Use "pyrites" in a sentence

1. She was carrying a cargo of pyrites.

2. 30 The scientists warn that the deposits of pyrites are too large to neutralize by liming.

3. It may also be accompanied by pyrites, galena, Arsenides and antimonides, quartz, calcite, dolomite, …

4. Gold is often present, and in many gold-mining districts the precious metal is obtained mainly from Auriferous pyrites.

5. Arsenopyrite is the most common arsenic mineral and gets its name from the combination of its former name: aresenical pyrites

6. It shows the closest trace-element affinity to pyrites from the Barberton Mountain Land, the source area model for the Witwatersrand sediments.

7. Those of Telkebanya, to the south of Kaschau, are in a deposit of Auriferous pyrites amid trap rocks of the most recent formation

8. When the heap of pyrites had been entirely reduced by fire, the result of the operation, consisting of sulphate of iron, sulphate of alumina, flint, remains of coal, and cinders was placed in a Basinful of water.

9. Arsenopyrite (är'sĭnōpī`rīt, ärsĕn`ō–) or mispickel (mĭs`pĭkəl), silver-white to steel-gray mineral with the metallic luster characteristic of a pyrite pyrite or iron pyrites, pale brass-yellow mineral, the bisulfide of iron, FeS 2.It occurs most commonly in crystals (belonging to the isometric system and usually in the form of cubes and pyritohedrons) but is also found in massive