and pyroxene

27. Pyroxene and Amphiboles are two forms of silicate minerals that differ from each other mainly according to their chemical structure

28. Eclogites contain garnet (almandine) + Ca–Na pyroxene + phengitic mica + zoisite–clinozoisite + quartz ± Ca–Na amphibole (barroisite, katophorite) ± albitic plagioclase ± rutile.

29. Augite The most common pyroxene, Augite is named after the Greek word Augites, which means “brightness”—a reference to its occasional shiny appearance

30. Biotites are associated with nepheline, pyroxene (ti-tan-augite), zeolite (primarily phillipsite and thom-sonite), and, more rarely, apatite and carbonate

31. Chondrite [ kŏn ′drīt′ ] A stony meteorite that contains chondrules embedded in a fine matrix of the silicate minerals olivine and pyroxene

32. Exhibiting 2 perpendicular planes of cleavage and a white streak, Augite is an ideal pyroxene to use for mineral identification and physical property exercises.

33. Augite (countable and uncountable, plural Augites) A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks, such as basalt

34. Andesites contain crystals composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar and one or more of the minerals pyroxene (clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene) and lesser amounts of hornblende.

35. The prismatic cleavage angle of Amphiboles is about 56° and 124°, while the pyroxene cleavage angle is about 87° and 93°.

36. Albitic jadeite, by contrast, a Na-rich analogue of tissintite, is super-silicic, vacancy-rich pyroxene with excess Si coordinated in the octahedral M1 site.

37. ‘As cooling continues, plagioclase (a mixture of two kinds of aluminum silicates) and the pyroxene mineral Augite (a magnesium silicate mixed with some iron) form.’

38. Augite is a common rock-forming pyroxene mineral with formula (Ca,Na) (Mg,Fe,Al,Ti) (Si,Al) 2 O 6. The crystals are monoclinic and prismatic

39. Description: Augite is the most common mineral in the pyroxene family. It has many varieties due to the variation in chemistry possible in its complex coupled solid solution series

40. Augite Augite is a member of the pyroxene group of simple silicates, in which the SiO 4 tetrahedra are linked by sharing two of their four corners to form continuous chains

41. Epidote–amphibolite facies include the critical assemblage calcic pyroxene + calcic amphibole (magnesiohornblende and pargasite) + muscovite + garnet + plagioclase + epidote ± quartz, whereas greenschist facies is defined by the assemblage actinolite + albitic plagioclase + epidote + chlorite.

42. Strictly speaking, the name “Anorthosite” is applied to a rock composed of 90 to 100 of calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar and small amounts of high temperature minerals like pyroxene, olivine, magnetite (Fe3O4) or ilmenite (FeTiO3).

43. Augite, the most common pyroxene mineral (a silicate of calcium, magnesium, iron, titanium, and aluminum). It occurs chiefly as thick, tabular crystals in basalts, gabbros, andesites, and various other dark-coloured igneous rocks

44. In some cases, felsic volcanic rocks may contain phenocrysts of mafic minerals, usually hornblende, pyroxene or a feldspar mineral, and may need to be named after their phenocryst mineral, such as 'hornblende-bearing felsite'.

45. Geologic unit mapped in Oregon: Lava flows and flow breccia of hypersthene and olivine andesite, Basaltic andesite containing plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts, and basalt; many flows contain phenocrysts of both hypersthene and augite

46. Augite is an important rock-forming mineral, and large crystals are fairly common. It is the most widespread member of the pyroxene group, and it frequently alter s to many other minerals, including Hornblende, Chlorite, and Epidote

47. The mineralogical study shows that the center of the principal flow is made of albitic dolerite with preserved pyroxene and albite and that the boundaries up to one meter and also the lower flow have a spilitic composition.

48. Augite - dark-green to black glassy mineral of the pyroxene group containing large amounts of aluminum and iron and magnesium mineral - solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

49. Andesite Andesiteis a gray to black volcanic rock with between about 52 and 63 weight percent silica(SiO2). Andesitescontain crystals composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar and one or more of the minerals pyroxene (clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene) and lesser amounts of hornblende.

50. Augite is a rock-forming mineral of the pyroxene group commonly found within igneous and metamorphic rocks. Because its chemical structure is highly variable, Augite might be considered by some to be its own group of minerals rather than an individual mineral

51. Bandaite agglomerate matrix (weathered surface) Montserrat, West Indies Path from Blake's to Trant's, Centre Hills, Montserrat (1936) M : 77 1937 MR 16438: Porous glassy hornblendic xenolith in hornblende pyroxene Bandaite Montserrat, West Indies Field between Galway's and White River Ghaut, Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat (1936)

52. Dal*—diorite and Andesinite: dark gray 2-pyroxene diorite and hornblende metadiorite-light gray Andesinite dall—Bluish green with purple tint (RS) dalz—Dark yellowish green (RS) gs* Granitic rocks, zoisite-biotite-quartz diorite, granodiorite, and quartz mon- zonite gs1—Medium olive green with bluish tint gs2—Olive green (RS)

53. Chondrite Stony meteorite; the majority of Chondrites are characterized by the presence of chondrules, and they constitute about 86% of meteorite falls.The principal minerals they contain are olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, troilite, and the iron-nickel minerals kamacite and taenite.Chondrites are grouped according to their petrological type (texture, crystal structure, etc.) into six

54. Sharma S K, Simons B, Yoder H S (1983) Raman study of Anorthite, calcium Tschermak's pyroxene, and gehlenite in crystalline and glassy states, American Mineralogist, 68, 1113-1125 Wenk H R, Kroll H (1984) Analysis of P-1, I-1, and C-1 plagioclase structures, Bulletin de Minéralogie, 107, 467-487

55. Most of the eclogites examined are of the almandine-jadeite type and zonal and irregular variation in grossular content of garnet and acmite, jadeite and diopside-hedenbergite content of pyroxene produce large uncertainties in temperature estimates based on Fe/Mg partitioning between garnet and clinopyroxene. Zoning pattems of increasingXMg in both clinopyroxene and garnet, and increasingXJd in clinopyroxene, suggest the introduction of Mg and Na throughout the evolution of these essentially bimineralic assemblages.